  • 春潮书店的大门口贴着一张用各种不同颜色写的又鲜明又动人的广告,我怀着一颗好奇心走了进去,也像顾客一,从书架上抽出来一本封面鲜红、是丰子皑先生的女公于画的小兵骑牛的《从军日记》来看。
    Pasted up at the door of the bookstore was an eye-catching colourful poster advertising the book. I went into the store full of curiosity, and, as an ordinary customer would do, took from the shelf a copy of the book, which had on its bright-red front cover a cartoon by Feng Zikai's daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow.
  • 他们可能把一的熟人和亲密的伙伴都称之为“朋友”。
    They may call both casual acquaintances and close companions “friends.
  • 我穿着夜礼服兴致勃勃地来了,结果却发现,其他人的衣着都是一而已。
    I wore my evening suit and turned up in all my glory, only to find that everyone else was casually dressed.
  • 新加坡为提高办事效率,还创了许多新方法、新条例:用刷卡解决出入境登记处排队的问题,一车祸无需找交警……
    For still higher efficiency, Singaporeans have come up with many new ways and regulations. A swipe of a little smart card saves the trouble of queuing up at the border checkpoint or the hassle with the traffic police over a no-casualty accident.
  • 新加坡为提高办事效率,还创了许多新方法、新条例:用刷卡解决出入境登记处排队的问题,一车祸无需找交警……东西新,方法新,人也新。
    For still higher efficiency, Singaporeans have come up with many new ways and regulations. A swipe of a little smart card saves the trouble of queuing up at the border checkpoint or the hassle with the traffic police over a no-casualty accident. New gadgets, new methods, new faces.
  • 耶稣会的神学或实践:一被认为是比较执着教条。
    the theology or the practices of the Jesuits (often considered to be casuistic).
  • 连接酶一种酶,包括羧基酶,能催化两个分子的结合,一用腺苷三磷酸酶作能量载体
    Any of a class of enzymes, including the carboxylases, that catalyze the linkage of two molecules, generally utilizing ATP as the energy donor.
  • 浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔腾浑厚的瀑布声如激情萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯。
    sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth.
  • 该地方议政会登广告征聘一个啮齿动物的手术施行者,按一说法就是要找一个耗子捕捉者。
    The local council are advertising for a Rodent Operator, which in common parlance means a rat catcher.
  • 来说,固体传送声音比液体和气体都快,因为固体更富有弹性。
    In general, my reaction is that we should proceed cautiously.
  • 因此,令人讨厌的忧郁……/在地狱绝望的黑洞里——米尔顿。
    Hence loathed Melancholy.../In Stygian cave forlorn- Milton.
  • 美术馆不久以前不为一俗人所喜好,可是现在很多人都爱去。
    Art galleries not so long ago were caviar to the general, but today many people go to them.
  • “一人不赏识的腌鱼子”;
    caviare to the general;
  • 毕加索的艺术,是一大众高不可攀的东西。
    Picasso's art is caviare to the general.
  • 有比一的高的天花板。
    having a higher than normal ceiling.
  • 具有比一的低的天花板。
    having a lower than normal ceiling.
  • 拉长的头部,脆的、芹菜的茎,浅绿色的叶子。
    elongated head of crisp celery-like stalks and light green leaves.
  • 引起日蚀或月蚀;一指天体。
    cause an eclipse of; of celestial bodies.
  • 另一方面,为了集中管理政府的金融资产,政府亦开始把一收入帐目中的财政储备(营运资金除外)转拨外汇基金。
    Meanwhile, to centralise the investment management of its financial assets, the Government began to transfer the fiscal reserves of its General Revenue Account (apart from the working balances) to the fund.
  • 如果是一个集中行动的部队或兵团,其内部指挥关系,适用集中指挥的原则,因为情况是明了的;但是如果该部队或该兵团一旦分散行动,便又适用一集中、具体分散的原则,因为具体的情况无从明了。
    For an armed unit or bigger formation which is engaged in a concentrated operation, the principle to be applied is one of centralization in its internal relationship of command, since the situation is clear to the higher command, but the moment this unit or formation breaks up for dispersed action, the principle of centralization in general matters and of decentralization in details should be applied, for then the specific situation cannot be clear to the higher command.
  • 来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。
    Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories: practical and artistic.
  • 来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。
    Generally speaking, ceramics product can is classified into two categories: practical and artistic.
  • 他成熟的作品一被认为是触动理智的和难于理解的。
    His mature composi tions are generally considered the more cerebral and crabbed.
  • 海豚一种海豚科海洋鲸类哺乳动物,如的宽吻海豚,与鲸近似但一比鲸小且有喙状吻
    Any of various marine cetacean mammals, such as the bottle-nosed dolphin, of the family Delphinidae, related to the whales but generally smaller and having a beaklike snout.
  • 这座小教堂建成才差不多六年,还是崭新的,建筑雅致,雕刻奇妙,镂錾精湛,一切都表现出一种妩媚的风格;这种风格正是我国峨特时代末期的特征,并一直延续到十六世纪中叶,体现为文艺复兴时代仙境的种种幻想。
    This chapel, which was still quite new, having been built scarcely six years, was carried out entirely in that charming style of delicate architecture, with its marvellous stone-work, its bold and exquisite tracery, which marks in France the end of the Gothic period, and lasts on into the middle of the sixteenth century in the ethereal fantasies of the Renaissance.
  • 亚洲人想必对麦当劳的巨无霸非常熟悉,但他们恐怕从未听说过炒¤条这道美味佳肴。
    The average Asian probably knows much about a Big Mac but has no idea what char kuay teow is.
  • 春天的或具春天特色的
    Characteristic of or resembling spring.
  • 使个人化使(一的标志或特征)带有人的行为
    To take(a general remark or characterization) in a personal manner.
  • 你去那家商店时要看看价格,那里的价钱总要比一的高。
    Check the prices when you go to that shop; they have a habit of charging over the odds.
  • 导游:1980年秦始皇墓以西出上了两架铜战车,每架战车都有四匹铜马和一个铜制车夫,完美的艺术造型和精细的铸造造技术犹如梦幻一
    And in 1980, two bronze chariots were unearthed from the western side of the Qin Shi Huang's tomb. Each chariot has four bronze and a bronze figure driver. The beautiful artistic design and exquisite casting skills are fantastic.
  • 异教,邪教一被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过着不循惯例的生活
    A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
  • 孙儿们的欢笑似魔术驱除了老人的烦恼。
    His grandchildren's laughter charmed away the old man's trouble.