  • 我买了一台老的割草机常便宜。
    I got an old lawn-mower as cheap as dirt.
  • 不见得是钱,或许简单到就借给一台刈草机,或许一点同情心、一点理解、一点耐心。不管是什么,社区的人们,不仅是有关部门或公共机构,我们社会的每个个人都应站在受虐待妇女的身后帮她们一把。
    It doesn't have to be money.It could be something as simple as the loan of a lawn mower.Maybe some compassion,a little understanding,some patience,whatever it is,people in the community,not just agencies and institutions,but individuals in our society must be prepared to stand behind our women in trouble.
  • 斯威士兰位于南和莫桑比克之间的东南洲国家。1903年之后成为英国保护国,1968年获得独立。姆巴巴纳是其首都及最大城市。人口585,000
    A country of southeast Africa between South Africa and Mozambique. A British protectorate after1903, it became independent in1968. Mbabane is the capital and the largest city. Population,585, 000.
  • 由于我们双方在情感上常相互珍视,我们不再需要他人相伴。
    Because we meant so muck to each other emotionally, we were sufficient unto ourselves.
  • (英国)一些事情常糟糕和混乱。
    (British) something badly botched or muddled.
  • 用这个有柄大杯给你倒咖啡你不介意吧?常抱歉,我们办办公室里缺少杯子。
    Do you mind having you coffee in a mug? I'm afraid we don't run to cupsin this office.
  • 他非常固执。
    He is as stubborn as a mule.
  • 他在那个问题上常固执。
    He was as obstinate as a mule on that point.
  • 你别想使格伦达改变主意,她常顽固。
    You won't get Glenda to change her mind; she's as stubborn as a mule.
  • 为了避免没有科学意义的繁杂的分类和名称,政治经济学家一般将用作直接生产手段(下面马上将讨论直接生产手段)的全部物品或归入工具类或归入原料类。
    To avoid a multiplication of classes and denominations answering to distinctions of no scientific importance, political economists generally include all things which are used as immediate means of production (the means which are not immediate will be considered presently) either in the class of implements or in that of materials.
  • 为了理解均匀存储器存取结构(numa)是如何工作的,有必要了解传统的对称多处理(smp)结构是如何工作的。
    To understand how NUMA works it's necessary to know how traditional symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP) works.
  • "道格拉斯的母亲是美籍意大利人,父亲则是洲裔美国人和印第安人的混血儿。
    Douglass's mother is Italian-American, and her father is a multiracial blend of African American and Native American.
  • 因此,新加坡作为亚洲的一个重要中心、作为一个多元种族的新兴国家,如何吸引优秀的亚裔科技人才来新加坡进行科研工作和定居,是一个常重要的问题。
    Singapore is an important hub in Asia and a multiracial country. How it can attract Asian talent in science and technology to do research and to live in Singapore is a very important question indeed.
  • 含量丰富、无味无嗅的多价金属元素,在黄水晶中最为人熟知,见于许多硫化物和硫酸盐矿物中,甚至以天然形式存在(尤其在火山地区)。
    an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions).
  • 我妈妈不会在意你回来用茶点,她待来访者都常随和。
    My Mum won't mind you coming back for tea; she's very easy-going about visitors.
  • 父母采用赞许的办法--如:“妈妈会常高兴"或"爸爸会为你感到自豪”--在孩子很小时有时也许能奏效,但对十几岁的少年却不起作用,这个年龄段的孩子做事总是与父母的意见相悖。
    The parental approval ploy -- "Mummy will be so pleased" or "Daddy would be so proud of you" -- may have limited success when they're small but it won't work on teenagers, whose strongest motivation is parental disapproval.
  • 心脏是一种常美国式的肌肉。
    It's a very American kind of muscle.
  • 一个肌肉常发达的人。
    a person with a well-developed muscular body.
  • 他的声音非常动听.
    He has quite a musical voice.
  • 那位音乐家常有名。
    That musician is very famous.
  • 许多回教徒认为回教徒在埃及、土耳其和其他回教国家的斗争,是"中庸回教徒"和"极端回教徒"之间的斗争。
    Many non-Muslims view the struggle between Muslims in Egypt, Turkey and many Muslim countries as one between "moderate Muslims" and "radical Muslims".
  • 和我在九一一后碰面的回教徒朋友,都不认为头巾问题会影响和回教徒朋友的交往。
    The non-Muslims that I met even after 911 did not see the headscarf as something that prevented them from interacting with their Muslim friends.
  • 对抗压迫是合理的行为,但是,进行恐怖行动、残杀包括回教徒无辜平民的回教极端分子,完全违反了回教的教义和回教所代表的一切。
    Fighting oppression is legitimate but Muslim extremists who perpetuate acts of terrorism, killing innocent civilians including non-Muslims, violate the teachings of Islam and all that it stands for.
  • 新加坡回教徒会不断的向回教徒朋友解释回教的真正教义。不过,我们希望他们也同样会作出努力尝试了解我们。
    So, as we Singaporean Muslims continue to do our part to show our non-Muslim friends what true Islam is, our hope is that they too will meet us halfway.
  • 基督徒(尤指回教徒)。
    a heathen (especially a Muslim).
  • 高加索姆斯林人的一支。
    a member of a Caucasoid Muslim people of northern Africa.
  • 身为一个回教徒,九一一事件后我一直留意回教徒新加坡人会不会对我“另眼相看”。
    As a Muslim, post-911, I am constantly looking out for signs that my fellow non-Muslim Singaporeans are looking at me with a different set of “eyes”.
  • 所以非学习不行。
    So they must study.
  • 他对自己的工作常着迷。
    He is keen as mustard in his work.
  • 法斗争的形式也是多样的,如示威游行、抗缴粮款、拒绝维持、组织革命团体,乃至暴动、反正、武装斗争等等,而以武装斗争为法斗争的最高形式,这些都是敌人不许可的。
    There are also various forms of illegal struggle, such as holding demonstrations, refusing to pay government taxes in grain and cash, rejecting associations for the preservation of order, setting up revolutionary organizations, and even staging rebellions, instigating mutiny within enemy camps, and carrying out an armed struggle, which is the chief method. None of these forms is permitted by the enemy.
  • 当我要的羊排端上来时,他常严肃地责备我,因为羊排价钱太贵了。
    When my mutton chop arrived she took me quite seriously to task, because it was very expensive.
  • 第一眼我觉得她常迷人,但看仔细一些我才明白她是个作年轻妇女打扮的老年妇女。
    At first sight I thought she was attractive but in a better light I realized she was mutton dressed up as lamb.