  • 烤皿如用玻璃或瓷器制成的焙盘,其耐高温且被用来烤焙或摆放食物
    Baking dishes, as of glass or pottery, that are heat-resistant and can be used for baking and serving food.
  • 孩子骑在他的新自行车上不保持平衡。
    The child couldn't keep his balance on his new bicycle.
  • 否在下个月使用还没休完的假期?
    May I take the balance of my holidays next month?
  • 把我帐户名下的结余金额告诉我?
    Can you tell me my balance?
  • 不正常,有毛病顺序不对或不平衡,不正确履行功
    Improperly ordered or balanced; not functioning correctly.
  • 均衡饮食给运动员提供什么(营养)?
    What does a balanced diet give an athlete?
  • 计划否成功还很难说。
    The plan's success was balanced on a knife edge.
  • 均衡饮食给运动员提供合理的热量(卡路里)
    A balanced diet gives an athlete the right amount of calories.
  • 懒散地算着数字,希望平衡开支
    Was fooling around with some figures in hopes of balancing the budget.
  • 因此,平衡生产成本与产品性成为芯片设计艺术的重要部分。
    Balancing cost and performance, then, is a significant part of the art of chip design.
  • 这些交换机配备了统一资源定位符(url)负荷平衡功、网络地址转换和嵌入式域名系统智利用复杂的政策来管理和加快web流量。
    Armed with URL load-balancing capabilities, Network Address Translation, and embedded Domain Name System intelligence, the switches use complex policies to manage and speed Web traffic flow.
  • 纯软件的负荷平衡器的起价为几千美元,黑盒子系统的起价约1万美元,在某些局域网交换器中已装有负荷平衡功
    Pricing for software-only load balancers starts at a few thousand dollars, and blackbox system pricing begins at around $10,000.Load balancing already is built in to some LAN switches.
  • 对第4层负荷平衡设备来说,web应用程序似乎是在使用tcp端ⅱ80--http流量的典型tcp端口,使得web应用程序的流量不从http流量中区分出来。
    To a Layer 4 load-balancing device, Web applications appear to be using TCP port 80 -- the typical TCP port for HTTP traffic -- making Web application traffic indistinguishable from HTTP traffic.
  • 负荷平衡技术可以有多种形式,它可以是在专用服务器上运行的特殊软件,可以是一种专门的黑盒子或者是先进的局域网交换器中多个功中的一个。
    Load-balancing technology can take many shapes.It can be special software that runs on a dedicated server, a proprietary black box or one of many capabilities in an advanced LAN switch.
  • 双翅目的双翅目的或与双翅目(是一个昆虫大目,包括真正的蝇、蚊,具有少数前翅有功,后翅退化成一对小棒状构造的特性)相关的
    Of, relating to, or belonging to the Diptera, a large order of insects that includes the true flies and mosquitoes, characterized by a single pair of membranous wings and a pair of club-shaped balancing organs.
  • 如果负荷平衡软件支持广域网,那末可以在世界任何地点给网络增加服务器,而服务器的性仍然如同它们是局域网的一部分那样高。
    If the load-balancing software supports WANs, then servers can be added to the network at any point in the world, and the servers' performance would still be as high as it would be if they were part of a LAN.
  • 瑞士内部虽存在着语言协调与平衡的问题,但是他们还依然够维持各种族的和谐关系,主要原因是不歧视少数语文,而容忍与尊重彼此的语言与文化。
    Although Switzerland faces the problems of managing and balancing the different languages, the Swiss can still maintain harmony among the races. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not discriminate against any minority languages, and they have mutual tolerance and respect for one another's language and culture.
  • 从我们的阳台上你眺望大海。
    You can see the sea from our balcony.
  • 艾玛呆呆地站在阳台上,简直不相信自己的双眼。
    Emma stood on the balcony and couldn't believe her eyes.
  • 知识分子(可是单调枯燥的人)。
    an intellectual (who is bald?).
  • 但是我跟他一样地强壮,论体力我们可以一对一地较量,在把每包重50磅的种子扛上卡车时,他扛一包,我也扛一包。
    But I'm just as strong as he is, and can match him bale for bale, hoisting the 50-pound sacks of seed we fill the truck with.
  • 然而,尽管很少有人责怪巴厘岛,但这并不把害怕再次遭袭的游客重新拉回巴厘岛。
    But while few people blame Bali for the tragedy, that view has yet to bring back tourists haunted by fear of more attacks.
  • 然而,连串爆炸事件过后在马尼拉、三宝颜和峇厘岛发生,它们很可是回教祈祷团所干。
    Singapore captured those men, but since then bombs have gone off in Manila, Zamboanga and Bali most likely perpetrated by the same group.
  • 这其中之一是维尔琴,它可是10世纪通过巴尔干半岛传到欧洲的。维尔琴和小提琴一样,演奏者持琴时将它抵在肩处。
    One of these was the vielle,which was probably introduced to Europe through the Balkan Peninsula in the 10th century.
  • 那些已与体积大的pc机、莫名其妙的(系统)崩溃、中断和代价高昂的软硬件升级以及对服务和支持无止境的需求打了十几年交道的人来说,网络计算机提供了简洁性,去掉了使pc应用复杂化的软硬件、只留下网络访问与显示功,网络计算机对软件、服务、处理、数据和资源几乎全部都依赖网络。
    To those who have spent a dozen years wrestling with balky PCs and their inexplicable crashes, disruptive and costly hardware and software upgrades, and insatiable demands for service and support, the network computer offers simplicity. Stripped of the hardware and software that complicate PC life and only capable of network access and display, the network computer relies on the network for virtually all software, services, processing, data, and resources.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Chen, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast to be cultured.
  • 他也指出,无论多少辆马赛地,多少间豪华公寓,都不可填补人类心灵的空虚,他明显地在主张人类除了仅仅是个社会人和经济人之外,也需要文化的承载,以成为一个有文化修养的人。
    Mercedes and condominiums, said Tan, cannot fill the "void" in the heart. Here, he was obviously pointing to the fact that men-in-the-street and those who pursue the five-C's need a cultural ballast (counterweight) to be cultured.
  • 够从一个大陆飞到另一个大陆的弹道导弹。
    a ballistic missile that is capable of traveling from one continent to another.
  • ?三层的作战服,外层是防弹层,中间层给各种设备传送电,而内层则负责监控士兵的健康状况。
    The combat uniform,a triple- layered suit with an outer layer of ballistic protection,a middle layer for conducting power to various devices,and an inner layer that monitors the soldier's health.
  • 进而这种改进“可被中国用在未来公路机动发射型洲际导弹的系统上”的推论又如何得出?
    Further more, how could the inference that such an improvement was "capable of being adapted for use as the guidance system for future PRC road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missiles'' be made?
  • 美国卫星公司在故障排查过程中向中国演示了如何改进长征火箭制导系统的设计和可靠性,这一技术也用于弹道导弹。
    The US satellite company demonstrated to the Chinese side how to improve the design and reliability of the guidance system of the LM rockets, which could also be used in developing ballistic missiles.
  • 把这些气球吹起来吗?
    Can you bowl up these balloon?