Chinese English Sentence:
  • 格兰南部苏塞克斯郡的一个城市,是旅游胜地;布莱登大学所在地。
    a city in Sussex in S England that is a popular resort; site of the University of Sussex.
  • 但是对于在欧洲难民营这个灰色世界里出身和长大的孩子来说,萨塞克斯的塞德勒斯克姆的国际儿童村175亩的田野和森林简直是地球上的天堂,在那儿只有仙女没有士兵。
    But to children born and brought up in the grey world of Europe's refugee camps, the 175 acres of field and woodland at the Children's International Village at Sedlescombe, Sussex, is a paradise on earth. At Sedlescombe, there are fairies, not soldiers, at the bottom of their garden.
  • 直到时序进入近代,、法、俄、日的冒险家先后从敦煌藏经洞劫走大批典籍,接着美国人又盗取了大量壁画,敦煌这才重新声名大噪,并且变得更加疮痍满目。
    And it was not until modern times when the British, French, Russian and Japanese adventurers plundered large quantities of sutras from Dunhuang's Grottoes of Buddhist Texts and later the Americans stole large numbers of frescoes that Dunhuang regained its fame but became even more devastated.
  • 1907年8月31日,、俄帝国签订了《俄同盟条约》,其中把中国在西藏的主权改称为“宗主权”。
    On August 31, 1907, Britain and Russia signed the Convention Between Great Britain and Russia, which changed China's sovereignty over Tibet into "suzerainty."
  • 他有一次横渡了吉利海峡。
    Once he swam the English Channel.
  • 他测了一下,她游完1里所用的时间。
    He timed her as she swam a mile.
  • 青少年时期,她继续跳芭蕾舞,经常在海滨的度假胜地演出。"我几乎在国每一个码头上表演《垂死的天鹅》",她说。
    She went on to ballet,performed at seaside resorts when she was a teenager,and “danced the Dying Swan on every pier8 in England,”she said.
  • 他们给她起名格利,与时年二岁的瑞典公主同名。
    They named her after[3] the Sweden's two-year-old royal princess Engrid.
  • 保罗来自格兰,非常幽默;迈克来自瑞典,是个非常认真负责的人。
    Paul is from England, a very humorous guy.Michael comes from Sweden, a very responsible person.
  • 镑将用作对官员的贿赂。
    will act as a sweetener on the official. 10
  • 国游泳选手得了第二名。
    The English swimmer came second.
  • 瑞士不是英语国家。
    Switzerland is not English speaking country.
  • 我看了一下里程计,他说得没错,确实是4里,我还坚信是20里呢。
    I checked the odometer. He was right. Four miles exactly. I could have sworn it was 20.
  • 我们都将死去,我们将与爱的人和不同种族的人一起充实而热烈的死去。我们咽下彼此的味道;交换彼此的身躯,浮游于爱河之上;恐惧时我们躲藏起来,正如这凄凉的洞穴。我要所有这些都镌刻在我的身体上。我们才是真实的国家,并非画在地图上的边界所示的,以掌权者命名的国家。我知道你定会回来抱着我,屹立风中。那就是我所要的--与你漫步在如此的土地上,与朋友们,在一个没有地图的地球上。                      ---englishsick《国病人》
    We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps.
  • 至于中国语文科和国语文科(课程乙),考获e级或以上成绩的考生分别占全体学校考生的64.8%及61.5%(一九九八年则是62.4%及60.3%)。
    The percentages of grade awards at grade E and above for school candidates in the subjects of Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) were 64.8 and 61.5 respectively (62.4 and 60.3 in 1998).
  • 至于会考中国语文科和国语文科(课程乙),考获e级或以上成绩的学校考生分别占全体学校考生的66.9%及67.8%(二零零零年则是66.1%及64.6%)。
    The percentages of grade awards at grade E or above for school candidates in the subjects of HKCEE Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) were 66.9 and 67.8 respectively (66.1 and 64.6 in 2000).
  • 日前天津市教委主办了第三届天津大学生语演讲比赛,旨在贯彻新的大学语教学大纲,促进大学语教育,培养学生的学习兴趣。
    "The Third Tianjin College Student English Speaking Competition" was held by the local education committee, to implement the new ""College English Syllabus"", promote college English education,develop the enthusiasm and interest of college students.
  • 日前天津市教委主办了第三届天津大学生语演讲比赛,旨在贯彻新的大学语教学大纲,促进大学语教育,培养学生的学习兴趣。
    "The Third Tianjin College Student English Speaking Competition" was held by the local education committee, to implement the new"College English Syllabus", promote college English education, develop the enthusiasm and interest of college students.
  • 又如语one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,hundred,thousand、million等,其中也有好些是语音较长的文字。
    Their English equivalents -- one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, hundred, thousand, million -- include multi-syllabic words, too.
  • 《哈姆雷特》是本学年国文学教学大纲中规定的作品.
    `Hamlet' is on this year's English literature syllabus.
  • 如果我对政府的计划投反对票,商人们会贿赂我500镑。
    The businessmen offered me £500 under the table if I would vote against the government's plans.
  • 时间已到,我还有10尺才到垒,于是被罚下场。
    I'm tagged out a good 10 feet down the line.
  • 九是国民党籍台北市长。他被认为是下届台湾总统选举的热门候选人之一。
    A KMT member, Taipei mayor Ma, is one of the hot favourites in the next presidential election.
  • 做一顿晚饭需要5.37镑-就算你加上原料钱,你也会发现这绝对比叫外卖便宜。
    Cooking dinner would cost 5.37 pounds -- cheaper to get a takeaway, once you add the cost of the raw materials needed to make it yourself.
  • 这本书以一位民族雄的名字命名。
    The book takes its title from the name of a national hero.
  • 到1884年,一个151尺高的雕像已在巴黎竖起。
    By 1884, a statue which was 151 feet tall, had been erected in Paris.
  • 国队的积分在记分板上一路攀升时(记分板最后显示国以145枚奖牌名列第一,比第二名的美国多出98枚),叫屈不平的声浪迭起。
    British victories mounted on the scoreboard the final tally showed Great Britain with 145 medals, 98 ahead of the second-place United States team-the cries of unfavorable treatment mounted.
  • 就以人们对本地媒体的期望来说,一些知识精常表示,比起西方媒体,本地媒体在报道政治课题时太过“温和”。
    Take, for instance, public expectations of the media. Some Singaporean elites often complain that, compared to the Western media, the local media is rather “tame” when reporting on political issues.
  • 语长久以来是我们的工作语言,母语却在个别种族保持和延续各自文化的工作上,扮演了重要的角色。
    English is our working language, while Chinese, Malay, or Tamil each plays an important role of preserving the cultural heritage of the different races.
  • 我认为新加坡人应该通晓文和母语——不论是华文、马来文或淡米尔文。
    My view is that Singaporeans should be proficient both in the English language and their mother tongue, whether it is Chinese, Malay or Tamil.
  • 以新加坡的情况来说,鼓励国人熟练掌握一种第二语文(可以是华文、文、法文、德文、日文、马来文、淡米尔文等),是十分重要的。
    In Singapore, it is important to emphasize the proficiency in a second language--be it Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Malay or Tamil.
  • 其实,那时、美、日在中国的斗争已到十分露骨的地步,蒋桂冯混战的形势业已形成,实质上是反革命潮流开始下落,革命潮流开始复兴的时候。
    As a matter of fact, the struggle in China between Britain, the United States and Japan had by then become quite open, and a state of tangled warfare between Chiang Kai-shek, the Kwangsi clique and Feng Yu-hsiang was taking shape;