Chinese English Sentence:
  • 第二次世界大战结束后,中、菲两国体育界人士就有恢复远运动会的打算。
    People from both the Chinese and Philippine Sports circles had the intention to restore the Far East Games right after the Second World War.
  • 老是谈一些哲学的西。
    You always enjoy something philosophical.
  • 清除咽喉中的粘液之类的西。
    clear the throat, as of phlegm.
  • 为过去的事件提供永久性证据或信息的西(如文件、录音记录或者照片)。
    anything (such as a document or a phonograph record or a photograph) providing permanent evidence of or information about past events.
  • 突尼斯的第二大城市;位于突尼斯部一个磷酸盐区附近。
    the second largest city in Tunisia; located in eastern Tunisia near a phosphate region.
  • 被艺术家或摄影师用作表现对象的某些西(人或物或场景)。
    something (a person or object or scene) selected by an artist or photographer for graphic representation.
  • 他对一切与摄影有关的西都感兴趣。
    He's interested in anything to do with photography.
  • 她说凡是与摄影有关的西,她都感兴趣。
    She said she was interested in anything pertaining to photography.
  • 粘果酸浆一种地面樱桃植物,(酸浆属粘果酸浆)原产于墨西哥,在北美部广泛种植,具有黄色到紫色的可食性浆果
    A species of ground cherry(Physalis ixocarpa) native to Mexico, widely naturalized in eastern North America, and having an edible, yellow to purple viscid fruit.
  • 《新科学家》杂志11月20日刊登文章说:约99%的小猪喜欢水床胜过其他选择。它们每天有一大半时间懒在床上,只有吃西或玩耍时才肯起来。
    "Around 99 percent of the piglets preferred warm waterbeds to any of the alternatives, spending well over half the day lounging about on them and only getting up to feed or play," New Scientist said Wednesday.
  • 小猪常常会为了吃西抢个好位置而受伤。科学家们分别比较了小猪生活在塑胶垫、泡沫垫、水床、干草和水泥环境中受伤和长胖的几率。
    The scientists compared the number of injuries, which usually occur while scrambling for a feeding position, and the weight gain of the piglets which were provided with plastic plates, foam mats, waterbeds, straw or concrete.
  • 隐匿不见使消失于被堆积起来的西下面
    To cause to vanish under something piled up.
  • 住在码头附近靠从船上或仓库里偷西生活的人。
    someone who lives near wharves and lives by pilfering from ships or warehouses.
  • 我怀疑特里一直在偷商店里的西。暂时不管他,总有一天我们会当场抓住他的。
    I suspect Terry has been pilfering goods from the stores. Give him enough rope, and we'll catch him doing it one day.
  • 在形状或大小上都很像药片的西。
    something that resembles a pill in shape or size.
  • 一个新的领港员登船区-银洲领港员登船区-于一九九六年十二月在博寮海峡外港入口设立。凡总注册吨位达到或超逾4万吨的船舶,均须在银洲领港员登船区接载领港员。
    A new pilot boarding station (PBS), Ngan Chau PBS, was established at the outer entrance of the East Lamma Channel in December 1996, and ships of 40 000 GRT and over are required to pick up pilots at Ngan ChauPBS.
  • 白色木质且光滑的一种五针松,幼树树皮呈浅灰色;特别指部白松。
    any of several 5-needled pines with white wood and smooth usually light gray bark when young; especially the eastern white pine.
  • 欧洲南大型的二针松,可作木材。
    large 2-needled timber pine of southeastern Europe.
  • 美国部和加拿大南的一种大型的三针松树;与池松近属。
    large 3-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; closely related to the pond pine.
  • 美国南多沙沼泽中生长的一种大型三针松;针叶比北方的刚松长。
    large 3-needled pine of sandy swamps of southeastern United States; needles longer than those of the northern pitch pine.
  • 请备好一些有名的广水果,象香蕉呀,芒果呀,菠萝等等。
    Please prepare some famous Guangdong fruit, such as bananas, mangos, pineapples and so on.
  • 遍布美国部沼泽地的灌木,有小的白到略带桃色的花。
    shrub growing in swamps throughout the eastern United States and having small white to pinkish honeysucklelike flowers.
  • 岩梅一种匍匐生长四季常青的灌木(沙盖花盖花属)长有白色或粉红色的小花,生长于美国部长有松林的沙地
    A creeping evergreen shrub(Pyxidanthera barbulata) having small white or pinkish flowers, native to pine barrens of the eastern United States.
  • 大头针被用以把西钉在一起。
    Pins are used to fasten things together.
  • 正如杨教授提出,方传统重视教育,强调家庭观念,这是方文化的优点,因此我们不断地培养,造就了许多科技人才。
    The strength of the Eastern tradition, as pinpointed by Prof Yang, lies in its emphasis on education and family ties. That explains why numerous talented Asians have been brought up in the fields of science and technology.
  • 箱子里装满了针、棉花和别针之类的西。
    The box was full of needles, cottons, pins and the like.
  • 旋转玩具在外表或运行上与风车类似的西,如玩具纸风车
    Something, such as a toy pinwheel, that is similar to a windmill in appearance or operation.
  • 早在一九六零年,政府已着手制定方案,利用输水管每年从广省输入2270万立方米食水。
    This arrangement dates from 1960, when a scheme was formulated for receiving a piped supply of 22.7 million cubic metres a year.
  • 荜澄茄一种产于南亚的热带灌木状藤本植物(胡椒属毕澄茄),结有辛辣的、浆果状的果实,生有心形的叶子并开柱形穗状小花序
    A tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine(Piper cubeba) having spicy, berrylike fruits, heart-shaped leaves, and small flowers in cylindrical spikes.
  • 新式服装的系列设计在远被非法翻印(剽窃)。
    The design for the new dress collection is pirate in the far east.
  • 新裙子系列的图样是远非法翻印的。
    The drawings for the new dress collection are pirate in the far east.
  • 新裙子系列的图样是远非法翻印的。
    The drawings for the new dress collection is pirated in the Far East.