  • 這裏的12萬古族人民完全從事畜牧業。
    The120000 Mongolians here are engaged exclusively in animal husbandry.
  • 從“一五”計劃(1953—1957年)開始,國傢即在內古、新疆、寧夏等民族地區安排了一批重點建設項目,如內古包頭鋼鐵基地、寧夏的青銅峽水電站、新疆的石油勘探和內古興安嶺林區的開發等。
    During the First Five-Year Plan period (1953-1957), the state started to construct a number of key projects in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, such as the Baotou Iron and Steel Base in Inner Mongolia, the Qingtongxia Hydropower Station in Ningxia, petroleum exploration in Xinjiang and the development of the Hinggan Mountains Forest Area in Inner Mongolia.
  • 指一般包括華盛頓、俄勒岡州和愛達荷州以及有時包括大納州和懷俄明州在內的美國地區。
    of a region of the United States generally including Washington; Oregon; Idaho; and sometimes Montana; Wyoming.
  • 冰堰後面,冰雪消融形成了深深的湖泊,灌滿了愛達荷州與大拿州西部的若於個山𠔌。
    A deep lake of melt water formed behind the frigid dam, fifing several valleys in Idaho and western Montana.
  • 他試圖欺騙警察混他的身份。
    He tried to put his identity across the policeman.
  • 聖加河美國伊利諾斯中部一河流,流程約402公裏(250英裏),流嚮西南和嚮西註入伊利諾斯河
    A river, about402 km(250 mi) long, of central Illinois flowing southwest and west to the Illinois River.
  • 舊中國少數民族文盲率在95%以上,寧夏學齡兒童入學率衹有10%,西藏97%的人口是文盲,內古衹有16所中學。
    In old China, the illiteracy rate among ethnic minorities was often over 95 percent.Only 10 percent of school-age children attended school in Ningxia, 97 percent of the people in Tibet were illiterate, and there were only 16 secondary schools in Inner Mongolia.
  • 舊中國少數民族文盲率在95%以上,寧夏學齡兒童入學率衹有10%,西藏97%的人口是文盲,內古衹有16所中學。
    In old China, the illiteracy rate among ethnic minorities was often over 95 percent. Only 10 percent of school-age children attended school in Ningxia, 97 percent of the people in Tibet were illiterate, and there were only 16 secondary schools in Inner Mongolia.
  • 這位偉人的逝世不但使歐洲和美洲戰鬥的無産階級受了巨大損失,也給歷史科學帶來無可估量的損失。
    An immeasurable loss has been sustained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man.
  • 許多早期探險在廣阔而義無航綫圖的大西洋上迷失了。
    Many early explorers got lost in the immense, uncharted Atlantic.
  • 但他在參議院彈劾程序進行到一半,被由中上層人士發起的第二次“人民力量”推翻,卻給菲律賓民主政製上陰影。
    But he was forced from power by a second “people power” initiated by some middle- and upper-class people when a Senate impeachment against him was in process. This has cast doubt on the country’s system of democracy.
  • 在此區域合作的推動下,中國、伊朗、韓國、古、巴基斯坦和泰國等六國政府於1998年4月在曼𠔌簽署了《關於多任務小衛星項目及有關活動合作的諒解備忘錄》;
    Thanks to the impetus of such regional cooperation, the governments of China, Iran, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Pakistan and Thailand signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Small Multi-Mission Satellite and Related Activities" in Thailand in April, 1998.
  • 伯爾尼於1910年出生在特利爾。
    Beme was born in Montreal in 1910.
  • 1912年1月1日,中華民國第一任臨時大總統孫中山在就職宣言書中嚮全世界昭告:“國傢之本,在於人民,合漢、滿、、回、藏等諸地為一國,則合漢、滿、、回、藏諸族為一人,是曰民族之統一。”
    In his inauguration statement on January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen, the provisional first president of the Republic of China, declared to the whole world: "The foundation of the country lies in the people, and the unification of lands inhabited by the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people into one country means the unification of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan races. It is called national unification."
  • 運用或結合用太奇手法的
    To use or incorporate in a montage.
  • 該市在這次地震中受重大損失。
    The city incurred great losses in the earthquake.
  • 受的損失,我們要求賠償460美元。
    We have to ask for a compensation of $460.00 to cover the loss incurred.
  • 不白之冤的受使他從此一蹶不振。
    incurring debts is easier than paying them.
  • 受巨大損失為代價的勝利。
    a victory that is won by incurring terrible losses.
  • a公司嚮我們推薦貴公司為自行車大型製造商。
    We are indebted for your name to Messrs. A& Co., who informed us that you are the largest manufacturer of bicycles.
  • 馬裏恩美國印第安那州中部一東北部城市,位於奇的西北方。它是一個貿易、加工和工業中心。人口32,618
    A city of northeast-central Indiana northwest of Muncie. It is a trade, processing, and industrial center. Population,32, 618.
  • 受了要在那麽多人面前道歉的屈辱。
    I suffer the indignity of having to say I am sorry in front of all those people.
  • 南亞語族東南亞語族之一,一度在印度東北部、印度支那地區占主導地位,包括孟高棉語支及達語支
    A family of languages of southeast Asia once dominant in northeast India and Indochina, including Mon-Khmer and Munda.
  • 帕拉特美國加利福尼亞州南部一城市,位於洛杉磯東南。開始是個乳品業中心,20世紀50年代後成為一個工業化的城市。人口47,669
    A city of southern California southeast of Los Angeles. Originally a dairy center, it became industrialized after the1950's. Population,47, 669.
  • 那封通知經理他被解雇的信把他震了,天裏他誰也不見。
    The letter informing the manager that his services, would do longer be required knocked him right out.He refused to see anyone all day.
  • 的,開始的傾嚮開始的或用來開始的
    Tending or used to initiate.
  • 現在該為受不公正對待的人們大聲疾呼了.
    It's time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice.
  • 新政府洗雪了人民過去所受的冤屈。
    The new government removed the injustice under which the population had labored.
  • 有200多個獸醫站。
    Veterinary clinics number more than 200 in Inner Mongolia.
  • 人們總是懷疑哥馬利在徘徊觀望,有作案企圖。
    Montgomery is always suspected of loitering with intent.
  • 特利爾道和麥加芬街交界有山火發生。
    There's hill fire on the inter section of Montreal Road and McGovern Street.
  • 埃德斯頓指出"與傳統的西南部和西部聚居區相比,居住在各族混居地區的亞裔和拉美裔美國人異族婚姻的比例非常高。
    "We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas [of concentration] in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out.