  • 更严重的是有些领导同志,不愿意接近众,不关心众的痛痒,对于众要求迫切解决的问题,不是积极地去解决,而是抱着一种无动于衷的冷淡态度。
    Even more serious is the fact that some leading comrades are unwilling to come into contact with the masses and are unconcerned about the people's welfare; instead of trying to solve the problems for which the masses want an immediate solution, they remain aloof and indifferent.
  • 许多文艺工作者忽视学习马克思主义,不深入众建设新生活的斗争,有的党员也不积极参加党的生活,这是产生上述各种消极现象的重要原因。
    Many writers and artists have neglected to study Marxism and held aloof from the people's struggle to build a new life, and some Party members have been reluctant to take part in Party activities. It is chiefly for these reasons that the negative phenomena have emerged.
  • 说明这样一个事实,就是文艺界中还严重地存在着作风不正的东西,同志们中间还有很多的唯心论、教条主义、空想、空谈、轻视实践、脱离众等等的缺点,需要有一个切实的严肃的整风运动。
    It shows that wrong styles of work still exist to a serious extent in our literary and art circles and that there are still many defects among our comrades, such as idealism, dogrnatism, empty illusions, empty talk, contempt for practice and aloofness from the masses, all of which call for an effective and serious campaign of rectification.
  • 黑猩猩体中处于第一位的雄性黑猩猩;星座中第一位的星星是最亮或者主要的星星。
    the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees; the alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star.
  • 山笛阿尔卑斯山区牧人招呼牛去草场用的一种木制弯号角,有的6米长(约20英尺)
    A curved wooden horn, sometimes as long as6 meters(approximately20 feet), used by herders in the Alps to call cows to pasture.
  • 每年确定一个活动主题在"6.23"国际奥林匹克日至"7.13"北京申奥成功纪念日期间,在天安门、长城、中华世纪坛等标志性场所,组织国际性的大型体活动,为举办2008年北京奥运会营造新亮点。
    Organize large international mass sports activities at the symbolic places of the Tian An Men Square, the Great Wall and the China Centennial Altar between the international Olympic Day on June 23 and July 13th, the day Beijing won the bid for the 2008 Olympics with a new theme for every annual activity to create a new bright spot for the hosting of the 2008 Olympic Games.
  • 合并的链路提供两ss7节点之间的交替路径。
    A combined link set provides alternate paths between two SS7 nodes.
  • 交替链路的值一定不能与首选链路相等。
    The alternate link set must not be equal to the preferred link set.
  • 以世代交替为特色的腔肠动物;通常居的水螅阶段先于水母阶段;水螅和水母。
    coelenterates typically having alternation of generations; hydroid phase is usually colonial giving rise to the medusoid phase by budding: hydras and jellyfishes.
  • 在低的天空飞行(经常是军用飞机)略过地面上观看的众。
    a low-altitude flight (usually of military aircraft) over spectators on the ground.
  • 班级,同届学生一个同年毕业的学生或校友的
    A group of students or alumni who have the same year of graduation.
  • 一小男校友正在体育场停车场团聚。
    A little knot of alumni are having an old home week in the stadium parking lot.
  • 我听讲法语的瑞士人说,提早读英文,不读本国另一语文,而读一种不属于瑞士的语文,是对德、法语族文化溶合的一种障碍。
    A French-speaking friend explained that learning English instead of the other Swiss languages is an impediment to the cultural amalgamation of the German and French-speaking groups in Switzerland.
  • 阿拉瓦克族生活在南美地区的一支广泛分布的印第安人的一支,该地区包括哥伦比亚、委内瑞拉、圭亚纳,巴西亚马孙盆地,巴拉圭,玻利维亚,秘鲁的部分区域,和早期大安的列斯岛大部
    A member of a widespread group of Indian peoples living in an area of South America that includes parts of Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, the Amazon basin of Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and formerly most of the Greater Antilles.
  • 野生动物保护协会的乔治·阿马托和研究生迈克尔·罗素最早开始了研究圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的工作。当时岛上有一鹦鹉爱好者问了他们一个看似非常简单的问题:“有没有简单的方法来分辨鹦鹉的雌雄?
    George Amato of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a graduate student, Michael Russello, initially started working with the St. Vincent Amazon parrots when a consortium of parrot enthusiasts on the island approached them with a seemingly simple question: Is there an uncomplicated way to tell which birds are male and which are female?
  • 大西洋岛产的有琥珀色的甜酒。
    amber-colored dessert wine from Madeira.
  • 退后让救护车开走。
    The crowd stood back and let the ambulance go.
  • 往后退,让救护车通过。
    The crowd fell back to let the ambulance through.
  • 向后退开,让救护车可以开过去。
    The crowd bore back so that the ambulance could pass.
  • 我们把人往后推开,让救护车过去。
    We bore back the crowd to let the ambulance pass.
  • 救护车载着病人开走后,人逐渐散去。
    The crowd melted away after the ambulance left with the patient.
  • 救护人员只好从围观出事车辆的人中挤进。
    The ambulance-men had to dhow their way through the huge crowd standing rotund the crashed ears.
  • 政府专门制定了在荒山、荒坡、荒滩地区植树种草实行“谁开发,谁经营,谁受益,长期不变,允许继承”的政策,鼓励人民众植树造林和种草,保证了人民众在改善生态方面应有的权益。
    With regard to tree-planting and grass-growing on barren mountains, hillsides and beaches, the government has enacted a special policy featuring “the lasting and inheritable practice of whoever reclaims the land shall be entitled to operate and get benefit from it.” This has encouraged local people to plant trees and grow grass, and guaranteed the rights and interests due to them in eco-environmental amelioration.
  • 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实
    A West Indian tree(Mammea americana) having glossy leaves, white fragrant flowers, and large edible drupes.
  • 在一星星中间隐藏着脸庞。
    And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
  • 如果他在新闻记者席上兴一好唠叨的人工作,他就充耳不闻。
    If he is working amid gabbers in a press box, he becomes deaf.
  • 金融危机引发的政治变数,左邻右舍自己犯了重感冒,反而采取责怪我们为什么没有伤风的转移视线的下策,这只有促使我国各族团结一致。
    Indeed, the blames from our neighbours suffering from political upheavals amid the economic woes have only served to make us even more united.
  • 我住在群山之中。
    I live among the mountains.
  • 他经常深入群众。
    He often went among the masses.
  • 他们住在群山之中。
    They live among the mountains.
  • 我处身在人群中。
    I was among the crowd.
  • 猫战两只或一猫之间的战斗
    A fight between or among cats.