  • 任何无翅、吸血的寄生昆虫,以其跳跃的能力闻
    any wingless blood-sucking parasitic insect noted for ability to leap.
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真为拉维维尔海滩)5英里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞兵部队在此着陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了英勇战斗,从此一举成
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.
  • 古希伯来人相信有7位大天使,而把他们的字用红笔写在羊皮纸上,就是吉祥的护身符。
    The ancient Hebrews believed that there were seven archangels and that their names,written in red on parchment,became a lucky talisman.
  • 他不是出生在奥地利,但他曾在维也纳读书;还作为一大提琴手在维也纳交响乐团度过了17年的早期职业音乐家生涯。他很了解维也纳这座城市的音乐传统。
    Austrian by parentage if not by birth,he studied in Vienna,spent 17 years of his early professional life as a cellist in the Vienna Symphony Orchestra,and knows the city's musical traditions as well as any.
  • 家长们有一句至理言,每个孩子心中都很明白,那就是,其他人都这么做,这并不是说你也应该这么做。
    It's the one parental motto every kid knows by heart: Just because everybody else is doing it,that doesn't mean you should,too.
  • 巴黎是着名的城市.
    Paris is a famous city.
  • 一种为“易泊卡”的新储值卡,已在一九九八年四月推出,供驾车人士使用于电子停车收费表。
    A new stored value card, called e-PARK card, was introduced in April for use on electronic parking meters.
  • 我们这里有许多世界牌钢笔;包括:太子、英雄、金星等。
    We have a lot of famous brands of pens, including Parker. Hero and Golden Star, etc.
  • 通俗一点说,地雷是一绝佳的战士、永久的“哨兵”。
    In common parlance, it is the perfect soldier, the "eternal sentry".
  • 虽然我们在形式上已经超越身体发肤受之父母的狭隘观念,然而,在精神上,祖先长辈的地位还是高高在上的,社会和家庭结构对我们而言,还是有某种约束与传承的意义,而字正是此一精神价值的延续和象征。
    While we have grown out of the parochial view of absolute obedience to parents, we still hold our ancestors and elders in high regard. The society and family remain significant in terms of exercising some restrictions over us and providing us a sense of continuity - and Chinese names are the symbols and manifestation of such cultural values.
  • 1932年,她被选中在一部为“婴儿burlesks”的连续剧担任角色:影片中她滑稽地模仿一些著影片中的女主角,此后开始承担某些银幕角色。
    In 1932 she was selected to appear in a series of one-reel films, "Baby Burlesks," in which she would imitate leading ladies in parodies of popular films; she also began playing bit roles in features.
  • 事后,115罪犯受到依法减刑、假释的宽大处理,169罪犯受到记功、表扬。
    Afterwards, 115 prisoners had their sentences reduced or were released on parole, receiving favourable treatment in accordance with the law. Another 169 prisoners were cited or commended for meritorious service.
  • 罪犯在监狱中服了10年刑后被假释了出来。
    The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison.
  •   据报道,46岁的航空工程师伊安·皮尔将涉及7个敏感项目的机密卖给一个叫艾里克斯的“苏联间谍”,以换取13万英镑的酬金。
    Aircraft engineer Ian Parr, 46, tried to pass on secrets of seven sensitive projects for £130,000 to a man he thought was a Russian agent called Aleksei.
  • 以雌雄间恩爱闻的非洲小鹦鹉。
    small African parrot noted for showing affection for their mates.
  • 她是与伟大小说家齐的作家。
    As a writer she was on a par with the great novelists.
  • 年内,各地多个消费者机构和有关团体到访消委会,另外,内地共501官员来港参与培训计划时,亦有访问消委会,作为培训的环节。
    During the year, 501 officials from various parts of China visited the council office as part of a training programme, apart from other visits from consumer organisations and related bodies.
  • 仅仅给出要执行的程序字就可以执行pascal语言。
    Pascal perfroms calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed.
  • 用孩子的义开个账户,让他有自己的存折并对它负责。
    Open an account in the child's name. Let him have his own passbook and be responsible for it.
  • 公共汽车上有20乘客。
    There were twenty passengers in the bus.
  • 我已经看了乘客单。
    I have looked at the passenger list.
  • 乘客单上的人为来自7个国家的公民。
    The passenger list include nationals of seven countries.
  • 警察临时将两路人找来协助指挥交通。
    The police officer pressed two passersby into service to warn off traffic.
  • 现在,几千美国新娘正打开装有面包烘烤机和面团机的盒子。
    Right now American brides by the thousands are opening boxes containing electric bread-baking machines and pasta makers.
  • 他把这张薄薄的片翻过来,看了看反面书写潦草的地址。
    He flipped over the thin piece of pasteboard and read the address scribbled on the back.
  • 藏书者标签一种常贴于书的封里的标签,上面写有藏书者的姓或其他的说明
    A label bearing the owner's name or other identification that is pasted usually on the inside cover of a book.
  • 阿卡迪亚古希腊的一区域,位于伯罗奔尼撒,其居民与其它著文明世界相对隔绝,以过着简朴和田园式的生活著称
    A region of ancient Greece in the Peloponnesus. Its inhabitants, relatively isolated from the rest of the known civilized world, proverbially lived a simple, pastoral life.
  • 的颅相学家佩特师傅.
    Professor Pate, the famous phrenologist.
  • 安妮:是这样,第二级分欧洲a区、欧洲b区、美洲区和东方区四个区比赛,获得各区第一的可参加下一年第一级的比赛,比赛均采用淘汰制,每年举行一届。
    Annie: Let me explain. The teams from the second grade are di-vided into the Europe A section, Europe B section, American section and the Orient section. The champions from each section can partici-pate in the first grade contest next year. They adopted the elimination system. It is held once a year.
  • 菲尔绍,鲁道夫1821-1902德国病理学家和医生,以他对细胞理论的贡献和疾病研究而著
    German physician and pathologist known for his contributions to cell theory and the study of disease.
  • 圣帕特里克节把所有美国人都变成了誉爱尔兰人,一切也都变绿了,甚至那些平时不会是绿色的东西。
    St. Patrick's Day turns everybody in the United States into honorary Irishmen and women and every-thing turns green, even things not normally seen in that colour.
  • 1977年秋,帕特里克·比斯尔只是美国芭蕾舞剧院的又一新演员。他一晚又一晚地在芭蕾舞团跳舞,期待着有人注意他。
    In the fall of 1 977 Patrick Bissell was just another rockie at American Ballet Theatre, dancing night after night in the corps de ballet and waiting for someone to notice him.