  • 第四十五 国家鼓励、支持消耗臭氧层物质替代品的生产和使用,逐步减少消耗臭氧层物质的产量,直至停止消耗臭氧层物质的生产和使用。
    Article 45 The State encourages and supports the production and use of substitutes for the ozone-layer-depleting substances, and gradually reduces the output of the ozone layer depleting substances until the termination of their production and use.
  • 面对记者女足队员却说:“不能消极等待件好转,而应该主动想办法适应环境,创造有利的件,去夺取每一场比赛的胜利。”
    When facing the journalists, the women athletes said:" We can not wait for the positive changes pas-sively, but should initially try our best to adapt to the environment and create favorable conditions to win the victory of every match."
  • 这条河流入太平洋。
    The river feeds into the Pacific Ocean.
  • 船在浮冰间破冰行驶。
    The ship forced its way through the pack.
  • 从成本角度出发,包路由的巨大优势是其共享资源:很多通话的包都是在同一电线上传输。
    From a cost perspective, the great advantage of packet routing is that it shares resources: Packets from many conversations travel in the same wire.
  • 支持的传输技术取包交换的形式,即通话路由器在一个包一个包的基础上决定数据和声音走哪路由。
    Supporting transmission technology takes the form of packet switches, or call routers, that decide where data and voice are going on a packet-by-packet basis.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该约必须在“全部接受,否则不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan?? will insist that the pact be considered on an"all or nothing" basis.
  • 苏日中立条约
    Pact of Neutrality between Japan and Soviet Union
  • 以公约或约维系的民族或国家的组织。
    an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty.
  • 里根总统……将会坚持该约必须在“全部接受,否则不签”的基础上予以考虑。
    President Reagan … will insist that the pact be considered on an "all or nothing” basis.
  • 在一个合同或约中,不与其他人(或国家)结盟的人(或国家)。
    people (or countries) who are not aligned with other people (or countries) in a pact or treaty.
  • 当时中国的国民党政府同苏联签订约,承认了雅尔塔的安排。
    At that time, the Kuomintang government signed a pact with the Soviet Union recognizing the arrangements of the Yalta agreement.
  • 中国亲日派大资产阶级的政治代表汪精卫,看了这种情形,吓得发疯,跪倒在日本面前,订立了日汪卖国约,把中国出卖给日本帝国主义。
    Frightened out of his wits by this fact, Wang Ching-wei, the political representative of the pro-Japanese faction of the Chinese big bourgeoisie, grovels before Japan and concludes a traitorous pact, betraying China to Japanese imperialism.
  • 反对销毁短程及中程核导弹约的人,其实心目中有一个更重要的目标,即正由莫斯科与里根政府磋商为了将超级强国家核武器一律削减百分之五十的约。
    Opponents of the treaty eliminating shorter- and mediumrange nuclear missiles really have a more important target in mind-the pact being negotiated by Moscow and the Reagan Administration to reduce superpower nuclear arsenals by 50 percent across the board.
  • 他们沿着这路慢慢地走。
    They padded along the road.
  • 男孩每天都走同一小路。
    The boy padded the same path every day.
  • 画家用画笔的尖端绘上了一些极细的线
    The artist painted in some very fine lines with the tips of a brush.
  • 裤子[一把剪刀, 一把钳子]
    a pair of trousers [scissors, tongs]
  • 另外两条裤子脏了。
    Two more pairs of trousers are dirty.
  • 短裤,两长裤。
    Four pairs of pants, two pairs of trousers.
  • 他穿着带纹的睡衣裤。
    He was wearing striped pajamas.
  • 我喜欢这上面有金鱼和那带熊猫的,10一共多少钱?
    I'd like this with golden fish and that with panda. What's the price of 10 handkerchiefs?
  • 多年来大卫一直过着邪恶的生活,为男人拉皮
    For many years David lived an evil life, pandering to men's sexual's desires.
  • 在过去的十年中,他以给人拉皮而闻名。
    In the past ten years, he became wellknown for pandering to any man who needed a woman.
  • 窗格窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木或者金属
    A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.
  • 铅框用于支撑窗玻璃格的铅
    Strips of lead used to hold the panes of a window.
  • (指玻璃的边)用细小的铅来固定在适当的位置上。
    (of panes of glass) fixed in place by means of thin strips of lead.
  • 用塑化木材把板上所有裂缝填塞起来。
    Plug up any cracks in the panel with plastic wood.
  • 分成板条格
    To separate into panels.
  • 镶以板用板覆盖或装上板
    To cover or furnish with panels.
  • baker太太:噢,有的,我有些衣服要洗,这儿有两套西装、一牛仔裤、几件衬衣、连裤袜,还有小孩子的几件衣服。
    Mrs. Oh, yes, I've got some clothes to be laundered. Here are two suits, a pair of blue jeans, blouses, shirts, panties, and some soiled linen of the kids.
  • 我那旧裤子的膝盖处已穿薄了。
    My old pair of pants has worn thin at the knees.