  • (指细菌)指在使用革兰氏方法时保持所染的紫色的细菌,或者与这样的细菌相关。
    (of bacteria) being or relating to a bacterium that retains the violet stain used in Gram's method.
  • (指细菌)指在使用革兰氏方法时不保持所染的紫色的细菌,或者与这样的细菌相关。
    (of bacteria) being or relating to a bacterium that does not retain the violet stain used in Gram's method.
  • 在所有的生物系统,甚至是细菌中,都有一些我们试图模仿却未模仿的东西。
    Maybe there is something in all living systems, even a bacterium, which we have tried to emulate but are missing.
  • 昨晚未出席你的生日聚会深感抱歉。
    I felt bad about not being able to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.
  • 你昨晚没来,真是遗憾。
    Too bad you couldn't come last night.
  • 不礼貌的行为可导致不愉快
    Bad manners may offend.
  • 彼得-李可有一个彩色代码徽章,但这也不使他进入lawrencelivermore的正在开展设计工作的地点。
    And in the pre-O'Leary era, Peter Lee probably had a color coded security badge that would not have even allowed him access to the areas of Lawrence Livermore where such design work took place.
  • 缠住你叔叔让他今晚借车给我们用吗?
    Can you badger your uncle into letting us have his car this evening?
  • 希望您原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。
    I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again.
  • 最重要的是,基于血红蛋白的氧携带体可被用在真正血液不获得的情况下和地点,像灾难发生地、某些国家或战场。
    Best of all, HBOCs can be used in situations and locations where real blood is not avail able, as at disaster sites, some countries or baffle zones.
  • 国庆节游行的壮观景象非笔墨所描述。
    The splendour of the National Day parade baffled description.
  • 巫统与马来社会一直不理解,为何巫统长期来控制《马来西亚前锋报》及《每日新闻》,马来社会没有反对的声音,华社却对马华企图控制华文报会有那么强烈的反弹。
    The strong reactions have baffled the United Malays National Organisation or Umno, as well as the Malay community. For a long time, Umno has controlled the Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian and there has not been the slightest outcry from the Malays.
  • 有魔力的拥有特殊的产生令人无法预计或使人迷惑效果的力的
    Possessing distinctive qualities that produce unaccountable or baffling effects.
  • 你能把书包放好吗?
    Can you fit your bag on?
  • 空袋不能直立。
    An empty bag cannot stand upright.
  • 把这只包也作行李托运?
    Can I check this bag too?
  • 把行李存在那儿吗?
    Can I leave my baggage there?
  • 将手提行李放在这儿吗?
    Can I put my baggage here?
  • 达内还说,自从1989年圣诞处决了齐奥塞斯库以后,熊的数量就急剧增加。而在齐奥塞斯库的时代,他常常设宴款待自己的亲信和外国高官,并邀请他们一起参加猎熊派队。有时候一晚上就杀掉好几十头熊。
    Since Ceausescu's summary execution on Christmas Day 1989, bear numbers have risen sharply, Danet added -- Ceausescu used to invite cronies and foreign dignitaries to lavish shooting parties, sometimes bagging dozens of bears in a single day.
  • 军方分析家认为,在打击伊拉克共和国卫队和巴格达周边的其他防御部队时,微波炸弹可尤为有效。
    Military analysts believe that microwave bombs could be particularly useful against Republican Guard and other defences around Baghdad.
  • 美国高级官员说,当时伊拉克若立即并且全面遵守联合国的要求,巴格达阻止布什采取行动并非不可想象。
    Senior United States officials said it was conceivable that Baghdad could stay Mr.Bush's hand with immediate and broad compliance with United Nations demands.
  • 一名男子站在他的屋外不自已地哭泣,他5岁的儿子在巴格达一个繁忙的菜市场附近玩耍时,被一次空袭夺去了生命。
    A man stood outside his home sobbing uncontrollably for his five-year-old son,killed while playing near a busy Baghdad vegetable market when an air raid struck.
  • 美国军方人士说,五角大楼已经加快研制一种新型尖端精确武器。这种武器可会在巴格达的高技术战斗中投入使用。
    The Pentagon has accelerated development of a new generation of advanced precision weaponry that could be ready for use in a high-tech battle for Baghdad, according to US military sources.
  • 在目前的情况下,伊拉克应该是愿意提供合作的,我们在巴格达的时候,曾经与一个南非政府的代表团进行过会谈,这个代表团正在向伊拉克阐明南非是如何与国际原子组织进行了两年的通力合作,取消了核武器项目,赢得了全世界的信心的,我已经得知伊拉克接受了南非代表团的游说,派出了一个专家小组进行进一步的谈话。
    In the current situation, one would expect Iraq to be eager to comply. While we were in Baghdad, we met a delegation from the Government of South Africa. It was there to explain how South Africa gained the confidence of the world in its dismantling of the nuclear weapons programme, by a wholehearted cooperation over two years with IAEA inspectors. I have just learned that Iraq has accepted an offer by South Africa to send a group of experts for further talks.
  • 风笛的调旋律管其上弹奏曲调的风笛管
    The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played.
  • 调谐后产生单个连续调次的风笛管。
    a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone.
  • 虽然我们把这头野兽困住,但它仍会抵抗。
    Though we could bail the wild beast up, it would fight.
  • 我们不指望政府帮助所有的亏损公摆脱困境。
    We can’t expect the government to bail out all the failing companies.
  • 食用或猎用甚至也不当作鱼饵的鱼。
    any fish useless for food or sport or even as bait.
  • 如果我必须长胖一倍才烤成面包的话,这辈子我也想不烤面包了。
    I just won’t bake bread if I have to double in bulk.
  • 如果你在工作日回来的话,可以便宜50英磅。
    Yes. If you could fly bake on a weekday, it's 50 pounds less.
  • baker太太真是太幸运了,有人今早在楼道里拾到了一个项链盒,很可是baker太太丢的那个,已送到了客房部。
    Mrs. Baker is lucky. Someone found it in the corridor this morning . it could be the locket that Mrs. Baker lost. It has been sent to the housekeeping Office.