  • 白天的电视节目一般是无休无止的肥皂剧,剧情主要是围绕不忠和医危机;还有就是聊天节目,主持人引发他们的嘉宾说一些任何理智的人都不愿公诸于众的个人隐私。
    Daytime shows lean towards endless soap operas with plots that revolve around infidelity and medical crises, and talk shows in which hosts prod their guests to reveal personal details no sane person would want to make public.
  • 每千名罪犯平均拥有14.8张病床,病重的送监外医院治或依法批准保外就医。
    On an average, there are 14.8 hospital beds for every thousand prisoners, and those critically ill are sent to hospitals outside the prison for treatment or, on approval, may seek medical treatment on bail according to law.
  • 利用的可能性美国大约有30家主要医中心有氙气ct扫描仪技术。
    Is it available? About 30 major medical centers in the United States have xenon CT scan technology.
  • 疗效之佳出人意表。
    The curative effect far exceeded all expectations.
  • 每日洗一次医澡,并且喝些矿泉水。
    Take curative baths once a day, and drink some mineral water.
  • 草药法的效;她那温柔的救之手;救手术;有山、有新鲜空气的有益于健康的环境;有效的药剂;食
    curative powers of herbal remedies; her gentle healing hand; remedial surgery; a sanative environment of mountains and fresh air; a therapeutic agent; therapeutic diets.
  • 基层健康服务是世界卫生组织积极推动的方针,为市民提供必需的预防疾病、促进健康及医护理服务,确保市民身体健康。
    Primary health care is advocated by the World Health Organisation to provide essential preventive, promotive and curative health services for the population so as to achieve optimal health.
  • 维护健康组织一个由保险费提供基金的公司,对于在一定经济、地理和职业范围内自愿参加的人及其家庭成员,由公司医生及职业人员提供治的和预防性的药品
    A corporation financed by insurance premiums whose member physicians and professional staff provide curative and preventive medicine within certain financial, geographic, and professional limits to enrolled volunteer members and their families.
  • 治疗肠虫病
    To cure of intestinal worms.
  • 饥需食物,治愚须学习。
    The cure of hunger is food; the cure of ignorance is study.
  • 产生效、引起变化、实行大减价
    Effect a cure, a change, a sale
  • 为……提供冶使重新恢复健康。
    provide a cure for, make healthy again.
  • 这种病尚无确实可靠的法。
    There's no certain cure for this illness.
  • 这是治肺病的一种新方法。
    This is a new cure for tuberculosis.
  • 恢复健康的状态;治
    To restore to health or soundness; cure.
  • 我们立刻给你治疗。
    We'll have you cure in no time.
  • 发现疾病的治疗方法
    Came up with a cure for the disease.
  • 的治的或与治有关的
    Of or relating to the cure of disease.
  • 医生的治使他的病痊愈了。
    The doctor's treatment cured him.
  • 我们立刻给你治疗。
    We 'll have you cured in no time.
  • 他的肺病已严重到没法治了。
    His tuberculosis was far advanced that he could not be cured.
  • 居里说:"我们需要帮助青少年了解如果精神抑郁患者不进行及时治就会有自杀的危险,还要帮助他们判断自己的朋友是否患有严重的精神抑郁症或有自杀倾向。
    "We need to help teens make the link between untreated depression and the risk for suicide, and help them identify serious depression or suicide risk in a friend," Curie said.
  • 科学家仍在寻求治感冒的方法。
    Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.
  • 癌症迄今有无有效的治方法?
    Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?
  • 不用治而减轻疼痛。
    alleviates pain without curing.
  • 我不相信基督教科学,可是我却相信那些伟大的老树和山中胜地的精神治力量,这些东西不是要治一根折断了的肩骨或一块受伤染病的皮肤,而是要治肉体上的野心和灵魂上的疾病。
    A disbeliever in Christian Science, I do believe in the spiritual, healing properties of grand, old trees and mountain resorts, not for curing a fractured shoulder-bone or an infected skin, but for curing the ambitions of the flesh and diseases of the soul.
  • 克隆也可直接提供治疾病的方法,或者一种获得用于胚胎科学的数据和生物从总体上随时间而发育成整体的技术。
    Cloning could also directly offer a means of curing diseases or a technique that could extend means to acquiring new data for the sciences of embryology and how organisms develop as a whole over time.
  • 你现时是否接受药物治
    Are you currently taking any medication?
  • 透热法用电极或其它器械通过各种波长的高频电流使在组织内产生热以达到内外科治目的
    The therapeutic generation of local heat in body tissues by high-frequency electromagnetic currents.
  • 法使用电流的医方法
    Medical therapy using electric currents.
  • 用电极或其它器械通过各种波长的高频电流使在组织内产生热以达到内外科治目的。
    a method of physical therapy that involves generating local heat in body tissues by high-frequency electromagnetic currents.
  • 按照大集中、小分散、方便旅游的原则,世博园已建成集导游、餐饮、购物、住宿、医、娱乐、艺术活动、通讯、管理、保安等一体化、网络化的体系。
    An integration and network system is set up including tour guide system, restaurant, shopping, customhouse, clinic, entertainment, performance, communication, management, and security.