  • 这两个研所打算合并的事现在已经落空了。
    The proposed amalgamation of the two institutes has mow fallen through.
  • 野生动物保护协会的乔治·阿马托和研生迈克尔·罗素最早开始了研圣文森特亚马逊鹦鹉的工作。当时岛上有一群鹦鹉爱好者问了他们一个看似非常简单的问题:“有没有简单的方法来分辨鹦鹉的雌雄?
    George Amato of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a graduate student, Michael Russello, initially started working with the St. Vincent Amazon parrots when a consortium of parrot enthusiasts on the island approached them with a seemingly simple question: Is there an uncomplicated way to tell which birds are male and which are female?
  • 中国拉丁美洲史研
    China Latin American History Association
  • 弹药学关于弹药的发射、飞行、和效力的研
    The study of the firing, flight, and effects of ammunition.
  • 东京顺天堂大学的桑原教授进行了另一项研,他的研是从羊的体内取出胚胎,然后放入装有保持体温的羊水液体里。
    A different approach has been taken by Yoshinori Kuwabara at Juntendo University in Tokyo. His team has removed foetuses from goats and placed them in clear plastic tanks filled with amniotic fluid stabilised at body temperature.
  • 我在家就能完成我的所有研,而不用再去图书馆紧张地去寻找莎士比亚的《暴风雨》或其他的书,也不必去忍受那些吵闹的学习研小组,他们常忘了"在图书馆要保持安静"的规定。
    I can complete all of my research at home and no longer must run amok in the library,stressing out while trying to find Shakespeare's The Tempest or some other book,all the while trying to block out the noisy study groups who have forgotten what the “ silence policy of libraries” means.
  • 公司花费数百万元用于研与发展。
    The company spent millions on r&d.
  • 这个问题值得引起广大的注意和讨论,我所说的只是一个概论,希望诸位研讨论,给以指正和补充。
    The problem of protracted war deserves wide attention and discussion; What I have given is only an outline, which I hope you will examine and discuss, amend and amplify.
  • 最佳的事例,莫过于电脑业的偶像人物如苹果电脑的创始人乔布斯与沃兹尼亚克,以及来自西雅图的微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是大学里的退学生,在讲学历的社会里可能永无出头之日。
    This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple's Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft's Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.
  • 可是最有趣味的还是研复杂的性格。
    but intricate characters are the most amusing.
  • 这些美丽建筑物的屋顶,形式多样,煞是有趣,都是与它们所凌驾的普通屋顶全出自同一艺术,终是同一几何图形的平方或立方的乘积罢了。
    The amusingly varied crests of these beautiful edifices were the product of the same art as the simple roofs which they overshot, and were, actually, only a multiplication of the square or the cube of the same geometrical figure.
  • 他指出,瑞典那项研中使用的模拟手机,较今天的数字手机辐射要强。
    He points out that the analog phones in the Swedish study emit much more radiation than today's digital ones.
  • 去年,瑞典公布的一项研结果表明长期使用老式模拟手机与患脑癌有关系。
    One Swedish study published last year found a link between long-term use of the older analog cell phones and brain cancer;
  • 这一研很快引导我们发现了新的元素,其辐射与铀的辐射相似,但强度要大得多。
    This study rapidly led us to the discovery of new elements, the radiation of which, while being analogous with that of uranium, was far more intense.
  • 我们得研一下罢工的原因。
    We must try to analyse the cause of the strike.
  • 然后,我们会研每一毫秒中他们的面部动作和声音。
    Then we'll analyse every millisecond of their facial behaviour and vocalisation.
  • 对这个问题,要抓紧调查研,作出符合实际的分析。
    We must investigate and study this question right away and analyse it correctly.
  • 但是,一定要和实际相结合,要分析研实际情况,解决实际问题。
    We must, however, integrate them with reality, analyse and study actual conditions and solve practical problems.
