  • 足球或式橄榄球的端线。
    either of the sidelines in soccer or Rugby.
  • 式足球;曲棍球;橄榄球;足球)在侧翼位置进攻的人。
    (soccer; hockey; rugby; football) player in wing position.
  • 防守队员式足球、曲棍球和橄榄球中主要的防守队员
    The primarily defensive players in soccer, field hockey, and rugby.
  • 国大约有1700个橄榄球协会俱乐部,它们之间进行完全是业余性质的比赛。
    There are about 1700 Rugby Union clubs in Britain which play against each other on a purely amateur basis.
  • 防守后卫在曲棍球、式足球或式橄榄球比赛中,主要在守卫区防守的位于防守球门或球门线附近的队员
    A primarily defensive backfield player in field hockey, soccer, or rugby whose position is near the defensive goal or goal line.
  • 他们发明或者编制了世界上许多观赏性比赛项目,如板球、网球、式橄榄球和高尔夫球。
    They have been responsible for inventing or codifying many of the world's most popular spectator cricket, tennis, football, rugby and golf.
  • 我稍懂些语, 但并不精通。
    I have some acquaintance with English, but I do not know it well.
  • 尺上面刻有英寸。
    A ruler is graduated in inches.
  • 制和公制两种刻度的尺
    A ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres
  • 一把标有寸和厘米刻度的尺子
    A ruler with scales in inches and centimeters.
  • 格兰和威尔士对高级律师管理的组织。
    The ruling body of English and Welsh barrister.
  • 当玛丽正为最近所做的一笔最大的生意--因特网大亨弗兰·多诺莉的婚礼--而庆祝时,一辆失控的垃圾车险些将她撞倒,救她命的是俊的史蒂夫·爱迪生博士。
    While celebrating her newest and most lucrative account the wedding of internet tycoon Fran Donolly Mary is rescued from a near fatal collision with a runaway dumpster by handsome Dr.Steve Edison.
  • 古英语如尼文字母表
    The Old English runic alphabet.
  • 参加一里比赛的赛跑者。
    a runner in a one-mile race.
  • 然而他目不斜视,坚持着跑下来,我们从没有告诉他不能发着高烧去跑4里的路,我们从没有这样对他说,所以他不知道。
    Yet he looked straight ahead and kept running. We never told him he couldn't run four miles with a 103-degree fever. We never told him. So he didn't know.
  • 跑道长80尺,并配有4尺长的跳板。
    The runway is 80 feet long and has a four-foot springboard.
  • 1909年俄国有41000多里的铁路。
    In 1909 Russia possessed over 41000 miles of railway.
  • 语外,他也精通俄语。
    Also he masters Russian except English.
  • 俄语比英语好学。
    Russian is easier to learn than English.
  • 我们中一些人学习俄语,其他人学习语。
    Some of us study Russian, others English.
  • 他的语有点生疏了。
    His English is getting rusty.
  • 你的语已经荒疏了,必须重新学过。
    Your English has got rusty; you must brush it up.
  • 你要把语继续学习下去,外国语是很容易荒疏的。
    Keep up your English. A foreign language soon grows rusty.
  • "我需要他站起来,"安玛丽说。艾琳和鲁思将那位身高5尺7寸、重150磅的男士扶了起来。
    “I need him to stand up,”Ann-Marie said,and Irene and Ruth lifted the 5′7″,150 pound man.
  • 但这个坏家伙的儿子却长相俊,为人公正,品格高尚,为众人所热爱。
    Yet this ruthless man had a handsome son, a youth much beloved by all who knew him for his just and noble character.
  • 米歇尔的外表俊潇洒、“稚气”未脱,但在生意场上却头脑清醒,作风果断。他管理vivendi公司十分严格,降低成本、抛售辅业资产毫不犹豫。
    Behind the baby-faced good looks and charm also lies a hard-edged business brain -- Messier has ruthlessly streamlined Vivendi, cutting costs and selling-off non-core assets.
  • 网络对语普及的推动力超过了大帝国的任何行动,每个新的上网者都必须学习某种版本的语,如果他不想困在语言的“网络隔离区”内。
    The net advances the global power of the language more ruthlessly than the British Empire ever cou1d. Every new net user will have to learn a version of English if he is not to find himself locked in a linguistic cyberghetto.
  • 一般家庭的度假方法是把孩子和鼓鼓的行囊塞进汽车或者房车(一种活动的小房子,里面有各种家庭日用品),开上几千里。
    The average family modus operandi for holidays is to pack the children and a huge amount of luggage into a car or RV (recreational vehicle - a motorised small house with all the comforts of home) and drive thou-sands of miles.
  • 基伍湖位于在扎伊尔和卢旺达边境上坦噶尼喀湖以北的湖。海拔1,461米(4,790尺),是非洲海拔最高的湖
    A lake on the Zaire-Rwanda border north of Lake Tanganyika. It is situated at an altitude of1, 461 m(4, 790 ft) and is Africa's highest lake.
  • 他住在离这里约一里的地方。
    He lives about Sabbath-day's journey from here.
  • 在前十年里,国邮政局极不景气,境况比任何其它部门都惨。
    There have been few sadder tales in the last decade than the decline and fall of the British Post Office.
  • 荷马伊利亚特中的希腊雄;在围攻特洛伊中最重要的希腊战士;幼年时母亲将他浸在神河中以使他不死,但母亲手握住的脚后跟是他的致命弱点。
    a mythical Greek hero of Homer's Iliad; a foremost Greek warrior at the siege of Troy; when he was a baby his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable--his "Achilles' heel".