  • 中国这样的底子,人口这样多,耕地这样少,劳动生产率、财政收支、外贸进口都不可能一下子大幅度提高,国民收入的增长速度不可能很快。
    Because China has such weak economic foundations, such a huge population and so little arable land, we cannot greatly increase our labour productivity, revenues and expenditures and volume of exports and imports overnight;nor can our national income grow very rapidly.
  • 中国的人均耕地面积在世界上是比较少的,你们比我们更少,但是搞得很好,成为一个农产品口大国,我们要向你们学习。
    China's average per capita amount of arable land is small, and yours is even smaller, but you have been successful in your work, and your country has become a big exporter of farm products. So we should learn from you.
  • 二是研究提西部地区农村经济发展、重点基础设施建设、生态环境保护和建设、结构调整、资源开发以及重大项目布局的建议,组织和协调退耕还林(草)规划的实施和落实。
    Second, to study and put forward proposals on rural economic development, important infrastructure construction, protection and construction of ecology and environment, structure readjustment, resource development and the arrangement of important projects and organize and coordinate the implementation of the plan for changing arable land into forest and grass.
  • 进一步加强土地管理法制建设围绕《土地管理法》的实施,加快配套法规的建设,2001年国土资源部台了一系列部门规章,对于强化土地管理,保护耕地,提供了有力的法规保障。
    To enhance the legislation construction of the land management In accordance with the implementation of the Land Management Law, the formulation of the relevant rules and regulations has speed up. In 2001, Ministry of Land Resources issues a series of department rules and regulations, providing strong legal guarantee for enhancing the land management and protecting the arable land.
  • 有时现在旧书纸中的微小的蝎子。
    minute arachnid sometimes found in old papers.
  • 作为一名仲裁人的决定的行动;给权威的判断。
    the act of deciding as an arbiter; giving authoritative judgment.
  • 主宰人有能力或权力做权威决定的人;主宰者
    One having the ability or power to make authoritative decisions; an arbiter.
  • 香港设有自己的终审法院,它是根据香港习惯法作裁决的最终裁决机关。
    We have our own Court of Final Appeal, which is the ultimate arbiter of the common law in Hong Kong.
  • 有危险的套汇;在目标公司同时购买股票并在它可能获利时抛;如果套汇失败可能会损失大量的钱。
    arbitrage involving risk; as in the simultaneous purchase of stock in a target company and sale of stock in its potential acquirer; if the takeover fails the arbitrageur may lose a great deal of money.
  • 同时,实行鼓励口和吸引外资等多种政策,深入开展严厉打击走私和骗汇、逃汇、套汇的斗争,避免了对外贸易和利用外资现大的波动,外汇储备有所增加。
    In order to avoid serious fluctuations in the level of foreign trade and the utilization of foreign funds, we adopted various policies such as encouraging exports and attracting foreign funds and stepped up our efforts to crack down on smuggling and other illegal practices such as obtaining foreign currency under false pretenses, not turning over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage. As a result, our foreign exchange reserves increased somewhat.
  • 希:裁决是怎样做的?
    And how is the arbitral award made?
  • 在中国作裁决,可以在别的国家强制执行吗?
    Is an arbitral award made in China enforceable in another country?
  • 负荷构成所有电子现象(尤指电磁感应力)起因的物质的固有属性,以两种任意命名的形式负和正
    The intrinsic property of matter responsible for all electric phenomena, in particular for the force of the electromagnetic interaction, occurring in two forms arbitrarily designated negative and positive.
  • 如果在讨论中发现重大的意见分歧,而这种分歧并不属于需要立即解决的紧急问题,就应该适当地延长讨论,并且进行个人商谈,以便求得大多数的真正同意,而不应该仓促地进行表决,或者生硬地作结论。
    If in the course of discussion a serious difference of opinion arises, the discussion should be suitably prolonged and conducted between individuals so as to reach real agreement among the great majority, provided this does not affect an urgent matter that needs to be settled immediately. Moreover, nothing should be put to a vote in a hurry, nor should any conclusion be drawn arbitrarily.
