  • 他为我们介绍了园中对称的布局。
    He introduced to us the symmetrical arrangement of the garden.
  • 树木、圃和灯柱的位置都是对称的。
    The trees, flower-beds and lamp posts are symmetrically placed.
  • 例如,一个女人想去听一场交响乐,而她丈夫却讨厌交响乐,若丈夫几个小时陪妻子去听他不喜欢的音乐,他就可以使妻子快乐。
    A woman may, for instance, want to go to the symphony. Her husband might hate symphonies. But by spending a few hours listening to music he doesn't care for, he can bring joy to his partner.
  • 丁香属植物一种丁香属紫香植物,尤指西洋醒香,因其束状紫色或白色芳香朵而广为栽培
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Syringa, especially S. vulgaris, widely cultivated for its clusters of fragrant purplish or white flowers.
  • 她竟用自己最好的瓶换来一张一文不值的台布,真蠢!
    What a fool she was to bargain away her best vase for this worthless tablecloth!
  • 亚麻织物由亚麻或相似织物做成的衣物,如棉;床单和桌布
    Articles or garments made from linen or a similar cloth, such as cotton; bed sheets and tablecloths.
  • 这位前总统对小报上有关他的边新闻早已感觉迟钝,但在涉及到他的政绩,尤其是与恐怖主义有关的问题时,他就变得极其敏感。
    The ex-president is thick-skinned about tabloids but hair-trigger sensitive when it comes to his record, especially on terrorism.
  • 了一个下午的时间用图钉固定那些图片。
    He spent the afternoon tacking the pictures.
  • 倒挂金钟属的任何一种植物,是热带灌木,因其美丽、下垂的淡紫色、微红色或白色的被广泛栽培;产于中美或南美洲、新西兰和塔希提岛。
    any of various tropical shrubs widely cultivated for their showy drooping purplish or reddish or white flowers; Central and South America and New Zealand and Tahiti.
  • 如果他们继续耍这种招,有朝一日我们总会把他逮住。
    If they go on playing this game, some day we shall lay salt upon their tails.
  • 取得方更多的钱购买控股所需要的股票的接收出价。
    a takeover bid where the acquirer offers to pay more for the shares needed to gain control than for the remaining shares.
  • 令人厌烦的人,是把那么多时间在讲他自己的事情而使你没有时间讲自己的事情的人。
    A bore is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can't talk about yourself.
  • 令人讨厌的人,是把那么多时间在讲他自己的事情而使你没有时间讲自己事情的人。
    A bear is a man who spends so much time talking about himself that you can not talk about yourself.
  • 把你的费都记录下来.
    Keep a tally of how much you spend.
  • 了整个夏天才晒出这样的棕褐色。
    It took me all summer to get this tan.
  • 要是再让我在园里抓住你,我就要揍你了。
    If I catch you in my garden again I'll tan your hide.
  • 一种常绿灌木,有鲜艳的黄,其树皮用于鞣皮;有时归入决明属。
    evergreen Indian shrub with vivid yellow flowers whose bark is used in tanning; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
  • 欧洲的一种多年生植物,已被移入美国,茎中空,叶子狭长且尖,有淡黄色单生的
    European perennial naturalized throughout United States having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower.
  • 被悬挂(作为一条毯)在一堵墙上或者在一扇窗子上方的某些东西。
    something that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window.
  • 博韦法国北部一城镇,位于巴黎西北偏北。建于17世纪的毯作坊被毁于第二次世界大战期间的1940年6月。人口52,365
    A town of northern France north-northwest of Paris. Its tapestry works, established in the17th century, were destroyed in June1940 during World War II. Population,52, 365.
  • 如果你愿意两百美元去买一件外套,干嘛为了省一点小钱坏大事?干脆再买一顶潇洒的帽子。
    If you are willing to pay $ 200 for a coat why spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar? Get yourself a smart hat.
  • 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,枝招展。
    I wish she will not tart herself up for the party.
  • 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,枝招展
    I wish she would not tart herself up for the party
  • 蔓越橘,大果越桔一种原产于北美洲东部的蔓生常绿灌木(大果越桔越桔属),开有粉红色的,结红色的可食用酸果
    A mat-forming, evergreen shrub(Vaccinium macrocarpum) of eastern North America, having pink flowers and tart, red, edible berries.
  • 北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪;忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨开。
    The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them; And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar sky Is like a spring gale, come up in the night, Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.
  • 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香,叶带酸味。
    deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves.
  • 这里的饭菜味道好,样也很多。
    The food is tasty and they always offer a big variety.
  • 他手背上刺有花纹。
    He have a tattoo on the back of his hand.
  • 他想在手上刺上纹。
    He wants his hand tattooed.
  • 他的胸部刺满了花纹.
    His chest was covered in tattoos.
  • 一种直立的灌木,茶黄色的组成总状序;干燥后的叶子可以制成泻药;有时归入山扁豆属。
    erect shrub having racemes of tawny yellow flowers; the dried leaves are used medicinally as a cathartic; sometimes placed in genus Cassia.
  • 了一笔疏通费使案件发生了戏剧性的变化。
    many lobbying expenses are deductible by a taxpayer.