  • 蓼科荞麦属;有时在蓼科里。
    buckwheat; in some classifications included in the genus Polygonum.
  • 作物花芽分化
    flower bud differentiation of crop
  • 蕾一个小的,圆形的器官组成部,如味蕾和植物的芽很相似
    A small, rounded organic part, such as a taste bud, that resembles a plant bud.
  • 佩斯匈牙利中北部旧时的一个城镇,位于多瑙河左岸。从1873年以来一直是布达佩斯的一部
    A former town of north-central Hungary on the left bank of the Danube River. Since1873 it has been part of Budapest.
  • 佛教佛教教义,认为生存与痛苦是不可割的,但在超越这两者的精神开悟状态下,可以将我执和世俗的欲望彻底消除
    The doctrine, attributed to Buddha, that suffering is inseparable from existence but that inward extinction of the self and of worldly desire culminates in a state of spiritual enlightenment beyond both suffering and existence.
  • 在柬埔寨,吸烟在僧侣中间十盛行,甚至在佛教典礼仪式上,一包包的香烟已经成为普遍的供品了。
    The habit is so prevalent that packets of cigarettes are a common offering at Cambodian Buddhist ceremonies.
  • 我们必须充使用一切初露头角的人才,鼓励小组内的年轻成员。
    We must make best use of any budding talent and encourage the young members of the group.
  • 无性生殖的没有雌雄交媾而繁殖的,关于无期雌雄交配而繁殖的,涉及无雌雄交配而繁殖的,如在偶数裂或萌芽中
    Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding.
  • im方案允许用户生成按部门或工作地点安排的全公司员工名单,并发给所有员工,让他们不用计算时差,一看就知道公司中现在谁在上网、可以进行通信。
    IM solutions allow you to create and distribute a companywide buddy list, organized by department or location, to all your employees, letting them know at a glance, and without having to calculate time zone differences, who in the company is online and available to communicate.
  • 随后由16名成员组成的行政和预算问题咨询委员会以及34名成员组成的方案和协调委员会对此进行析。
    It is then analysed by the 16-member Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and by the 34-member Committee for Programme and Coordination.
  • 纽约西部的尼亚加拉大瀑布的一部
    a part of Niagara Falls in western New York (north of Buffalo).
  • 布式处理控制执行程序(dpcx)中,一种用于对送到输出全屏幕处理缓冲器的数据进行寻址的形式。
    In a DPCX program, a type of form used to address data sent to the output full screen processing buffer.
  • 当(网站)服务器处理所有对信息的外来请求时,缓存起了网站服务器与因特网的其余部之间的缓冲作用从而提高了安全性。
    A cache can increase security by acting as a buffer between a Web server and the rest of the Internet as the server handles all incoming requests for information.
  • 它通过强调简单性和避免计算密集型的政策、排队、缓冲和控制机制,设计成充利用光纤的几乎无限制的能力。
    It is designed to fully utilize the almost unlimited capacity of optical fiber by emphasizing simplicity and avoiding computation-intensive policing, queuing, buffering and control mechanisms.
  • 半翅目长虫;腿长的食肉蝽,以主要吃其它昆虫为生;少部猎蝽吸哺乳动物的血。
    a true bug: long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects; a few suck blood of mammals.
  • 两雄相争,难解难
    When Greek meets Greek, then comes the bug of war.
  • 医院的这部是后来扩建的。
    This part of the hospital was built on later.
  • 他的析增强了他们的信心。
    His analysis build up their confidence.
  • 建筑用高分子材料
    polymer material for building
  • 建筑物或建筑的一部
    A building or part of a building.
  • 拉扎雷夫说,在长达22小时的险象环生离手术后,玛利亚·特蕾沙由于脑部积血而被推回了手术室,手术又继续了将近5小时之久。
    After the 22-hour risky separation surgery, Maria Teresa was wheeled back into the operating room for nearly five more hours because of a buildup of blood on her brain, Lazareff said.
  • 注射器的圆形部分
    The bulb of a syringe.
  • 小鳞茎一种可离鳞茎的一小部,如大蒜的一瓣
    One of the small sections of a separable bulb, as that of garlic.
  • 凸出;从一个凸出部的表面。
    bulge out; form a bulge outward.
  • 乐观的人,等于是把(自己身体上)凸出来的部也错认作曲线的女孩子。
    An optimist is a girl who mistakes a bulge for a curve.
  • 乐观的人,等于是把(自己身体上)凸出来的部也错认作曲线的女孩子。
    An optimist si a girl who mistakes a bulge for a curve.
  • 在十二个星期后,他为减肥作出的艰苦努力有了回报,他那圆滚的腰围令人满意地减去了四之一。
    Twelve weeks later, he won the battle of the bulge with a satisfactory 1/4 reduction in the size of his rotund waistline.
  • 气囊航帆鼓起的部分
    The bulging part of a sail.
  • (肌)腹肌肉的中央凸起部
    The bulging, central part of a muscle.
  • 大部的工作已经完成了。
    The bulk of the work has been done.
  • 我对它的大部是不了解的。
    Its bulk is unknown to me.
  • 把(大量原料)作为一个单位划处理。
    divide (bulk material) and process as units.