  • 导游:那真了不起,杭州一直被视为人天堂。
    That's great. Hangzhou has always been known as "the earthly paradise."
  • 它们只得逐渐把照顾过以色列人民的人耶酥,搀和到他们的讲道中去。
    Only gradually did that incorporate into their preaching the earthly Jesus who had ministered to the people of Israel.
  • 前不久英国国王和英国百姓才得到一些人世的消息。那是从远在美洲的英国臣民的国会传来的。说来奇怪,这些信息对于人类的影响竟然比雄鸡巷魔鬼的子孙们的预言还要巨大。
    Mere messages in the earthly order of events had lately come to the English Crown and People, from a congress of British subjects in America: which, strange to relate, have proved more important to the human race than any communications yet received through any of the chickens of the Cock-lane brood.
  • 在我们行进的道路上,给那些被人欲望所断送的人留下我们的宽恕吧,也许一种神圣的希望可以拯救他们,就像那些老婆子在劝人接受她们的治疗方法时所说的:即使没有什么好处,也不会有什么坏处。
    Let us leave along our way the charity of our forgiveness for those whom earthly desires have brought low, who shall perhaps be saved by hope in heaven and, as wise old dames say when they prescribe remedies of their own making, if it dies no good then at least it can do no harm.
  • 我们之的紧张状况已经缓和一些.
    The tension between us has eased off a little.
  • 将车缓慢驶入狭窄空;小心地将董事送出办公室
    Eased the car into a narrow space; eased the director out of office.
  • 各州之的法律可能会有很大区别,以致于有些夫妇可能会因此迁到那些离婚较容易的州(如内华达州)。
    Such laws can vary wide- ly by state, leading, for example, to the flow of cou- ples to the state where it's easiest to get divorced (Nevada).
  • 他无疑是我们中最好的运动员。
    He is easily the best player among us.
  • 使紧张的状态或紧张的关系(特别是国家)缓和的行为。
    the easing of tensions or strained relations (especially between nations).
  • 隔夜拆息由五月下旬约五厘的水平,上升至八月中6.75厘的高位,然后逐渐回落,在五至六厘之徘徊。
    Overnight interest rates edged up from around 5 per cent in late May to peak at 6.75 per cent in mid-August, before easing back to around 5-6 per cent thereafter.
  • "这个房朝东,所以早晨的太阳照到我们房里来。"
    "The room faces East, so we get the morning sun."
  • 复活节休假期城里到处都是外国游客。
    Foreign tourist are all over the town for the easter break.
  • 复活节休假期城里到处都是外国游客。
    Foreign tourist is all over the town for the Easter break.
  • 气温在二十四至二十九度之,微弱东风,今晚将转为和缓北风,
    Temperature will range between 24 and 29 degrees,Light easterly wind, become mode.
  • 帝汶岛印度尼西亚东南的一个岛屿,位于拉斯尔桑达斯最东端。岛屿的西半部曾是尼德兰的帝汶岛,于1949年成为印度尼西亚的一部分。岛屿东部自1914年到1975年期为葡萄牙的一个海外省份
    An island of southeast Indonesia, the easternmost of the Lesser Sundas. The western half of the island, formerly Netherlands Timor, became part of Indonesia in1949. The eastern half was an overseas province of Portugal from1914 until1975.
  • "孩子们,继续吃吧,时还早。"
    "Eat away, children, there's enough time yet."
  • 在瓦屋顶的屋檐上掩藏瓦片的连接点的雕刻性的装饰品。
    carved ornament at the eaves of a tile roof concealing the joints between tiles.
  • "突然,一直在偷听的孩子们飞进屋来。
    " Suddenly the kids,who had been eavesdropping,flew into the room.
  • 全国革命低潮时,割据地区最困难的问题,就在拿不住中阶级。
    When the revolution is at a low ebb in the country as a whole, the most difficult problem in our areas is to keep a firm hold on the intermediate class.
  • 她像往常一样兴高采烈地冲进了房, 立刻跟大家攀谈起来.
    She burst into the room with her usual ebullience, and immediately started talking to everyone.
  • 她像往常一样兴高采烈地冲进了房,立刻跟大家攀谈起来。
    She burst into the room with her usual ebullience, and immediately start talking to everyone.
  • 里回荡着他们的欢笑声。
    The room echoed with their happy laughter.
  • 她的表演获得长时的喝采。
    Her performance was cheered to the echo.
  • 我们的声音在空房里回响。
    Our voices echoed in the empty room.
  • 回声返回所耗的时越长了。
    The return of the echo will elapse longer time.
  • 计算无线电波回声的时乃是雷达运行所依据的原理。
    Timing an echo of radio waves is the principle on which radar operates.
  • 当威尔逊先生结束讲演时,听从向他报以长时的大声喝彩。
    When Mr Wilson had finished his speech, his audience cheered him to the echo.
  • 运用回声接收时的长短来判定某物的处所的方。
    determining the location of something by measuring the time it takes for an echo to return from it.
  • 一般来说,用于回声定位的叫声是用它们的频率、强度(分贝)以及持续时(毫秒)来表示特征的。
    In general, echolocation calls are characterized by their frequency, intensity in decibels (dB), and duration in milliseconds (ms).
  • 用于回声定位的叫声一般是20-200千赫之的超声波,而人所能听到的最高频率在20千赫左右。
    Echolocation calls are usually ultrasonic ranging in frequency from 20 to 200 kilohertz (kHz), whereas human hearing normally tops out at around 20 kHz.
  • 全食时发生全食的阶段
    The phase of an eclipse when it is total.
  • 爱因斯坦的引力定律在一次日蚀期得到了检验。
    Einstein's Law of Gravitation was tested during an eclipse of the sun.