Chinese English Sentence:
  • 油轮沉下去时,5万加仑的油漂浮在离海岸3里远的海面上。
    When the tanker sank, fifty thousand gallons of oil went into the sea three miles off the coast.
  • 非洲最高的山;位于坦桑尼亚东北部;海拔尺。
    the highest peak in Africa; located in northeastern Tanzania; 19,340 feet high.
  • 由于巴西会议和延安会议(反对张国焘路线的斗争是从巴西会议开始而在延安会议完成的)反对了张国焘的右倾机会主义,使得全部红军会合一起,全党更加团结起来,进行了勇的抗日斗争。
    By combating Chang Kuo-tao's Right opportunism, the Pasi and Yenan Meetings (the fight against the Chang Kuo-tao line began at the Pasi Meeting and ended at the Yenan Meeting) succeeded in bringing all the Red forces together and in strengthening the unity of the whole Party for the heroic struggle against Japan.
  • 他通过听录音的办法来学语。
    He learns English by listening to tape recording.
  • 国东南部,修上一年的水管和龙头就能挣到7万镑。
    Many in the South East earn £70,000a year for fixing pipes and taps.
  • 这个饭店提供的统包价格为每周150镑。
    The hotel offers an all-in tariff of £150 a week.
  • 目前两地正寻求在师资条件允许的地区,逐步在小学高班起学文。
    Currently, both China and Taiwan are attempting to bring forward the teaching of English and it is taught at upper primary levels wherever qualified teachers are available.
  • 我们全都要学英语。
    We will be taught English.
  • 他年轻时语自学成材。
    He taught himself English when young.
  • 如今已经51岁的努斯说,当警方试图逼绑匪头目说出那些国游客的下落时,那个人竟然还把警察们嘲弄了一番。
    Nuss, now aged 51, said the lead captor taunted police who tried to force him to reveal where the Britons were.
  • 捐税使国各阶层均感为重担。
    Taxation bears heavily on all classes in Britain.
  • 车上有英文报吗?
    English newspapers in your taxi?
  • 微型出租汽车一种用作出租汽车的微型车,尤指在
    A minicar used as a taxicab, especially in England.
  • 他自学英语。
    He teaches himself English.
  • 午饭时,我们相互给对方上课:我教他汉语,他教我语。
    At lunch time we exchange lessons. I teach him Chinese and he teaches me English.
  • 你们这儿教英语吗?
    Do you teach english here?
  • 她教他们英文吗?
    Does she teach them English?
  • 她教谁英文?
    Whom do she teach english?
  • 她教谁英文?
    Whom does she teach English?
  • 她教谁英文?
    Whose English does she teach?
  • 她不教我们英文吗?
    Do not she teach us english?
  • 她不教我们英文吗?
    Does not she teach our English?
  • 他不适合教语;他没有教语的资格。
    He is unqualified to teach English.
  • 她不教我们英文。
    She do not teach us english.
  • 1980年的教师节,来自国的老师大早走进某初院教室,发现里头空无一人,但每张桌面上,都摆着一束青菜。
    On Teachers' Day in 1980, a junior college teacher from the United Kingdom walked into class that morning only to find it empty. But there was a stalk of vegetables on every desk.
  • 他是我的英语老师。
    He's my english teacher.
  • 《新格兰医学期刊》的研究试图区分基因和环境对癌症的影响。
    The NEJM study attempted to tease apart the effects of genes and the environment on the risk of cancer.
  • 她身高不足4尺,却能把高尔夫球从球座上击到200码开外。
    She's less than 4 feet tall, but can drive a tee shot 200 yards.
  • )19世纪60年代穿着皮夹克,骑摩托车的国青少年。
    (British) a British teenager in the 1960s who wore leather jackets and rode motorcycles.
  • )19世纪60年代国青少年的称号;以身着奇装异服和反对摇滚歌手而著称。
    (British) a British teenager in the 1960s; noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers.
  • 勿忘幽默孩子们十几岁时,多萝西·里奇一直把一个直径近6寸的巨大的“阿斯匹林”放在餐桌旁。
    Don' t forget to laugh. When her children were teens, Dorothy Rich, used to keep a giant "aspirin, “ nearly six inches in diameter, by the dining table.
  • 发往国的电报要多少费用?
    What's the rate for telegram to England?