  • 制衣业的就业人数然持续下降,但仍然是本港最大的制造业,一九九九年九月时有雇员58400名。
    Despite declining employment, the clothing industry remained the largest manufacturing industry, employing 58 400 persons in September.
  • 但是,不能因此就说这一切都是格林斯潘和他的美联储公开市场委员会的同事造成的,然他们去年上半年提高了利率并一直等到今年一月才开始降息、在三月份纳斯达克指数跌到2000点以下时仍然拒绝在两次例会之间额外降息的呼吁。
    That doesn't answer the question of whether Greenspan and his colleagues on the Feberal Open Market Committee blew it by raising interest rates in the first half of last year, waiting until this January to begin decreasing them, and resisting calls for a surpr ise between?meeting rate cut as the Nasdaq sank below 2000 in March.
  • 这真是虽败犹荣!
    That was a glorious defeat!
  • 我们还有赤字要削减,钱不够,意愿却有,而意愿却正是我们所需的。
    We have a deficit to bring down. We have more will than wallet; but will is what we need.
  • 然他会尝试去做,但无疑他必失败。
    Try as he may (=Though he may try), he will definitely fail.
  • 发展审批地区图为中期图则,然与分区计划大纲图相类似,但却没有分区计划大纲图那么全面和确实,而且最终会被分区计划大纲图所取代。
    DPA plans are similar to but less comprehensive and definitive than OZPs. They are interim plans to be eventually replaced by OZPs.
  • 然大多数负荷平衡器设计成与一个局域网上的服务器一块使用,但有些负荷平衡器可以在广域网上传送请求。
    Some load balancers can delegate requests across a wide area network, though most load balancers were designed for use with server on a single LAN.
  • 农场的房子然很小,但是农场周围的环境却让人神清气爽。
    the farm house, though in itself a small one, is delightfully situated.
  • 狄克尼,詹姆斯·拉斐特生于1923美国作家,更是一个诗人,然其的小说解救(1970年)最有名
    American writer, especially of poetry, although he is perhaps best known for his novel Deliverance(1970).
  • 然戴尔总是集中注意力于大公司,但过了一段时间后康柏和ibm才开始注意戴尔。
    While Dell was always focused on the bigger companies, it took a while for Compaq and IBM to notice Dell.
  • 奥斯汀有很多“dellionaires”,然他们当中的绝大部分-包括戴尔自己-并没有退休的计划。
    Austin is filled with Dellionaires, though the biggest of them all--Dell himself--has no plans to retire.
  • 然在八十年代,本港商人把劳工密集的生产设施迁往珠江三角洲一带,甚至世界其他地方,但时至今日,香港仍是主要的采购、分销和其他制造业辅助服务的中心。
    Although the 1980s saw a major move of labour-intensive production facilities across the boundary to the towns and cities of the Pearl River Delta, and indeed to other parts of the globe, we remain an active centre for the whole process of sourcing, distribution and other manufacturing related services.
  • 南山厅是新近装修的豪华厅,然不大,但足以容纳18位客人,我想你们一定会满意的。
    This dining-room is a deluxe one which is newly decorated and well equipped. It's only a bit small, but spacious enough for eighteen people. I think it'll be satisfactory.
  • 高粱舅并不姓高,这有事实可以证明。他的姐姐就不姓高,他是我的内弟,然和妻是同胞的,可是性情、态度、言动,一切都不相像,不只是性别。
    Uncle Gao-liang's surname is actually not Gao. There is very clear proof of this because his elder sister's surname is not Gao either and he is my brother-in-law. Although he and his sister are born of the same mother, they could not be more different from each other in character, demeanour and mannerism. It is not simply that they are not of the same sex;
  • 现在它然没有运行应用程序和在台式机部署应用程序所需的网络操作系统服务,但这是可以发明的。
    And yet it has none of the network operating system services that are required to run applications and deploy applications to the desktop.But it can be invented.
  • 然亚洲多个地区已把货币大幅贬值,但中国内地的劳工成本,仍较亚洲大部分经济地区为低。
    Even after the marked depreciation of the Asian currencies, labour costs in the Mainland of China are still lower than most Asian economies.
  • 然我们不知道分离和丧失亲人的长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的悲痛。
    Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress.
  • 然她很爱他,但最后他仍抛弃了她。
    Much as she loved him (=Though she loved him very much), he deserted her in the long run.
  • 然这个职务对你来说并不过高,但已经是一个了不起的成就。
    This is a marvelous achievement, though no more than you deserve.
  • 不,这是一场势均力敌的比赛,但你获胜是应该是。
    No. it was a close match, but you deserved to win.
  • 不,这是一场势均力敌的比赛,但你获胜是应该的。
    No. though it was a close match, you deserved to win.
  • 他说客队获胜是应该的,说比分相差不大。
    He said the visitors had deserved their win although the margin was narrow.
  • 然有些人把它看成渴望集中式计算的一个托辞,但有些大公司,尤其是一些涉及非常专门化任务的行业正被nc吸引过来。
    And although some look at it as just a disguise that champions the desirability of centralised computing, some big corporations are already being lured into it, particularly businesses involved in very specialised tasks.
  • 但是,activex是桌面之王,它仍要努力进入系统的其它方面。
    But ActiveX, though king of the desktop, is working its way into other areas of the system.
  • 病入膏肓, 却尚能苟延数月.
    Though desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months.
  • 然给与救援人员的援助和供应极其匮乏,但他们仍然不屈不挠地在继续干着。
    The relief workers keep soldiering on, although they are desperately short of help and supplies.
  • 然双方都保证绝不将炸弹投向妇孺,然而一旦双方都毫无顾忌时,可怕的日子将随之而来。
    And while assurances have been given that there will be no bombing of women and children, there may come a time of desperation when all restraints go to the winds.
  • 然上了年纪但还是很强壮。
    He is very strong despite his age.
  • 然受到侮辱我还是按捺住怒气
    I possessed my temper despite the insult.
  • 然失去了工作,但仍然享有养老金.
    Despite losing his job he retains his pension.
  • 患风湿病,但行走自如。
    He gets about quite well, despite his rheumatism.
  • 然这样穷困,但我这副硬骨头始终不屈服,不向有钱的人低头,更不像别人认为女人的出路是找个有钱的丈夫。
    Destitute as I am, I can bear my privation with great fortitude. I never yield, never bow to the rich, never think that a woman's way out is to marry a wealthy man.