  • 若用过大的力量生硬地勉强地从事这些东西的破坏,那就必被土豪劣绅借为口实,提“农民协会不孝祖宗”、“农民协会欺神灭道”、“农民协会主张共妻”等反革命宣传口号,来破坏农民运动。
    If too much of an effort is made, arbitrarily and prematurely, to abolish these things, the local tyrants and evil gentry will seize the pretext to put about such counter-revolutionary propaganda as "the peasant association has no piety towards ancestors", "the peasant association is blasphemous and is destroying religion" and "the peasant association stands for the communization of wives", all for the purpose of undermining the peasant movement.
  • 他被邀请在资方与工会之间(对一严重争端)作仲裁.
    He was asked to arbitrate (a serious dispute) between management and the unions.
  • 您有权提仲裁起诉。
    You have the right of action for arbitration.
  • 如果现了争端,你们怎样仲裁呢?
    How do you conduct arbitration if a dispute occurs?
  • 这就是说,如果我方提仲裁,仲裁地点就在法国。相反,如果贵方提交付仲裁,仲裁地点就在中国。
    That is to say, if we submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is in France and if you submit the case for arbitration, the place for arbitration is in China.
  • 判定,判决决定,如法官或仲裁者所作
    A decision, such as one made by a judge or arbitrator.
  • 腾格拉尔故意阻止卡德鲁斯,后者却要说下去的样子带着醉鬼的拗性,已把头探了凉棚。
    said Danglars, pretending to restrain Caderousse, who, with the tenacity of drunkards, leaned out of the arbor.
  • 他们大约向前走了二十码左右,腾格拉尔回过头来,看见弗尔南多正在弯腰捡起那张揉皱的纸,并塞进他的口袋里,然后冲凉棚,向皮隆方面奔去。
    When they had advanced about twenty yards, Danglars looked back and saw Fernand stoop, pick up the crumpled paper, and putting it into his pocket then rush out of the arbor towards Pillon.
  • 高击高尔夫球赛中将球击一个高弧线的一击
    A golf stroke that drives the ball in a high arc.
  • 向上的路线被击高弧线的球上升期间经过的路线
    The upward course of a ball driven in a high arc.
  • 标枪手之前,身体不得完全转向背对投掷弧。
    Before re1easing the javelin,the competitor may not turn his or her back toward throwing arc.
  • 以高弧线投的行为。
    the act of propelling something (as a ball or shell etc.) in a high arc.
  • 文物图书出版
    Publication of Archaeological Books
  • 最近广泛施工,促使很多珍贵的古物土了。
    Recent extensive construction has resulted in unearthing of many valuable archaeological remains.
  •  "考古挖掘就是这样--一个谜团解开了,却又现了另一个,"北京大学的齐东方教授解释道。
    "Archaeological excavation is just like this - when one mystery is discovered, another comes along," said professor Qi Dongfang from Peking University.
  • 其中一项名为"香港法定古迹"的展览展64项法定古迹和从考古遗址发掘所得文物,另一项名为"香港文物六千年"的展览则介绍香港在不同历史时期的丰富遗物,并着重介绍考古文物和历史建筑物。
    The exhibition Hong Kong's Declared Monuments included 64 declared monuments and relics excavated from archaeological sites. The second exhibition Hong Kong's Heritage - A History of 6 000Years introduced the very rich relics of Hong Kong from different historical periods with an emphasis on archaeological finds and historical buildings.
  • 近日,在以色列土的一件陪葬品上的墓志铭有可能成为迄今年代最久远的能够证实耶酥基督存在的考古证据。专家鉴定,该陪葬品的年代应该是在耶酥殉难后的三十年。
    An inscription on a burial artifact that was recently discovered in Israel appears to provide the oldest archaeological evidence of Jesus Christ, according to an expert who dates it to three decades after the rucifixion.
  • 第十七条 各省、自治区、直辖市文物机构、考古研究机构和高等学校等,为了科学研究进行考古发掘,必须提发掘计划,报国家文化行政管理部门会同中国社会科学院审查,经国家文化行政管理部门批准后,始得进行发掘。
    Article 17 To conduct archaeological excavations for the purpose of scientific research, institutions in charge of cultural relics, institutions for archaeological research and institutions of higher learning in the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit their excavation programmes to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and may not proceed with the excavations until they obtain the approval of the state department for cultural administration.