  • 能不能深入下去,工作能不能落实,关键在于领导干部是不是以身作则,深入部队,调查研,从实际出发,分析问题,解决问题。
    Whether work is carried out thoroughly and well depends on whether the leading cadres likewise set the example by conducting investigation and study in the basic army units and by proceeding from reality to analyse problems and solve them.
  • 情报研究
    information analysis and synthesis
  • 旧金山的zona研公司分析师jimhalberston称:“数字包装器基本上是多功能的警卫。”
    "Digital wrappers are basically multifunction gatekeepers," says Jim Halberston, an analyst at Zona Research Inc. in San Francisco.
  • 中西研所分析师克里斯蒂娜·麦克拉肯表示,对于亨氏又推出一种新的彩色番茄酱,她一点都不惊讶,因为现有的彩色酱销量都非常好。
    Christine McCracken, an analyst with Midwest Research, said she is not surprised Heinz would introduce a new color, based on the other colors' incremental success.
  • forrester研公司分析家特德·施考德勒说:“互用性将处在最底层,我们不谈论对象桥接,而是谈论服务桥接。”
    "Interoperability will be at the lowest level," said Ted Schadler, an analyst at Forrester Research."We're not talking about object bridges, we're talking about service bridges."
  • 全国民意研中心的一位分析家说:“希拉里站在总统一边这件事本身对于解释人们的疑问大有帮助。”
    The point that Hillary is standing by the president... goes a long way toward answering people's questions," says Tom Smith, an analyst at the NORC.
  • meta集团的研分析员alexisdeqlangue说:“去年人们对这些工具的兴趣在增加,我预计今年将会继续增加,到1997年这些工具的购买量可能有一爆炸性的增长。”
    "There was an increasing interest in these tools last year, which I foresee continuing into this year, with a possible explosion of buying in '97," said Alexis dePanque, a research analyst at Meta Group.
  • 麻省坎布里奇市的forrester研公司预测,数据挖掘项目今后两年将有爆炸性的发展,forrester公司的分析师frankgillett称,几乎达到目前已有数量的四倍。
    After all, Forrester Research Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., predicts that the next two years will see an explosion of data mining projects, with almost four times the number that currently exist, says Frank Gillett, a Forrester analyst.
  • 为确保对其他部门提供有用的环保分析服务,政府化验所致力研和发展多项化验方法,并加强与各大专院校的合作交流。
    Underpinning the laboratory's service to clients is a strong commitment to research and development in analytical chemistry, with increasing collaboration from the academic institutions.
  • 我善于钻研,长于分析,遇事喜欢寻根底。我机智幽默,能使人健谈。
    I have an inquisitive and analytical mind-I enjoy finding out about things-I have tact and good humor-and the ability to draw people out.
  • 重点开展运动训练的科学监控研;体育训练信息采集、分析系统研;先进训练技术综合应用示范;训练比赛及其器材、设备研制;运动员的科学选材研;运动损伤机理与调节研;人体创伤快速修复方法研;运动员体能恢复和营养补充;运动性疲劳发生和恢复的机理研;体能项目运动员膳食rda的制定和科学干预等。
    This project includes as follows: the major study of scientific monitoring of players' training and of collection of physical training information, and of analytical system, and the comprehensive application and demonstration of advanced technique of training, and competition training and its development of equipment and material, and the study of scientific selection of players and of the injury function for sport and its adjustment, and of the method of quick curing of wound of human body, and recovery of players' physical efficiency and supplement of their nutrition, and of the function of occurrence and recovery of sport fatigue, and establishment of the normal of diet RDA players of physical efficiency and scientific interference etc.
  • 这位领导试图分析研我们失败的原因。
    The leader tried to analyze the causes of our failure.
  • 我准备分析和研这些产品的质量。
    I am going to analyze and study the quality of these products.
  • 然后这些图像将被下载到电脑里供医生们进行分析和研
    These images are then downloaded to a computer for doctors to analyze.