  • 在有关成为申诉主题的域争议的行政诉讼暂停期间,如果有一方发起任何法律程序,其应立即通知陪审团和服务提供方。
    In the event that a Party initiates any legal proceedings during the pendency of an administrative proceeding in respect of a domain-name dispute that is the subject of the complaint, it shall promptly notify the Panel and the Provider.
  • 因为同一种药会有大公司出品的牌药和一般牌子的普通药。
    That's because penicillin may have some kind of special name brand from a famous company or it may just be regular old penicillin.
  • 犹卡坦半岛东北部的著旅游景点。
    a popular island resort off the northeastern tip of the Yucatan peninsula.
  • 如果你想了解监狱里的生活,那么我的数百雇员,也就是我的朋友们可以满足你的愿望。
    Hundreds of my employees -- and my friends -- could tell you anything you want to know about life in a penitentiary.
  • 有人以有学问而成,有人写得一手好字,又有人手艺高强。
    This man is known to be something of a “scholar’, another is a good “penman”, another is particularly “good with his hands”.
  • 该队重整旗鼓,从最後一一跃而赢得冠军奖旗
    The revitalized team came from the cellar to win the pennant
  • 该队重整旗鼓,从最後一一跃而赢得冠军奖旗。
    The revitalize team come from the cellar to win the pennant.
  • 他变得一文不名。
    He was stranded penniless.
  • 他发过财,死时却不一文。
    After making his fortune, he fetched up penniless when he died.
  • 这些项目全都没有达到目的,不到一年的光景,他便一文不了。
    They failed completely in their purpose, and in less than a year he was penniless.
  • 通货膨胀致使他们一不文。
    The inflation left them penniless; He left money on the table for his wife to find.
  • 六年前, 他来到这个国家时一文不
    He arrived in this country six years ago without a penny.
  • 切尼——他的提在参议院经过一小时左右即会轻易通过——是五角大楼(国防部)最适当的人选。
    Dick Cheney, whose nomination will sail through the Senate in about an hour, is just what we need at the Pentagon.
  • 戊撑四唑,卡地阿佐戊四氮的一个商标
    A trademark used for pentylenetetrazol.
  • 知识分子697,占23.4%;
    697, or 23.4 percent, are intellectuals;
  • 国家公务人员733,占24.7%;
    733, or 24.7 percent, are government functionaries;
  • 报刊称出现在报刊首页、封面或每期标题页的报刊
    The title of a newspaper or periodical as it appears across the first page, front cover, or title page of each issue.
  • 该运动外围一些不大出的诗人也表达了这些观点。
    The idea is also expressed by minor poet on the periphery of the movement.
  • 该运动外围一些不大出的诗人也表达了这些观点
    The idea is also expressed by minor poets on the periphery of the movement
  • 一个人的字永久地标记在我们的地图上。
    a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps,.
  • 一切生物都能通过生殖留下后代,但只有人类能通过后代下美、事业和德行。
    The perpetuity by generation is common to beasts; but memory, merit, and noble works, are proper to men.
  • 整件事令人感到莫其妙.
    The whole affair is very perplexing.
  • 伊斯帕罕伊朗中部一城市,在续墨兰以南。在1598至1722年间,它是波斯的首都。这座古城以其精美的地毯和银丝细工饰品而闻。今天它有纺织和钢铁工厂。人口927,000
    A city of central Iran south of Tehran. An ancient town and capital of Persia from1598 to1722, it was long noted for its fine carpets and silver filigree. Today it has textile and steel mills. Population,927, 000.
  • 他很快成为名人。
    He is fast becoming a personage.
  • 他给一些为报纸专栏`写'文章的体育界人做捉刀人.
    He ghosts for a number of sports personalities who `write' newspaper columns.
  • 一些当地人出席了会议。
    A number of local personalities are presented at the meeting.
  • 网球界最著的人物之一
    One of the best-known personalities in the world of tennis
  • 同样地,她还带来其他乐曲的个性。她的演奏技艺使鼓浪屿这个原本就著的音乐盛地更加添彩。
    Similarly, she brought out the personalities of other songs, and with this skill she strenthened Gulangyu's already famous musical reputation.
  • 该科又安排政府高层人员和本地知人士,到海外向特定的对象发表演说。
    The division has a programme under which arrangements are made for senior government officials and prominent local personalities to address targeted audiences overseas.
  • 今天在镇运动场上举行了一次板球义演赛,我看到许多知人士前去捧场。
    There was a charity cricket match at the county ground today and I saw quite a few famous personalities who had come to give their support.
  • 标有物主姓的文具;绣有物主姓的澡巾
    Personalized the stationery; personalized the bath towels.
  • 宣布法庭人员名单
    Set out the personnel of a tribunal