| - 有两个商人让恐怖分子绑架了.
Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists. - 去年一年中,本公司的男装销售率成长了百分之三十。
Last year we achieved 30% increase in the sales of our businessmen's suits. - 他和他的妻子一年前分居了。
He and his wife busted up a year ago. - 吉姆和他的太太一年前分居了。
Jim and his wife bust up a year ago. - 各种集会和会议是杜塞尔多夫繁忙的日常生活中极其重要的一部分。这个城市就像一台润滑良好的机器一样,平稳而高效地为其日常商务观光者提供服务。
Conventions and congresses are very much a part of the hustle and bustle of daily life in Dusseldorf and, like a well-oiled machine, the city caters for its regular business visitors with calm efficiency. - 一个好事的女人;自以为是的发布令人讨厌的命令;对他人的事过分殷勤。
an interfering old woman; bustling about self-importantly making an officious nuisance of himself; busy about other people's business. - 旁边另一个看见此事的人克雷格·布卢知道抓已经来不及了--但他立即想到把卡车的车号记住--不出几分钟警察就抓住了汉森。
Bystander Craig Blue knew it was too late for that? ? but thinking quickly,he memorized the truck's license plate number and police arrested Hanson within minutes. - utf-8的编码要求是,在传送的xml数据前加上一个可选的三位字符顺序标志(byteordermark,bom)。这个bom不需要包括解码所需要的信息,但需要告诉接收程序在数据中出现的双字节对中的字符顺序。通过进一步的分析就可以知道接收到的xml文档中包含的是ascii字符还是unicode字符。bom不需要实现这个分析。对于操作入口站点(operatorsite)而言,在处理接收的消息前,去除bom是安全的。
Unicode UTF-8 allows data to be transmitted with an optional three-byte signature, also known as Byte Order Mark (BOM), preceding the XML data. This signature does not contain information that is useful for decoding the contents; but, in the case of UTF-8, tells the receiving program that the rest of the text is in UTF-8. Its presence makes no difference to the endianness of the byte stream as UTF-8 always has the same byte order. The BOM is not part of the textual content, and it is safe for Operator Sites to remove the BOM prior to processing messages received. - 目前,ipv4采用32位地址,这些地址有4个字节,中间用点来分开。
Currently, IPv4 uses 32-bit addresses, which are represented as 4 bytes with dots between them. - 在c和c++中,sizeof()运算符能满足我们的一项特殊需要:获知为数据项目分配的字符数量。
In C and C++, the sizeof( ) operator satisfies a specific need: it tells you the number of bytes allocated for data items. - 光盘上每分钟的音乐大约需要10兆字节的存储空间,通过28.8k位/秒的调制解调器下载要花一小时不到一点的时间。
Each minute of music on a compact disc needs approximately 10M bytes of storage space and takes a bit less than an hour to download via 28.8K bit/sec. modem. - 中国国际航空公司(简称国航)711航班下午3点20分离港。
CA Flight 711 departs at 20 p. m. - 过10分钟会有一辆出租汽车到那儿。
A cab will be there in ten minutes. - 当然也可以在街上叫出租。因为在大多数城市里叫出租并非十分便当,所以可翻一下电话号码簿里的黄页打电话到出租汽车公司,让他们派车到你处。
Of course, he can also stop a cab on the street, but that's not easy in many cities, it's actually easier to call a taxi company listed in the Yellow Pages of a telephone directory and ask them to send a cab to your door. - 烹调洋白菜时把水分滤掉。
Strain off the water from the cabbage when it is cooked. - 菜农每隔约30公分种一颗大白菜。
The vegetable farmers space out the Chinese cabbage about 30cm apart. - 一种十分硬的卷心菜,叶卷曲,往往细裂,不形成头状。
a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head. - 反对党利用内阁的分歧而捞取(政治)资本.
The Opposition parties made (political) capital out of the disagreements within the Cabinet. - 一种动力分配线或动力分配电缆。
A power distribution line or cable. - 分开的守车顺着斜坡滑下来了。
the uncoupled caboose rolled down the incline. - 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。
By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole, chasse were steps codified by then). - 保证高速缓存一致性的工作由硬件和操作系统共同分担。
He job of cache coherency is done partially by the hardware and partially by the operating system. - 现在,该公司在其分布全国的30台pointcast服务器上每台都装了高性能的数据缓存。
The company now uses a high-performance data cache on each of PointCast's 30 point servers distributed across the country. - 有些处理器的高速缓存既包含数据也包含指令,但有些将其分成两部分。
Some processors have one cache to contain both instructions and data, but others have two, one for instructions and the other for data. - 如果目的ip地址为本地的,该路由器就搜寻存储着ip地址和本地设备介质访问控制(mac)地址的内部存储器,这个存储器叫作地址分辨协议(arp)高速缓存。
If the destination IP address is local, the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and local-device media access control addresses.This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. - 一个多分枝树状或灌木般的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色。
genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white. - 热带美洲一个仙人掌属,通常高大,分枝,粗壮刺,花漏斗形,果实球形或卵圆形,可食。
tropical American cacti usually tall and branching with stout spines and funnel-shaped flowers and globular or ovoid often edible fruit. - 果隙,细隙仙人球上的小的,特殊的,衬垫状区域,从该处可长出毛丝、倒钩、刺、分支或花
A small, specialized, cushionlike area on a cactus from which hairs, glochids, spines, branches, or flowers may arise. - 尾章一个主题或乐句的结尾部分;(音乐)终止
The concluding part of a phrase or theme; a cadence. - (音乐)分段音乐作品中含两个或两个以上乐章的组曲,由八或十六音位组成并以和弦结尾
A group of two or more phrases within a composition, made up of8 or16 measures and terminating with a cadence. - 独奏华彩段在正常的乐句间或乐曲的合唱部分间的暂停时刻表演的爵士乐独奏华彩段
A solo jazz cadenza played during the pause between the regular phrases or choruses of a melody. - 他讨得20美分。
He cadged 20 cents.