  • 朗诵会的主题是抒发爱国之情,因而毛泽东、李大钊等革命家的作成为演出的主体。
    The expression of patriotism was the theme for the performances, so masterpieces from Mao Zedong, Li Dazhao and other revolutionaries were the main part of this recitation.
  • 每隔一小时就有一警察在我们这条街上巡逻。
    Every hour a policeman patrolled our street.
  • 除了步行巡逻外,警犬也跟随巡逻车执勤,以便能够对任何事故迅速回应,年内巡逻警犬协助在618宗个案拘捕1073疑犯。
    Apart from foot patrols, Police dogs joined mobile patrol teams to enable a speedy response to any incident. Patrol dogs were involved in the arrests of 1 073 persons in 618 cases in 1997.
  • 恐怖分子袭击了两正在巡逻的士兵。
    Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.
  • 藏在屋顶上的狙击手击毙了三巡逻兵。
    A sniper hide on a roof picked off three of the soldier on patrol.
  • 希腊首都及最大城市;根据希腊女神雅典娜命
    the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess).
  • 属于源自父的姓的。
    of a patronymic name.
  • 作为一共和党人,布什在竞选总统的时候就强调"政府管的少就是管的好"。为了贯彻这一点,他积极要求国会重新批准1996年出台的《福利改革法案》,并增加拨款来鼓励婚姻。
    Senator Patty Murray, D-Wash Bush, who campaigned as a less-government-is-good-government Republican, is so convinced of this that he is pressing Congress to add money to promote marriage in a bill that reauthorizes the 1996 Welfare Reform Act.
  • 三十一年以后,在柏蒂oo希尔出任哥伦比亚大学师范学院幼儿教育系系主任之后,一个叫罗伯特ooho科尔曼的男士未经姐妹俩的允许,私自出版了这首歌,在这首歌后又加上了一段,即大家熟悉的"祝你生日快乐",这就构成了对姐妹俩的伤害和侮辱。
    Thirty-one years later, after Dr.Patty Hill became the head of the Department of Kindergarten Education at Columbia University's Teacher College, a gentleman by the name of Robert H.Coleman published the song, without the sisters' permission. To add insult to injury, he added a second verse, the familiar "Happy Birthday to You."
  • 狮以爪闻名。
    The lion is known by his claws(paw).
  • 向持票人而不是字写在债券上的人付款
    Bond which is payable to the bearer and do not have a name on it
  • 向持票人而不是字写在债券上的人付款。
    Bond which is payable to the bearer and does not have a name on it.
  • 刚好在发薪日前我已一文不
    I am broke now that it's just before payday.
  • 对不起,收款人姓该怎样拼写呢?
    Excuse me, but how do you spell the name of the payee?
  • 他是出的债务拖欠者.
    He is well known as a slow payer.
  • 在同巴西的比赛中,当米卢换下几年龄稍大的球员,比如31岁的前锋郝海东和29岁的队长马明宇之后,这几年轻的队员在后半场的比赛中表现十分突出。
    They stood out in the second half of the Brazil game, when Milutinovic substituted older payers such as striker Hao Haidong, 31, and captain Ma Mingyu, 29.
  • 例如,在根据所得税的收入估算国家总收入时,往往不把得自公债的收入排除在外,而对纳税人则是按其全部义收入课税,不允许从义收入中扣除购买公债的款项。
    For example, in estimates of the gross income of the country,founded on the proceeds of the income-tax, incomes derived from the funds are not always excluded: though the tax-payers are assessed on their whole nominal income, without being permitted to deduct from it the portion levied from them in taxation to form the income of the fund holder.
  • 将他从工资单上除名
    Lopped him from the payroll.
  • 在八年级时,盖茨和两位朋友用电脑为学校编写了花册程序。
    In the eighth grade, Gates and two friends wrote a computerized payroll program for their school.
  •  ——已被原单位开除或除,但改造表现好的,劳改单位在其刑满释放前,向原单位提出重新安排工作的建议。
    For a prisoner who was dismissed or had his or her name removed from the payroll of the original work unit, but did well in reform-through-labour, before the prisoner's release the reform-through-labour institution is to recommend him or her to be rehired at the former work unit.
  • 自1948年以来,来自100多个国家的1760联合国维持和平行动军事人员和文职人员殉职。
    More than 1,760 UN military and civilian peacekeepers from over 100 countries have died in the line of duty since 1948.
  • 在联合国维和行动中自1948年以来,来自100多个国家的超过1760军事人员和文职人员殉职,2001年有62维和人员殉职。
    In UN peacekeeping, more than 1,760 military and civilian personnel from over 100 countries have died in the line of duty since 1948, including 62 peacekeepers in 2001.
  • 目前,中国仍有53军事观察员分别在6个任务区执行任务,有2参谋军官在联合国维和部工作。
    At present, 53 Chinese military observers are still serving in 6 regions, and 2 staff officers working in the UN peacekeeping department.
  • 西藏高原雪峰和寺古迹吸引着世界众多的探险客和旅游者。
    The snowy peaks, famous monasteries and relics of historical interest on the Tibetan Plateau have attracted many adventurers and tourists from other countries.
  • 有啊,那辆车撞到三路人。警方怀疑那个司机当时是酒醉驾车。
    Yeah, the car hit three pedestrians. Police suspected that the driver was driving under the influence.
  • 有一个办法:你加入我们,像我们其他人一样当个体商贩。
    There is a way out: you can become one of my men, an individual pedlar like the rest of us.
  • 鹈鹕先生的大被宣扬得太过头了。
    Much play was made with Mr Pelican's name.
  • 年内,平均约有7400犯人进行生产工作,监狱工场为政府部门和公营机构提供广泛的产品及服务,另有小部分则供给私营机构。
    In 1997, about 7400 inmates were engaged in industrial work. Penal workshops provide a wide range of goods and services for government departments and public organizations and, to a smaller extent, for the private sector.
  • 所招来的麻烦之一就是街上的行人都对你指指点点。
    One of the penalities of fame is that people point at you in the street.(喻)
  • 当了人的麻烦之一是在街上被人指指点点。
    One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.
  • 的弊端之一是失去了私人活动自由。
    One of the penalties of fame is loss of privacy.
  • "我们的一队员被对方撞倒后,我们队得到一次罚点球的机会。"
    We were given a penalty kick after one of our players was hit.