  • 鲍勃·霍普因为有人把一房子丢在他所拥有的一块空地上大为光火。
    Bob Hope is seeing red over a building that's been dumped on a vacant lot he owns.
  • 十九世纪,英国基督教传教士马礼逊和德国传教士郭实腊在东印度公司任职期,参与向中国贩卖鸦片。
    In the 19th century Robert Morrison, a British missionary, and Karl Friedrich August Gutz, a German missionary, both working for the East India Company, participated in dumping opium in China.
  • 阴暗的地牢;亮着被烟熏黑了的灯的阴暗的房
    a murky dungeon; murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps.
  • 德国民故事中的侏儒状妖怪。
    a dwarf in one of the fairy stories of the brothers Grimm; tells a woman he will not hold her to a promise if she can guess his name and when she discovers it he is so furious that he destroys himself.
  • 在房的表面用瓷砖覆盖。
    cover with tiles, of surfaces in a dwelling.
  • 在游欧期,他花光了所有的钱。
    His money dwindle away to nothing while traveling in europe.
  • 日本和香港之建立了一个积极进取的伙伴关系。
    Hong Kong and Japan have a dynamic partnership.
  • 一个特殊的网络状态或限定的一组网络状态,是支配网络的时进化历程的动态处理方法使网络从众多的初始状态经过足够长的时后所进入的状态。
    A special network state, or a restricted set of states, to which the dynamical process, governing the time evolution of the network, brings the network, after a long enough time, from large classes of initial network states.
  • 在切换期,网络ip和以太网地址会动态地从activelan接口切换到standby接口并将standby接口提升为active。
    During the switchover, the network IP and the Ethernet addresses dynamically switch from the ACTIVE LAN interface to the STANDBY interface and promotes it to ACTIVE.
  • 至少在理论上,单一处理器可以划分到多个逻辑分区,或者内存和磁盘等资源能动态地在分区之共享。
    In theory, at least, a single processor can be divided among multiple logical partitions, or resources such as memory and disks can be shared dynamically between partitions.
  • 航天动力学,天体动力学将天然及人工天体推入外层空的动力学
    The dynamics of natural and human-made bodies in outer space.
  • 不管你们在电话上聊了多长时,在你们见面以前,你搞不清楚她个人能量有多大。
    You never know what the personal dynamics are going to be until you've actually met, no matter how long you talk on the phone.
  • 带有复电绕组的发电机产生的高电压能够使在汽油机中的火花塞的两极的电火花跳动。
    a small dynamo with a secondary winding that produces a high voltage enabling a spark to jump between the poles of a spark plug in a gasoline engine.
  • 由于某些还不清楚的原因,地核发电机的地球旋转效应和温度效应之的平衡有时候会发生倒转,导致地核流的模式被破坏。
    For reasons not clearly understood, the balance between the effect of the earth's rotation and the effect of temperature on the core dynamo be- comes upset from time to time, causing the pattern of the core current to be disrupted.
  • 正如古代部落通婚或君主国之的王室婚姻一样,公司合并不是基于战略原因而是为了得以延续。
    "Like marriages between ancient tribes, or dynastic marriages between monarchies, companies are combining not for reasons of strategy but to guarantee succession."
  • 相互之间调换位置。
    To transpose each other.
  • 分配给每个人20分钟讲话时
    Allotted20 minutes to each speaker.
  • 尽管在此期遇到了不少困难,但瓦达洛斯坚持己见,在影片中完全实现了自己的意图,而她为此只获得了区区500万美元。这次冒险得到了回报--依靠观众口口相传的介绍,影片赢得了空前的票房。
    Though she faced much adversity in her eagerness as an executive to cast a major star and tinker with her winning script, Vardalos stuck to her guns and brought her vision to the screen fully intact for a paltry $ 5 million, a gamble that paid off when word of mouth found audiences flocking to the film in record numbers.
  • 他没有时为这次聚会做准备,只好凭记忆演奏了。
    He had no time to prepare for the party, so he had to play by ear.
  • 先前的时上先发生的;较早的
    Occurring before in time; earlier.
  • 较早发生的在时意义上更早发生的
    Occurring earlier in time.
  • 最早的在时和次序上首次出现的;最早的
    Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.
  • 我能来的最早时是中午。
    Noon is the earliest time I can come.
  • 把辛辛苦苦挣来的钱在一夜之输得精光
    Gamble away all one's hard-earned money in a single night
  • 几个大的帝国主义国家之爆发了一场你死我活的大混战。
    The big imperialist powers began a battle royal in dead earnest.
  • 他两年收入已增加两倍.
    He's trebled his earnings in two years.
  • 真幸运,我们带有耳塞,因为房外面的车辆噪音太大。
    Luckily we took earplug with us, as the traffic outside our room was very noisy.
  • 无限的空围绕着地球。
    Infinite space surrounds the Earth.
  • 没有一个世君王可以为所欲为。
    No earthly sovereign can do what he pleases.
  • 见到这样的美,就会忘掉人世的一切。…
    When one sees anything so beautiful one forgets everything earthly.
  • 莫奈把他的水上花园变成了画中的人天堂。
    Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created.
  • 伊玛目被什叶派教义的大多数承认的12位这样的领袖在人的一个代表
    An earthly representative of the12 such leaders recognized by the majority form of Shiism.