| - 第七十三条依照专利法第五十四条的规定,请求国务院专利行政部门裁决使用费数额的,当事人应当提出裁决请求书,并附具双方不能达成协议的证明文件。
Rule 73 Where any entity or individual requests, in accordance with the provisions of Article 54 of the Patent Law, the Patent Administration Department under the State Council to adjudicate the fees for exploitation, it or he shall submit a request for adjudication and furnish documents showing that the parties concerned have not been able to conclude an agreement in respect of the amount of the exploitation fee. - 第八十四条香港特别行政区法院依照本法第十八条所规定的适用于香港特别行政区的法律审判案件,其他普通法适用地区的司法判例可作参考。
Article 84 The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall adjudicate cases in accordance with the laws applicable in the Region as prescribed in Article 18 of this Law and may refer to precedents of other common law jurisdictions. - 台湾的前途只有一条,就是走向与祖国大陆的统一,而决不能走向分裂。
The only future for Taiwan is reunification with the China mainland, and certainly not separation. - 反之,就破坏了中国政府争取和平统一的外部条件。
Acting otherwise will destroy the external conditions necessary for the Chinese government to strive for peaceful reunification. - 第二条,台湾不实现同大陆的统一,台湾作为中国领土的地位是没有保障的,不知道哪一天会被别人拿去。
Second, unless Taiwan is reunified with the mainland, its status as a part of China's territory would remain uncertain, and it might someday be seized by another country. - 针对教室“女性化”的指责——包括,批评者认为,女性教师不能容忍男孩活跃的身体活动——学校正在重新检查它们对男性活动标准的态度,甚至修改惩罚条例。
In response to charges of the "feminization" of the classroom -- including, critics argue, female teachers with too little tolerance for thephysicality of boys -- schools are begining to re-examine their attitudes toward male activity levels and even revamp disciplinary techniques. - 四分之一尸体动物尸体的一条腿,通常包括连接部分
One leg of an animal's carcass, usually including the adjoining parts. - 自然教条主义教条主义认为所有的宗教真理都来源于自然界和自然原因,而不是源于上天的启示
The doctrine that all religious truths are derived from nature and natural causes and not from revelation. - 一条把两条相近河流分开的线。
a line that divides two adjacent river systems. - 电影检查员作出的分级决定,可由根据《电影检查条例》成立的审核委员会(电影检查)覆审。
Decisions on film classifications may be reviewed by the Board of Review (Film Censorship), a statutory body established under the Film Censorship Ordinance. - 第七十一条审查与修订
Article 71 Review and Amendment - 它改写了生物学的一条定律。
This has rewritten one of the laws of biology. - 根据新披露的军事文件,五角大楼一再卷入耗资巨大的好莱坞电影的制作,以提供军事合作为交换条件提出修改建议,做出改动并偶尔重写历史。
According to newly released military documents, the Pentagon has repeatedly involved itself in the making of big-budget Hollywood movies -- suggesting amendments, making alterations and occasionally rewriting history in exchange for its military cooperation. - 位于法国东南的一条河流;罗纳河的一条支流。
a river in southeastern France; a tributary of the Rhone. - 墨守陈规,条文主义,文牍主义死板、生硬地坚持法律或某一特定的宗教或道德准则
Strict, literal adherence to the law or to a particular code, as of religion or morality. - 我看不懂这些说明,因为它们似乎毫无条理。
I can't follow these instructions because they seem to have no rhyme or reason. - 拘泥於法律条文;墨守法规;条文主义
Strict adherence to or excessive respect for the law - 遵从认真地听从教条或规则;遵从
To adhere to doctrines or rules conscientiously; conform. - 在肋条和平板之间的肋稍。
rib ends between the rib road and the plate. - 绒条布面上起绒的棱条
A raised rib on the surface of cloth. - 含不止一条肋骨的肉块。
a cut of meat including more than one rib. - 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。
The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork. - 此时中国尚能保有大量的正规军,不过一方面因敌在其占领的大城市和大道中取战略守势,一方面因中国技术条件一时未能完备,尚难迅即举行战略反攻。
China will still retain a large regular army, but she will find it difficult to launch the strategic counter-offensive immediately because, on the one hand, the enemy will adopt a strategically defensive position in the big cities and along the main lines of communication under his occupation and, on the other hand, China will not yet be adequately equipped technically. - 凸缘车轮或管道上突出的边、缘、肋条或环圈,用来增加物体强度、固定物体或使某一物体附着在另一物体上
A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object. - 可可一种美国的热带常绿树木(可可树可可树属),果实呈椭球形,有坚韧外壳,壳上有十道棱,果实结在树干上和老的枝条上
An evergreen tropical American tree(Theobroma cacao) having leathery, ellipsoid, ten-ribbed fruits borne on the trunks and older branches. - (人或物之间条件、看法等的)分歧,对立
Give sb a poke in the ribs - 灯芯绒类布有这种绒条的织物或布匹
A fabric or cloth with such ribs. - 他在帽子上缝了一条饰带。
He tacked the ribbon onto the hat. - 他有一条红色丝带;有疤痕。
He wore a red ribbon; bear a scar. - 我在一条黄色缎带上打了一个蝴蝶结。
I tied a bow in a yellow ribbon. - 她用一条鲜艳的丝带捆扎那件包裹。
She bound the package with a bright ribbon. - 她在帽子上添缝了一条饰带。
She tacked a ribbon on to her hat.