Chinese English Sentence:
  • 南方古猿一种已灭绝的南方古猿属,人形古猿之一,主要通过在非洲部及南部发现的更新世化石遗迹而知
    Any of several extinct humanlike primates of the genus Australopithecus, known chiefly from Pleistocene fossil remains found in southern and eastern Africa.
  • 水管被脏西堵住了,但水工很快就把它修好了。
    The drain-pipe was bunged up with dirt, but the plumber fixed it in no time.
  • 伴随着噼啪你响的闪光灯和女孩的刺耳尖叫,本·阿弗雷克从京dome中心的一般烟雾后面出现在众人眼前。
    Flashbulbs popped and schoolgirls screamed as Ben Affleck appeared from behind a plume of smoke in the middle of the Tokyo Dome.
  • 抢走所有贵重的东西
    plunder all the valuable things
  • 他们从那个村庄抢去了他们能拿走的一手西。
    They plundered the village of everything they could lay hands on.
  • (通常复数)武力获取的有价值的西(特别指战利品)。
    (usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war).
  • 她口袋里的西被偷了。
    She have her pocket picked.
  • 他的口袋被掏了(衣袋中有西被窃)。
    He had his pocket picked, ie Something was stolen from his pocket.
  • 在桌子边上稍触即掉的西
    Sth poised on the edge of a table, ie likely to fall off if lightly touched
  • 你不要不问好坏地乱买西,你也许会不喜欢它的。
    You mustn't buy a pig in a poke. You mightn't like it.
  • 第一个问题是:让整个波兰处在德国帝国主义的统治下面呢,还是让部波兰少数民族得到解放呢?
    The first problem was whether to let the whole of Poland fall under the rule of German imperialism or to help the minority nationalities of eastern Poland win their liberation.
  • 经由极地航线飞往远
    Flew to the Far East by way of the polar route.
  • 一九五六年四月,毛泽主席又提出:“和为贵”、“爱国一家”、“爱国不分先后”等政策主张。
    In April 1956 the late Chairman Mao Zedong put forward thoughts for policymaking such as "peace is the best option", "all patriots are of one family" and "it is never too late to join the ranks of patriots".
  • 擦亮者,磨光工人把西擦亮的人,尤指用来上不光的软皮革或布料来擦亮的人
    One that buffs, especially a piece of soft leather or cloth used to shine or polish.
  • 你一定要很懂礼貌,别抱怨吃的西让别人看不顺眼。
    You must behave very politely, and don’t let the side down by complaining about the food.
  • 有些政治上根本反动的西,也可能有某种艺术性。
    Some works which politically are downright reactionary may have a certain artistic quality.
  • 很多西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋。
    Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.
  • 那就是污染湖水的西。
    That's what's polluting the lake.
  • 南郊有污染的企业原则上实行停产或搬迁,四环路两侧土地利用性质原则上由工业用地改为商住用地。
    In principle, the polluting enterprises in the south-eastern suburbs will be closed down or moved out to have the lands along the Fourth Ring Road be converted to commercial or residential area instead of the industrial purpose.
  • 加大市区企业搬迁调整力度,2008年之前完成南郊化工区和四环路内200家左右污染企业的调整搬迁,首钢完成减产200万吨钢和结构调整目标。
    In an effort to remove the enterprises located in the urban districts, by 2008, the chemical industrial zone in the Southeast suburbs and some 200 polluting enterprises within the Fourth Ring Road will be relocated. The Capital Iron & Steel Plant will reduce its steel production by 2 million tons and its production structure will be readjusted.
  • 加大工业经济结构和布局调整力度,加快南郊和石景山等重污染地区企业改造步伐,压缩钢铁、水泥等产品生产规模,市区200家左右企业实现调整搬迁,重点行业和郊区工业污染防治水平进一步提高。
    Comprehensive renovation in heavily polluting industries located in the southeastern suburban and Shijingshan should be fasten. Especially, the production of iron and steel and cement should be reduced. Moreover, about 200 enterprises in the urban area should be relocated and efficient measures should be taken to prevent and control pollution in the key industries and the industrial pollution sources in suburban areas.
  • 安妮:世界大学生运动会正式规定的比赛项目有田径、游泳、跳水、水球、体操、击剑、网球、篮球和排球等九项,但道主有权再增加一项。
    Annie: The formal events include track and field, swimming, diving , water polo, gymnastics, fencing, tennis, basketball and volleyball. For the host country, it has the privilege to add one more.
  • 角锥状物形状象这种多面体的西
    Something shaped like this polyhedron.
  • (特别是在玻利尼西亚和其他南太平洋群岛)因为宗教而禁止利用或提及某些西。
    a prejudice (especially in Polynesia and other S Pacific islands) that prohibits the use or mention of something because of its sacred nature.
  • 柚子一度叫做shaddock,以纪念那位把种子从印度群岛带到美国的shaddock船长。
    Pomelo was once named shaddock after Captain Shaddock who brought the seed to America from the East Indies.
  • 蓬塔斯小亚细亚北部的一个古国,沿伸到黑海南岸。此国建于公元前4世纪,在米特司立得提六世的统治下开始繁荣昌盛,直到公元66年被罗马的庞培击败
    An ancient country of northeast Asia Minor along the southern coast of the Black Sea. Established in the fourth century b.c., it flourished under Mithridates VI until his defeat by Pompey of Rome in66.
  • 每一样西都值得你去琢磨。
    Everything is worth pondering over.
  • 真实的世界;纯粹是梦想,既不真实也不可行;最沉闷、最实际的西——莎士比亚。
    the substantial world; a mere dream, neither substantial nor practical; most ponderous and substantial things- Shakespeare.
  • 在北京英东游泳馆。
    At Yingdong Swimming Pool in Beijing.
  • 无论是通过增进一朵鲜花的价值、一首完美的诗歌,还是通过挽救一个灵魂,他均留给世界比他所得到的更美好的西。
    who has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;
  • 亚的一个社会主义国家;世界上人口最多的国家。
    a communist nation in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world.
  • 通过毛孔将汗液等西释放出来。
    release through one's pores, as of sweat.