  • 加入世贸组织后,中国在制定和完善多边贸易规则方面发挥建设性作用,这是中国积极参与经济全球化的重要内容。
    After entry into the WTO, China will play a constructive role in the formulation and perfecting the multilateral rules, which is a very important content of China's involvement in the economic globalization.
  • 加入世贸组织后,中国以更加积极的姿态进一步扩大对外开放,这是中国积极参与经济全球化的重要步骤。
    After achieving its membership in the WTO, China will open wider to the outside world with a more active attitude, which constitutes an important step of China's energetic participation in the economic globalization.
  • 加拿大北冰洋苔原是全世界最大的荒原之一。但是,根据《全球变暖和世界重要陆地生态系统的物种损失》,这片苔原消失超过3/4的面积,那里生活的物种有1/5不复存在。
    The Canadian arctic tundra is one of the world's largest wildernesses but, according to 'Global Warming and Species Loss in Globally Significant Terrestrial Ecosystems', more than three-quarters of its area will disappear, with a loss of one in five of the species living there.
  • 我又买了瓶威士忌,忧郁抛开,我是在辞旧迎新。
    I bought another whisky and put gloom out of my mind;I was ringing a New Year in as well as an Old Year out.
  • 在这个可怕的地方呆了近4个星期的时间,我完全依靠自己的力量生活。
    During nearly for weeks in this glorious place I have lived on my own hump.
  • 光荣将不再属於他。
    His glory will be lost to him.
  • 余烬燃着的小煤块或木块,如在一堆要熄灭的火堆中
    A small, glowing piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire.
  • 此后,对每个东西的触摸都留下一个强烈的记忆,那东西看起来是怎样的。
    Thereafter the touch of every object would bring a glowing memory of how that object looked.
  • 乳糖酶一种能乳糖分解成葡萄糖和半乳糖的酶,它存在于某些酵母或哺乳动物的体液中
    An enzyme occurring in certain yeasts and in the intestinal juices of mammals that is capable of splitting lactose into glucose and galactose.
  • 男孩那把手粘在了杯子上。
    The boy glued the handle onto the cup.
  • 他用胶水这两块木料黏在一起。
    He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue.
  • 木匠两块木板涂上胶水,随即把它们粘在一起。
    The carpenter spread glue on the two pieces of board, and clapped them together.
  • 他们用胶和膏料把打碎的雕像拼凑起来。代表团被迫就他们的分歧达成妥协
    They patched together the broken statues with glue and plaster. The delegates will be forced to patch up their differences.
  • 一种粘性物质,用于填充表面的小孔或织物变硬。
    any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics.
  • 罗马天主教会下列行为称为无赦之罪:谋杀、纵欲、贪婪、贪食、骄傲、嫉妒与懒惰。
    The Roman Catholic Church calls the following deadly sins: murder, lust, covetousness, gluttony, pride, envy and idleness.
  • 一种物质混合在甘油中制成的药物。
    a medicine made by mixing a substance in glycerin.
  • 今晚这儿召开一个会议。
    There's going to be a meeting here this evening.
  • 夏天即将过去。
    Summer's going.
  • 你的建议送交委员会考虑。
    Your suggestion will go before the committee.
  • 在历史上成为永垂不朽的英雄。
    He will go down in history as a hero.
  • 一九九七年七月一日这一天被载入世界历史史册。
    "July 1st, 1997 will go down in world history."
  • 这个青年来会有成就。
    The young man will go far (in his job).
  • "这女孩子很聪明,能干,来在新的工作岗位上大有前途的。"
    The girs is very clever and competent and will go far in her new job.
  • 一条新流水线下星期投入生产。
    A new assembly line will go on-stream next week.
  • 去你去的任何地方。
    I'll go wherever you go.
  • 玛丽一个人上街买东西。
    Mary is go to go shopping by her self.
  • 守门员一拳球击飞。
    The goalkeeper punches the ball away.
  • 他说如果让他投票的话,他把自己推选为世界头号守门员。
    He said if he was allowed to vote he would choose himself as the best goalkeeper in the world.
  • 足球的目标是突破对方守门员的防守,球踢进球门。进一球得一分。
    The object of soccer is to drive the ball past the opposing goalkeeper into the goal for a score, worth one point.
  • 在比赛要结束时,她的队友小黄一记弧线任意球绕过了人墙,突破了守门员李林美的防守。
    Toward the end of the game, her teammate, Xiao Huang, curled a free kick around a defensive wall and past goalkeeper Li Linmei.
  • 如果牛顿从未对自己说过“我不知道”,他那小果园里的苹果就会像冰雹一样平常地落到地上。最多,也就是他可能会俯下身子它捡起来,津津有味地把它吃了。
    If Isaac Newton had never said to himself "I don't know", the apples in his little orchard might have dropped to the ground like hailstones and at best he would have stooped to pick them up and gobble them with gusto.
  • 其实,在格林斯潘及其前任保罗·沃尔克领导下的美联储之所以成功,其秘密就在于他们避免自己美化成可以准确驾驭经济的神人,相反,他们自己的职责压缩到了极致:保持物价稳定。
    In fact, the very secret of the Fed's success under Greenspan and predecessor Pa ul Volker has been that they have avoided godlike pretensions of being able to p reisely steer the economy, and instead defined their task as narrowly as possibl e: keeping prices stable.