  • 一条道路穿过森林。
    A road passes through the wood.
  • 河流经我们的国土
    The river passes through our land.
  • 路穿过国家公园。
    The road passes through the National Park.
  • (一○八)我们主张一切有利件下的决战,不论是战斗的和大小战役的,在这上面不容许任何的消极。
    108. We are for decisive engagements whenever circumstances are favourable, whether in battles or in major or minor campaigns, and in this respect we should never tolerate passivity.
  • 在一九九七年,入境处除了应付日常繁重的职务外,亦需处理大量与回归祖国有关的工作,包括签发香港特别行政区护照、落实《基本法》内有关居留权的文、实施有关在海外签发旅行证件、签证和香港入境许可证的新安排,以及代表中央政府处理一切与国籍有关的事宜。
    In 1997, apart from handling a huge amount of day-to-day work, the Department was heavily involved in the work connected with the return of Hong Kong to our motherland, including the issue of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) passports; the implementation of the provisions of Basic Law on the right of abode; the implementation of new arrangements for overseas issue of travel documents, visas and permits for entry into Hong Kong; and the handling of all matters relating to nationality on behalf of the Central People's Government.
  • 烤空心粉塞肉或干酪并加番茄或奶油汁烘烤而成的大空心粉
    Large-sized tubes of pasta stuffed with meat or cheese and baked in a tomato or cream sauce.
  • 白脱奶油面用这种面做的食品
    A dish made with such strips of pasta.
  • 非常纤细的面食,比细面还要细。
    extremely fine pasta thinner than vermicelli.
  • 比意大利式细面细的面
    pasta in strings thinner than spaghetti.
  • 和鸡蛋一起做成的细面食。
    narrow strip of pasta dough made with eggs.
  • 细面,线面做成长形,比意大利式细面更细的意大利面食
    Pasta made in long strands thinner than spaghetti.
  • 宽面扁平、细长的意大利面
    Pasta in the form of long, flat, thin strands.
  • 吃意大利细面或其他意大利面食所用的各种沙司。
    any of numerous sauces for spaghetti or other kinds of pasta.
  • 拼贴画通常以统一的线和色彩,在画面上拼贴各种原料和物体的艺术拼合作品
    An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.
  • 他轻轻拍了拍那狗。
    He gave the dog a pat.
  • 他补了几条旧车胎。
    He patched up a couple of old tires.
  • 有灰色或棕色的纹、图案或斑点;特别用来指猫的皮毛上的花纹。
    having a gray or brown streak or a pattern or a patchy coloring; used especially of the patterned fur of cats.
  • 第十五拥护中华人民共和国宪法,并具备下列件的中国公民,可以申请专利代理人资格:(一)十八周岁以上,具有完全的民事行为能力;
    Article 15 Chinese citizens who support Constitution as the People's Republic of China and meet the following conditions may apply to be pate nt agents: (1) over the age of 18 with full capacity for civil behaviors;
  • 然而当沃尔特·佩特写道艺术渴求音乐的件时,就像连婴儿带澡水全部泼掉一样,精华与糟粕一样丢掉了。
    But when Walter Pater wrote that art aspires to the condition of music, there goes the baby whizzing to the ground along with the bath water.
  • 他所谓的音乐和件,指的不是贝多芬、瓦格纳和其他德国音乐伟大传统继承人善于表现的大赋;
    By the condition of Pater wasn't referring to the expressive genius of Beethoven, Wagner or the other inheritors of the great Ger man tradition in music;
  • 沿着这路走, 否则你会迷路的。
    Keep to the path or you may lose your way.
  • 有一穿过森林的小路。
    There was a narrow path through the forest.
  • 箭的走势是一曲线。
    The path of an arrow is a curve.
  • 一条小路横贯田野。
    A path intersects the field.
  • 这条路穿过野地
    The path pierced the wilderness.
  • 这条小道通到哪里?
    Where does the path go to?
  • 小径弯弯曲曲通过山谷。
    A path weaved through the valleys.
  • 小径沿着山谷蜿而上骀。
    A path wound up the valley.
  • 在森林中踩出一小路。
    beat a path through the forest.
  • 从冰中劈开一条通路
    Cleave a path through the ice.
  • 第十二实验动物分为四级:一级,普通动物;二级,清洁动物;三级,无特定病原体动物;四级,无菌动物。
    Article 12 Experimental animals shall be fed with wholesome feed that is up to standard in quality, animals, the second, clean animals, the third,animals carrying no specific pathogens and the fourth, animals carrying no bacteria.
  • 流胶现象,流胶病某些植物上,如甘蔗及一些果树,形成胶质斑块的病理现象,由病虫害、微生物或恶劣的气候件侵袭而引起
    The pathological formation of patches of gum on certain plants, such as sugar cane and some fruit trees, resulting from attack by insects, microorganisms, or adverse weather conditions.