  • (关于设施如电话或厕所)难以被任何人使用或说明无效的;('engaged'是国用于形容电话线忙的术语)。
    (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating unavailability; (`engaged' is a British term for a busy telephone line).
  • 国广播公司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。
    The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
  • 1958年国举行了首届电视转播的全国锦标赛,六年后伦敦主办了第一届世界锦标赛。
    Great Britain held the first televised national championships in 1958 and six years later, London hosted the first World championships.
  • 大猩猩和人类的基因只有2%的差别:科学家们说,我们血型相同,每平方寸的毛发数量相同,而且性情也相似。
    Genetically, there is only a 2% difference between gorillas and humans: we share the same blood type, have the same number of hairs per square inch and also the same temperament, according to scientists.
  • 但是,政治智慧是在复杂政治斗争中锻炼出来的,香港主权全由中政府谈判包办,香港人只能靠边站,这样,香港又怎能产生李光耀?
    Yet it takes the tempering in fierce political strives to bring about political wisdom. While the negotiations over Hong Kong's return were monopolized by Beijing and London, and the Hong Kong people can only stand by how could the territory expect to produce a Lee Kuan Yew of its own?
  • 有些饭店除给国度假者供应常吃的饭菜外,还努力用有地方风味的菜肴来吸引他们。
    Besides providing them with the usual chips with everything, some of the restaurants try to tempt British holidaymakers with local dishes.
  • 赚得一万英镑
    Clean up ten thousand pounds
  • 国拥有或租赁小块农田的人。
    an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain.
  • 国人往往就是这个样子。
    English people tend to be like that.
  • 旧制的镑纸币已不是法定的货币了.
    The old pound note is no longer legal tender.
  • 我出十镑买你的旧自行车.
    I'll give you a tenner for your old bike.
  • 使既成的事态终结的行为;尤其是结束与国国教的联系。
    the act terminating an established state of affairs; especially ending a connection with the Church of England.
  • 顺便想到我们新加坡,即便是一些华文精,对中文里科学技术词汇的掌握仍然受到客观条件的限制,因为专业课程还不可能用中文开课,我的家庭医生华语极好,然而说到病,我们只能讲语,这的确是个难题。
    This discussion of scientific terminology reminds me of something in Singapore: even some of the Chinese elite still find it difficult to master scientific terminology because of practical constraints, as it is not easy to run technical courses here in the Chinese language. My family doctor speaks perfect Mandarin, but when it comes to terms related to my sickness, we had to communicate in English. This is indeed a difficult problem.
  • 费用每周两英镑。
    Terms, two pounds a week.
  • 汉字典已于4天前寄平邮去,但是寄到kingstonterrace去,你可托那家旅馆主人代收,还有的书,俟早晚陆续寄去。
    The English-Chinese dictionary was sent by mail 4 days ago, but was sent to your address at Kingston Terrace. You may ask the landlord of your former boarding house to receive it on your behalf. The other books will in turn be sent to you eventually;
  • 国人开会只是用来摸清某些情况,核实周长、参数等等,不一而足。
    The British use them to explore the terrain and to check out the broad perimeters, parameters and all that.
  • 这地带一片平坦,多少里都不见山,也不见高岗。
    The whole terrain was flat as a pancake, not a hill or rise to be seen for miles and miles.
  • 最初饲养于国湖泊地区用于狩猎的硬毛猎犬。
    breed of wire-haired terrier originally from the English Lake District used for hunting.
  • 国品种的短腿小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属般红色或灰色或黑棕色,耳直立。
    English breed of small short-legged terrier with a straight wiry red or gray or black-and-tan coat and erect ears.
  • 根据一八九八年六月九日在北京签订有关拓展香港界址的条约,中国同意把九龙界限街以北直至深圳河的新界地域,以及235个岛屿租借予国,为期99年。
    By a convention signed in Peking on June 9, 1898, respecting an extension of Hong Kong territory, the New Territories - comprising the area north of Kowloon up to the Shum Chun (Shenzhen) River, and 235 islands - was leased for 99 years.
  • 它的欧洲部分约有200万平方里的面积。
    Its European territory covered about 2000000 square miles.
  • 一根五尺长的索链将自行车的两只轮子扣住了。
    A five-foot tether reaches round both wheels of the bike.
  • 据历史书记载诺曼底人于一零六六年占领了格兰。
    "According to the textbook of history, the Normans conquered England in1066."
  •  她的母亲是新加坡籍华裔,父亲是泰国人,而她在新加坡出生,在国长大。
    She has a Chinese-Singaporean mother and a Thai father. She was born in Singapore and grew up in Britain.
  • 她受过新加坡、中国、泰国和国等多种文化的熏陶,她的音乐传遍五洲四海。
    Her music is appreciated across the globe but it is Singapore, China, Thailand and Britain that have helped to shape her talent.
  • 国首都和最大城市;位于格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸;国经济、工业和文化中心。
    the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center.
  • 切尔西国伦敦西部街区,在泰晤士河北岸,自18世纪以来为作家和艺术家聚居地
    A district of western London, England, on the north bank of the Thames River, popular since the18th century with writers and artists.
  • 格林威治格兰东南部的一个市镇,位于大伦敦地区,在泰晤士河上,为原皇家观象台所在地。本初子午线即0°经线穿过此地
    A borough of Greater London in southeast England on the Thames River. It is the site of the original Royal Observatory, through which passes the prime meridian, or longitude0=.
  • 伊顿国中部偏西南一城镇,临近泰晤士河与温莎相对,此城镇内的伊顿学院,是格兰最大和最有名望的公立寄宿学校,1440年由亨利四世创建。人口3,523
    An urban district of southeast-central England on the Thames River opposite Windsor. Its college, the largest and most famous of England's public schools, was founded by Henry VI in1440. Population,3, 523.
  • 西撒克斯格兰南部一地区,是古代格鲁-萨克森王国所在地。根据传说,该王国由征服大不列颠的萨克森人创建,国土最广时占据了吉利海峡与泰晤士河之间的区域
    A region and ancient Anglo-Saxon kingdom of southern England. According to tradition, the kingdom was founded by the Saxon conquerors of Britain and at its greatest extent occupied the territory between the English Channel and the Thames River.
  • 我们庆幸生了个俊,健康的孩子。下次写信我们会寄去照片的。
    We are very thankful for a handsome healthy baby. We'll send pictures in our next letter.
  • 当我需要200镑支付修车的费用时,我买的政府有奖债券得了25镑的奖-钱虽不多,但我已相当满足。
    I needed two hundred pounds to pay for repairs to my car, when I won twenty-five pounds on the Premium Bonds – not enough, but one must be thankful for small mercies.