  • 外国人也可骗我们,也可欺负我们落后。
    Yes, foreigners may still deceive us or take advantage of our backwardness.
  • 进行这些改革,是全国人民的长远利益所在,否则,我们不摆脱目前生产技术和生产管理的落后状态。
    The long-term interests of the whole nation hinge on these reforms, without which we cannot overcome the present backwardness of our production technology and management.
  • 如果不搞社会主义,而走资本主义道路,中国的混乱状态就不结束,贫困落后的状态就不改变。
    If we had taken the capitalist road, we could not have put an end to the chaos in the country or done away with poverty and backwardness.
  • 是坚持那种不摆脱贫穷落后状态的政策,还是在坚持四项原则的基础上选择好的政策,使社会生产力得到比较快的发展?
    Should we follow a policy that will not help us shake off poverty and backwardness, or should we, on the basis of those four principles, choose a better policy that will enable us to rapidly develop the productive forces?
  • 所谓四个现代化,就是要改变中国贫穷落后的面貌,不但使人民生活水平逐步有所提高,也要使中国在国际事务中够恢复符合自己情况的地位,对人类作出比较多一点的贡献。
    By achieving the four modernizations, we mean shaking off China's poverty and backwardness, gradually improving the people's living standards, restoring a position for China in international affairs commensurate with its current status, and enabling China to contribute more to mankind.
  • “你从5倒着数吗?”“可以, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1。”
    "Can you count backwards from 5?" "Yes, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."
  • 我们不会在前进的路上原地踏步,更加不倒退。
    We will not stand still, nor should we go backwards.
  • 我已经竭尽全力取悦于你了,我还做什么呢?
    I've fallen over backwards to please you, what more can I do?
  • 很遗憾,这种兼容性是反向的,cd播放器不播放dvd光盘。
    Unfortunately, this compatibility is backwards and so CD players will not play DVDs.
  • 只有向后才理解生活;但要生活好,则必须向前看。(克尔凯郭尔)
    Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.( Kierkergaard)
  • 那本书你读了很多遍,现在一定倒背如流了。
    You've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now!
  • 我不在厨房里同时忙前又忙后。
    I can't be in the kitchen running backwards and forwards at one and the same time.
  • 汤姆今天被关住了,他只在后院里玩。
    Tom is hedged in today. He can only play in the backyard.
  • 我走进我们家后院,爬上苹果树,俯在高处的树干上,我看见博吉沿着铁丝围栏来回闲逛。
    I stepped out into our backyard and climbed up into the apple tree.Perched in its upper limbs,I could see the bulldog as he traipsed up and down the length of his wire.
  • 举例来说,当家长和孩子一起外出打棒球或进行户外活动建立感情联系时,可以营造一种持久的充满关爱的气氛,这对将来可发生冲突的后果够起到缓解作用。
    While parents are establishing a bond with a child during baseball outings and backyard games,for example,they can set a tone of enduring love and affection that will mitigate the consequences of the occasional future eruption.
  • 26岁的计算机系统经理改了他的名字以便够反映他的网上生活,他在6个月前在达拉斯租了一所房子并且志愿靠电子商务生活一年而足不出户。
    The 26-year-old computer systems manager changed his name to reflect his online life, rented a house in Dallas six months ago and volunteered to live off e-commerce for a year, never to venture past his tiny backyard.
  • 这使我们顿时觉得意外,潘博士继而解说,这句子还可有悲痛的弦外之音呢0令尊是在指责50年代在大陆发生了对文化界迫害的大整风、大跃进、人民公社和所谓全国工业化之失败"。
    We were astonished and he pointed out that the line also has another meaning in a more tragic context. He said, ''Your father is referring to the Da Zheng Feng movement persecution of the literati in Mainland China in the 1950's. This was followed by the Great Leap Forward, the collectivization movement and the failed attempt to promote (backyard) industrial production.''
  • 他的方法可能成功。
    His methods may bring home the bacon.
  • 在实验室够繁殖细菌和其他生物.
    It is possible to multiply bacteria and other living organisms in the laboratory.
  • 小型移动的硫磺菌。
    small motile sulphur bacteria.
  • 细菌使有机物腐烂。
    Bacteria can decompose organic matter.
  • 低温于细菌不繁殖。
    Low temperatures inhibited bacteria from developing.
  • 遗传力细菌的遗传性转化的
    The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable.
  • 原噬菌体抗菌体的潜在形体,在这种形体中病毒基因和细菌染色体结合,而对细菌细胞不造成分裂
    The latent form of a bacteriophage in which the viral genes are incorporated into the bacterial chromosomes without causing disruption of the bacterial cell.
  • 它还会使我们对病毒和细菌感染的免疫力下降。
    It also can make you more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections.
  • 运动的杆菌的小属可以减少硝酸盐和引起栽培植物在茎上长瘿。
    small motile bacterial rods that can reduce nitrates and cause galls on plant stems.
  • 对于这里的员工来说,它们的粪便绝不仅仅增添了一丝烦恼,还可造成严重的细菌污染。
    Their droppings aren't just a nuisance to employees;they're a potential source of bacterial contamination.
  • 溶原性噬菌体的核酸与原菌体的核酸溶和,这样新合成的基因物质有可通过每一个随后的细胞分裂传到子细胞中去
    The fusion of the nucleic acid of a bacteriophage with that of a host bacterium so that the potential exists for the newly integrated genetic material to be transmitted to daughter cells at each subsequent cell division.
  • 引起香肠中毒的梭菌肉毒菌的细菌制成的有效的毒素。
    potent toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism.
  • 细菌可通过口进入人体。
    The bacterium possibly goes in the human body by the mouth.
  • 一种用够杀死微生物和治疗传染病的细菌制成的化学药物。
    a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections.
  • 酶,酵素酵母菌、细菌、霉菌或霉等引起发酵的东西
    Something, such as a yeast, a bacterium, a mold, or an enzyme, that causes fermentation.