  • 有书写桌面、抽屉和其他隔厢的家具。
    a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments.
  • 他说这是他在整理房的抽屉时发现的。
    He’d found it, he told me, while going through drawers in his house.
  • 越来越晚了,时剩下不多了。
    Time is drawing on.
  • 时间已近。
    The time is drawn nigh.
  • 在灯火管制期必须拉上窗帘。
    Curtains must be drawn during the black-out.
  • 我对即将到来的考试非常担心。如果我有时复习该有多好啊。
    I dread the coming exams. If only I could have time to review my lessons.
  • 当我最初到格拉斯哥居住的时候,我觉得那是个荒凉的地方。但过了一段时,我对它开始感兴趣起来。
    When I first went to live in Glasgow I found it rather a dreary place, but after a while it began to grow on me.
  • 他们不了解,不但在资本主义社会,就是在社会主义社会,也不能抽象地讲人的价值和人道主义,因为我们的社会内部还有坏人,还有旧的社会渣滓和新的社会渣滓,还有反社会主义分子,还有外国和台湾的谍。
    They don't understand that neither in capitalist society nor in socialist society can there be an abstract value of the human being or abstract humanism, because even in our society there are still bad people, dregs of both the old and new societies, enemies of socialism and spies sent by other countries and Taiwan.
  • 这是有门隔之梳妆台。
    It's a dresser with doored compartments.
  • 她用太多的时装扮自己。
    She spends too much time (in) dressing herself.
  • 更衣室为游泳者提供换衣的建筑物
    A building with dressing rooms for swimmers.
  • 她用太多时装扮自己。
    She spends too much time dressing herself.
  • 她穿衣服总是要那麽长时.
    Dressing always takes her such a long time.
  • 这种涂料有一种介于完全光滑和完全不光滑之的面。
    a paint that dries with a finish between glossy and flat.
  • 大多数客人都涌进了特里正在使劲弹钢琴的那个房
    Most of the guests had drifter off to the other room where Terry was going great guns at the piano.
  • 在其它的时——尤其是当我很晚回家走进沉入梦乡的房的时候,只见丈夫和女儿在读过第三遍珍妮·约伦的《泉月》渐渐入睡之后相互蜷缩着躺在那里——我想道,如果机会或者选择将我们带到另一个地方,我们就不会来到人世
    Other times--particularly when I come home late to a sleeping house, my husband and daughter curled around each other after drifting off during the third reading of Jane Yolen's Owl Moon--I think about the lives we would not have had if chance or choice had brought us to a different place.
  • 我们必须在此耗费一点时了。
    We must drill away a little time here.
  • 他们经过长时的讨论解决了深层钻井问题。
    They hashed out the problem of drilling in great depth.
  • 勘探者们在沙漠中花了几个月的时钻井,终于钻出了石油。
    After several months of drilling in the desert, the prospectors struck it rich.
  • 开车到那个村庄只要很短时
    It is a short drive to the village.
  • 这辆卡车进入车道后向那房屋驶近了。
    The truck entered the driveway and drove up towards the house.
  • 墨西哥的一种鳞茎草本植物,因有美丽的红、白相的花,常被栽培,花下垂、顶生伞状花序。
    half-hardy Mexican herb cultivated for its drooping terminal umbels of showy red-and-white flowers.
  • 有时间来玩儿。
    Drop in at any time.
  • 有时间请再来。
    Drop by whenever you have time.
  • 夹在中的是大议会、40人议会和元老院、以及总督议会。
    In between were the Great Council, the Forty and the Senate, and the Ducal Council.
  • 公爵夫人仪态万方地走进房
    The duchess sailed into the room.
  • 8.寻找复活节彩蛋的习俗,据民传说,是由一位德国公爵夫人兴起的。
    8.The custom of the Easter egg hunt,folklore tells us,was started by a German duchess.
  • 不过公爵小姐的肺病已经到了第三期,玛格丽特来巴涅尔没几天,公爵小姐便离开了人
    The fact was that the young Duchess was in the tertiary stage of consumption and, only days after Marguerite's arrival, she succumbed.
  • 我告诉她不要那样同我讲话,结果她气呼呼地离开了房
    I told her not to speak to me like that and she left the room in high dudgeon.
  • 蒋介石和汪精卫彼此的活动有如唱双簧的关系。
    The duet was being acted by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei.
  • “传统”这个词的含意是,某物靠自身的优点经受了时的考验,应该被保存下来,如红色的邮筒、连帽粗呢风雪大衣、果子酱、8月银行假日、品脱、女贞树篱、威灵顿长统靴。
    The word " traditional" implies that something has stood the test of time on its own merits and should be preserved -- red pillar boxes, duffel coats, marmalade, the August Bank Holiday, the pint, privet hedges, Wellington boots.
  • 他们有些人会不惜花钱和费事,给房安装上一个从不使用的假壁炉。
    Some of them liked to spend a great deal of money and trouble in putting in dummy fireplace,which would never be used;