  • 谁去把医生找来!
    Somebody get a doctor!
  • 你那项奇怪的计划现在已经没有指望了,都对它不再感兴趣了。
    That strange plan of yours is now as dead as a dodo; nobody is interested in it any more.
  • 这首打油诗没有标明作者是
    The doggerel doesn’t filiate itself.
  • 将在未来的五年或十年中统治亚洲,共产主义、中国人还是自由?
    Who will dominate Asia in the next five or ten years: Communism, the Chinese, or will freedom?
  • 谁做了这个?
    Who has done this?
  • 谁做了这个?
    Who have done it?
  • 不是说老的就不好,“阿姐”郑惠玉十年后依然光彩照人,如今的李资政也宝刀不老。但是,他们也在变,也在求新、求发展,会说他们“不新”呢?
    I don't mean that whatever is old is no good. Ms Zoe Tay maintains her splendour even a decade after she became the prima donna of TCS, and Senior Minister Lee is full of vitality to this day, as they never cease to strive for change, innovation, and progress. Whoever can say they are "no longer new"?
  • 多数人工授精孩子都觉得有权知道捐精者到底是。60%的人希望和他见面。
    Most think they have a right to find out who the donor is, and 60 per cent want to meet him.
  • 谁住在隔壁?
    Who lives next door?
  • 谁住在你的隔壁?
    Who lives next door to you?
  • 主席没讲清楚是,但都知道他指的就是那个人。
    The chairman dotted no i's but everyone know he meant the man.
  • 主席没讲清楚是,但都知道他指的就是那个人。
    The chairman dotted no one but everyone knew he meant the man.
  • 谁将起草起诉状?
    Who will draft the indictment?
  • 嘿!还打什么草稿呀?直接写就行了。
    Hey! Who needs rough drafts? Let's go!
  • 嘿!还打什么草稿呀?直接写就行了。
    Hey! Who needs rough drafts? let 's go!
  • 私自搜查了我的抽屉。
    Who rifled through my desk drawers?
  • 搜过我的抽屉?有些重要文件丢失了。
    Who's been going into my drawers? There are some important papers missing.
  • 虽然慢吞吞的地方腔调已经不再是致命的缺陷,但如果有以前所谓的牛津口音或是英国广播公司的发音,那还是有优势的。
    A regional drawl is no longer necessarily a fatal flaw but what used to be called an " Oxford" accent or " BBC" pronunciation will still give advantage to someone with it.
  • 在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物。
    Who perpetrate that dreadful extension to the front of the building.
  • 谁是理发师?
    Who is a hair-dresser?
  • 报告是谁起草的?
    Who drew up the report?
  • 谁有改锥?
    Who have a screw-driver?
  • 谁有改锥?
    Who has a screw - driver?
  • 谁有改锥?
    Who have a screw driver?
  • 如命运似的催着我向前走呢?”
    "Who drives me forward like fate?"
  • 他要介绍谁?
    Who is he about to intro duce?
  • 谁介绍客人?
    Who is about to intro duce the guest?
  • 如果公爵没有孩子,继承他的爵位?
    If the duke has no children , who will succeed?
  • 要说出将赢为时太早。
    It is still too early to tell who will win.
  • 赚大钱,可也不知道。
    He's a bit of a dark horse: he was earning a fortune, but nobody knew.
  • 它无处可买,无处可求,无法去借,更不能去偷。当你尚未得到它前,对都没有用的。
    Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.
  • 这对来说都容易得很。
    It's easy for everybody.