  • 安装在货车旁边的块可活动的板子,可以增加货车的容量。
    a removable board fitted on the side of a wagon to increase its capacity.
  • 衬套,套管种固定或可移动的圆柱形金属套管,用来压紧、引导或减小摩擦
    A fixed or removable cylindrical metal lining used to constrain, guide, or reduce friction.
  • 电子连接线可移掉的临时电子线路,如在通信系统中的两个元件间的线路
    A temporary, removable electronic connection, as one between two components in a communications system.
  • 带有针的可移动的电唱机的臂状物的部分。
    the part of the arm of a record player that holds the needle and that is removable.
  • 小帆船上种可移动的能放入水中当作鳍板的木板。
    a removable board on a small sailboat that can be lowered into the water to serve as a keel.
  • 种(固定的)印制电路板,其它的印制板电路板就连到这块板上。
    A(non-removable) printed circuit board to which other(remov able) printed circuit boards connect.
  • 欧洲的种藜属植物,叶具有强烈的气味;被引入北美东部。
    European goosefoot with strong-scented foliage; adventive in eastern North America.
  • 小型客货车种呈盒状的、有侧窗和后窗的、且后座可移开放货的小型乘用车
    A small passenger van having a boxlike shape, side and rear windows, and typically removable rear seats for cargo.
  • 更高容量的cd-rw更有意义,将非常有可能成为可移动介质的下个标准。
    The higher capacity CD-RW makes more sense and will have a good chance of becoming the next standard for removable media.
  • 蜡染印花法种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色
    A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax.
  • 赋给文件卷的种属性,它控制该卷何时可以卸下;安装属性有:永久驻留的、保留的、可拆装的等。
    The attribute assigned to a volume that controls when the volume can be demounted; the mount attributes are: permanently resident, reserved, and removable.
  • 种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。
    An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation.
  • 种通常可移动的互连设备,改变它的连线可以控制计算设备的操作。它用在穿孔卡片机中,在用户控制下完成些操作。对于计算机,主要用来控制输入输出操作。
    An interconnection device, usually removable, that employs removable wires to control the operation of computing equipment. It is used on punch-card machines to carry out functions that are under control of the user.On computers it is used primarily to control input/output functions.
  • 咬合托种可移动牙科器具,由金属丝和塑料制成,戴于腭上,作为牙齿矫正或修复的诊断或治疗辅助器
    A removable dental appliance, fabricated of wire and plastic, that is worn in the palate and used as a diagnostic or therapeutic aid in orthodontics or prosthodontics.
  • 块可移动的板,装有几百个端子,用接插线(短接线)将端子连接起来,这些连线决定了机器的不同程序。通过改变接线板上的连线或改变接线板本身,程序可以被改变。
    A removable board containing hundreds of terminals into which patch cords(short wires) are connected(these determine the different programs for the machine). To change the program, the wiring pattern on the patchboard or the patchboard, itself, must be changed.
  • 有粘性偶然根的个常绿攀缘植物属;产于亚洲东南及巴西。
    evergreen climbers with adhesive adventitious roots; southeastern Asia and Brazil.
  • 消除或停止种惹人讨厌的行为
    removal or stop of a nuisance
  • 个有利的位置被迫移走。
    forced removal from a position of advantage.
  • 切除个或者全部卵巢的手术。
    surgical removal of one of both ovaries.
  • 睾丸切除术切除个或两个睾丸的外科手术
    Surgical removal of one or both testes.
  • 卵巢切除术对个或两个卵巢的外科切除手术
    Surgical removal of one ovary or both.
  • 他的第部传奇剧,确实侵犯格林势力范围的《维洛那二绅十》,这时可能也已上演。此事可以说明那位妇女柔情的描绘者为何恼恨下已,目击西尔维娅和朱莉娅的出现对他是不会好受的。
    His first romantic play, the Two Gentlemen of Verona, which definitely trespassed on Greene's own sphere, may also have been acted by this time, a fact which would explain the chagrin of that painter of the gentle love of women, to whom it must have been bitter to witness the advent of Silvia and Julia.
  • 个县通常由好几个区组成。
    the town is responsible for snow removal.
  • 角膜切除术对角膜的部分进行的外科切除
    Surgical removal of a part of the cornea.
  • 颅骨切开术手术除取头颅骨的部分
    Surgical removal of a portion of the cranium.
  • 切除个或者全部肾上腺的手术。
    surgical removal of one or both adrenal glands.
  • 正如蜂窝电话的出现引发场争论,说司机开车时忙于打电话闲聊而忽视路况样,提倡行车安全的人们也发出警告说,车上装有过多的小玩意儿偏离了安全驾驶的基本准则,即手扶方向盘,眼睛盯路面。
    Just as the advent of the cell phone triggered a debate about drivers too busy gabbing to pay attention to the road, so too are safety advocates warning that a plethora of gizmos will detract from the basics of safe driving -- hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.
  • 他做了外科手术为了切除个恶性肿瘤。
    he had surgery for the removal of a malignancy.
  • 我深信,欧洲国家在九九九年开始采用统货币欧罗后,法国人在亚洲市场——尤其是香港和中国内地——方面的经验和专业知识定会发挥很大的作用,有助加强欧亚在贸易和投资上的伙伴关系。
    I am sure that with the advent of the Euro in 1999, their experience and expertise of the Asian market - in particular Hong Kong and the Mainland of China - will be put to good use to consolidate the Euro-Asian trade and investment partnership.
  • 我们不可以低估资讯新纪元带来的种种挑战和机会,其影响之巨,就正如百多年前的工业革命和今日现代电讯所开创的新局面般令人瞩目。
    We cannot underestimate the challenges and opportunities afforded us by the Information Age. They will be as momentous in their way as the Industrial Revolution some one hundred or so years ago and the advent of modern telecommunication we see today.
  • 社会主义时期的主要任务是发展生产力,使社会物质财富不断增长,人民生活天天好起来,为进入共产主义创造物质条件。
    The main task in the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces, keep increasing the material wealth of society, steadily improve the life of the people and create material conditions for the advent of a communist society.
  • 取下弦把…从根弦(或线)上取下
    To remove from a string.