  • 讨论一下日程安排?
    Would there be any possibility of discussing the agenda?
  • 讨论一下日程安排?
    Will there be any possibility of discussing the agenda?
  • 配给他的一点点米并不使他免除饥饿。
    The small ration of rice can hardly satisfy his hunger.
  • 政府可不得不实行汽油限量供应。
    The Government may have to introduce petrol rationing.
  • 即使是在香烟限量供应时他也设法弄到额外的香烟。
    He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed.
  • 今年冬天可定量配给食物。
    There may be a period of food rationing this winter.
  • 理智,理性进行逻辑推理、理性思维或分析判断的力;智力
    The capacity for logical, rational, and analytic thought; intelligence.
  • 这一事变让他焦虑不安,不采取理智的措施。
    the incident left him unstrung and incapable of rational effort.
  • 智力问题;理智战胜了本
    intellectual problems; the triumph of the rational over the animal side of man.
  • 你方否担任北区销售代理,佣金为1-1/2%。
    Can you undertake agency northern district at 1-1/2%
  • 孩子可不会明白家长的苦心,更不了解教育体制繁复的原则与考虑的支点,却肯定尝受到自己无法随心所欲,顺利报读某校的失望心情。
    The children handicapped by the system are sure to feel disappointed when denied admission to the schools of their choice. The complex principles and regulations with the rationale behind them, as well as their parents' effort and frustration, are probably beyond their young minds to grasp.
  • 无论怎么自圆其说,教育的起跑点已经不公平了,我们怎么理直气壮告诉国人,其实每一所学校都同样够协助孩子达致“理想的教育成果”?
    Whatever the rationale, the starting line is not the same for all those receiving an education. With the current primary 1 registration system, how can one justify our claim to all Singaporeans that each and every school will help their children achieve "an ideal result in education"?
  • 我已要求房屋局局长精简各种不同计划,确保有不同需要的家庭得到适当援助,同时使政府够善用公帑。
    I have asked the Secretary for Housing to rationalise these schemes and to ensure that they continue to provide the appropriate level of assistance to households requiring help, as well as making the best use of public funds.
  • 但同时认为,国际防扩散努力应遵循公平、合理的原则,反对实行双重标准,不以防扩散为名损害其他国家的主权,不影响正常的国际经贸、科技合作与交流。
    However, at the same time, China holds that international efforts to prevent such proliferation should follow the principle of fairness and rationality, and opposes a double standard whereby anti-proliferation is used as a pretext to infringe upon the sovereignty of other countries and harm normal international cooperation and exchanges in the fields of economy, trade and science and technology.
  • 按照精简、统一、效的原则和决策、执行、监督相协调的要求,继续推进政府机构改革,科学规范部门职,合理设置机构,优化人员结构,实现机构和编制的法定化,切实解决层次过多、职交叉、人员臃肿、权责脱节和多重多头执法等问题。
    Following the principle of simplification, uniformity and efficiency and meeting the requirements of coordination in decision-making, execution and supervision, we will continue to promote the restructuring of government departments, standardize their functions in a scientific manner, rationalize their set-ups, and optimize their composition in order to delimit the structures and sizes statutorily and solve the problems of too many levels, overlapping functions, overstaffing, divorce between powers and responsibilities and duplicate law enforcement.
  • 理顺物价,改革才加快步伐。
    We cannot speed up the reform without rationalizing prices.
  • 我希望到那时候我们在代理协议的其他条款上取得一致意见。
    I hope we can see eye to eye about the other terms of the agency then.
  • 他说:“老鼠在自己的本之内活动。
    "The rats worked within their instincts.
  • 委员会自年初首次开会以来,已经初步分析过在未来三十年可影响香港的一些全球性、区域性和源自中国大陆的发展趋势,其中包括贸易和投资全球化的影响、科技发展新动向、全球人口老化问题、环境保护的课题,以及中国和日本这两大亚洲经济体系的经济改革路向。
    In my first Policy Address, I announced the formation of the Commission on Strategic Development. Since the Commission s first meeting early this year, we have analysed a number of major trends and driving forces which may affect Hong Kong in the next 30 years - worldwide, regionally and in China - including the impact of globalisation on trade and investment; technological development; the effect of an ageing population throughout the world; issues regarding the natural environment; and the impact of economic reform in Asia s two most important economies - China and Japan.
  • 说它还杀掉所有的老鼠……
    He says it kills all the rats and--oh dear!'
  • 克里斯托弗·布皮特教授是一位研究衰老问题的专家。他认为高胆固醇和高血红蛋白会使男人衰老,低胆红素会让女人抗衰老的力降低。
    Professor Christopher Bulpitt, an expert in ageing, said that high levels of cholesterol and the red blood pigment haemoglobin can age men, while low levels of the liver chemical bilirubin may reduce women's ability to retain their youthfulness.
  • 流行病学研究的负责人弘志下方说:“葡萄酒和米酒之所以够提高人的智商,可是由于它们含有像多酚那样的物质,据信这类物质会延缓人的衰老过程。”
    " The benefits of wine and sake [rice wine] in raising IQ could be due to substances they contain, such as polyphenol, which are believed to slow the ageing process," Hiroshi Shimokata, head of epidemiology research, said.
  • 我想那辆老爷车即使马达掉了也还嘎拉嘎拉地前行。
    I believe that old car would rattle on even if the engine fell out.
  • 罗杰7岁时就按字母表的顺序流利地背出各州的名字。
    When Roger was seven, he could rattle off the names of all the states in alphabetical order.
  • 猪屎豆一种植物属于猪屎豆属其豆荚扁平,当茎被摇动时,里面的果实发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音
    Any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria, having inflated pods containing seeds that rattle when the stem is moved.
  • 即使他们不同意你的决定,他们也拿不出真正的力量来反对-他们所做的不过是气势汹汹地叫嚣一阵,吓唬吓唬人罢了,过后还不是得乖乖地接受。
    Even if they don't approve of your decision, they've got no real power to oppose it-all they can do is rattle their sabers and then quietly accept it.
  • 雨点整夜敲打屋顶,这声音使我们没入睡。
    The rain rattled on the roof all night, which kept us awake.
  • 音响构造响尾蛇尾部尖端发出连续响声的结构
    The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail.
  • 响尾蛇一种西半球有毒蛇响尾蛇和响尾蛇属其尾端有一串松散,连接的角质肢节,通过震动发出格格或沉闷的响声
    Any of various venomous New World snakes of the genera Crotalus and Sistrurus, having at the end of the tail a series of loosely attached, horny segments that can be vibrated to produce a rattling or buzzing sound.
  • 上了年纪的人,不走得很快。
    An aged man can not walk very fast.
  • 我听到他那沙哑而又刺耳的笑声就认出是他。
    I recognized him by his raucous, penetrating laugh.
  • 鸦任一种鸦属的大型的、亮黑色鸟类,发出嘶哑的特有叫声,尤指生活于北美洲的短嘴鸦
    Any of several large, glossy, black birds of the genus Corvus, having a characteristic raucous call, especially C. brachyrhynchos of North America.