Chinese English Sentence:
  • 指健忘症;影响紧接外伤之后的那段时
    of amnesia; affecting time immediately following trauma.
  • 涉及今后时的或涉及还未发生某事的
    referring to time to come or to something which have not yet happen
  • 指教育的中阶段,常位于六、七年级到八、九年级之
    referring to an intermediate stage of education usually centering on grades 6 or 7 through 8 or 9.
  • 热量被用来加热房的环绕的小室。
    an enclosed chamber in which heat is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc..
  • (走中路线)走中路线或保持谨慎的中立态度
    To affect or maintain cautious neutrality.
  • soapspec:soapspectmodel是对xmlspectmodel类型的进一步细分,soapspectmodel用于表示与web服务之的交互是通过soap的。
    soapSpec: Further refining the xmlSpec tModel type, a soapSpec is used to indicate that the interaction with the service is via SOAP.
  • 他的天才无可置疑,而最使他的评论家们烦恼的是他不愿全力以赴地改进一种才能,而定要把时分散地用在指挥、作曲、演奏这几个方面。
    His genius was indisputable, arid what most galled his critics was that he refused to de vote himself to refining one talent, but insisted on dividing his time between conducting, composing and performing.
  • 第四十七条 在已竣工交付使用的住宅楼进行室内装修活动,应当限制作业时,并采取其他有效措施,以减轻、避免对周围居民造成环境噪声污染。
    Article 47 Whoever makes indoor decoration and refitting in a residential building that is already completed and delivered for use shall do so in restricted hours and take other effective measures to mitigate or avoid producing environmental noise pollution to the neighbours.
  • 在一个入射点一条反射线与垂直于表面的线之的夹角。
    the angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence.
  • 经过一段时的考虑后,我已决定接受你的提议。
    On due reflection I have decided to accept your offer.
  • 破译密码;破坏谍网
    Break a code; break a spy ring.
  • 喉咙发出的一种歇性反射,好象在吞咽东西。
    a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing.
  • 颚音类的保留了软颚音k、g、gh与圆唇软颚音kw,gw,gwh。之反映形式区别的印欧语系语言的、与之相关的或由之组成的
    Of, relating to, or comprising the Indo-European languages that maintained a distinction between the reflexes of Indo-European velar k, g, gh and labiovelar kw, gw, gwh.
  • 反身代词和它的先行词的同一性关系。
    the coreferential relation between a reflexive pronoun and its antecedent.
  • 素有“八百里秦川文武盛地”之称的关中平原,是国家航天、航空、兵器、机械、电子、仪器、仪表、农业等方面的重要科研基地,特别在电子信息、空技术、光机电一体化、生物工程、新材料和高效节能等高新技术领域的专业优势比较明显。
    The middle plain of Shaanxi entitled with "a prosperous birthplace of civil and military officials of Shaanxi occupying the zones of 4 hundreds of kilometers", is a key scientific and research base in the fields including national aerospace, aviation, weapons, mechanics, electronics, instrument and meter, and farming,etc, in particular, professions take obvious advantages for the high and new technological fields of electronics information, space technology, mechanic-electrical as the whole, biochemical engineering, new material and resources economizing with high efficiency,etc.
  • 戈尔巴乔夫和他克里姆林宫改革派盟友们,准备容忍,甚至鼓励温和的民族主义分子向中央控制挑战并要求独立。可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之的暴力则属过分。
    Mr.Gorbachev and his reformist Kremlin allies are prepared to tolerate, even encourage, moderate nationalists who challenge central control and demand autonomy. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale.
  • 在一个入射点一条折射线与垂直于表面的线之的夹角。
    the angle between a refracted ray and a line perpendicular to the surface between the two media at the point of refraction.
  • 中国空科学在基础理论研究方面取得了若干创新成果,在空物理学、微重力科学和空生命科学等领域建立了具有一定水平的对外开放的国家级实验室,建立了空有效载荷应用中心,具有支持进行空科学实验的基本能力。
    Innovative achievements have been scored in the study of basic theory of space science. The establishment of advanced and open state-level laboratories specializing in space physics, micro-gravity and space life science, and the founding of the Space Payload Application Center provide the country with the basic ability to support aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 曙光,暮色清晨或黄昏期当太阳处于地平线以下时,太阳光被地球的大气所折射而弥漫在天空中的光
    The diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the earth's atmosphere.
  • 北美空防御司令部和美军航天司令部司令官埃德·埃伯哈特将军说,太空飞机也能用来"攻击目标"。
    And,says Gen.Ed Eberhart,commander in chief of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S.Space Command,a space plane could also be useful for"putting steel on target."
  • 大草原城美国德克萨斯州东北部城市,位于达拉斯和沃思堡中。座落在一个高度城市化的地区,该城有航天工业并为一个大型游乐园的所在地。人口99,616
    A city of northeast Texas halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Located in a highly urbanized area, the city has an aerospace industry and is the site of an enormous amusement park. Population,99, 616.
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备航天员,研制了一批空遥感和空科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high- reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 5.载人航天。中国于1992年开始实施载人飞船航天工程,研制了载人飞船和高可靠运载火箭,开展了航天医学和空生命科学的工程研究,选拔了预备航天员,研制了一批空遥感和空科学试验装置。
    5. Manned Spaceflight: Initiating its manned spaceflight program in 1992, China has developed a manned spacecraft and high-reliability launching vehicle, carried out engineering studies in aerospace medicine and aerospace life science, selected reserve astronauts and developed equipment for aerospace remote-sensing and aerospace scientific experiments.
  • 西藏地区生态系统十分脆弱,抗干扰能力低,自我更新能力差,一旦遭到破坏,在很长时内难以恢复。
    The ecosystem in Tibet is extremely fragile, and the ability to resist disturbance and regenerate is weak. Once the ecosystem is damaged, it is hard to restore it for a long period of time.
  • 在四围白色政权中的红色割据,利用山险是必要的。
    It is essential for an independent Red regime encircled by the White regime to make use of the strategic advantages offered by mountains.
  • 从排长、连长里选好的来学,经过一定时学习才去当营长、团长。
    Outstanding platoon and company commanders should be selected for these schools and be appointed to battalion or regimental command only after a set period of study.
  • 这样巨大的工程是在一个半月的准备时中完成的,是我们几十万士兵、指挥员包括师长、团长亲自参加这个劳作,以及几十万民工劳作才完成的。
    It took several hundred thousand officers and men, including divisional and regimental commanders, plus the same number of laborers, six weeks to complete that enormous project.
  • 一个很像沙漠的区域,通常位于沙漠和草原或林地之
    a region much like a desert but usually located between a desert and the surrounding regions.
  • 这次,由飞机于伦敦和温莎之传递的信件和明信片达到13万件。
    In this case as many as 130, 000 letters and postcards were carried by aeroplane between London and Windsor.
  • 为加快西部地区的发展,缩小地区发展差距,近年来中国开始实施西部大开发战略。
    Over the past year, China has started to carry out the strategy of large-scale development of the western region to accelerate its development and narrow the gap in development between regions.
  • 阴间;地狱
    An infernal region; hell.
  • 四百一十四美国公司在香港设立分区总部或办事处;
    Four-hundred-and-fourteen US companies have regional headquarters or offices there.