  • 期后,我吃的药令我过敏,嘴巴和脸都肿了,身上起了很多疹子。
    A week later,I got allergic to the medicine,with my mouth and face swollen28 and a rash all over my body.
  • 星期日已经分配了。
    The allotment was made on Sunday.
  • 夏天经理给他一期的假期。
    The manager allowed him one week of vacation in the summer.
  • 吃完了我每期两个鸡蛋的定量
    Finished my weekly allowance of two eggs.
  • 在20世纪80年代初,他所扮演的青少年角色魅力无限,热情洋溢;但他很快就转为扮演更成熟的角色,并取得了电影明的地位。
    He was very alluring and enthusiastic in his teen roles during the early 80's, but he quickly moved on to more adult roles and movie star status.
  • 附带提及那个期的那一天;附带评论。
    a digressive allusion to the day of the week; a tangential remark.
  • 以前住在格林湾南部的威斯康州的说苏族语的民族的人;梅诺米尼人的结盟者,福克斯族和索克族的敌人。
    a member of the Siouan-speaking people formerly living in E Wisconsin south of Green Bay; ally of the Menomini and enemy of the Fox and Sauk people.
  • 举世公认的美貌,加之这种柔弱的天性让她成为一颗明。"
    "Alongside her beauty, this evident fragility made her a star."
  • 玛吉以前每期为她的母亲购物,但嫁给了阿尔杰农后她自己不干了,她要人们叫她玛格丽特,而且还有仆人为自己家里采购食品。
    Maggie used to do the shopping for her mother every week but she keeps aloof now; she's married Algernon, insists on being called Margaret, and has servants to buy the food for the household.
  • 黑猩猩群体中处于第一位的雄性黑猩猩;座中第一位的是最亮或者主要的
    the alpha male in the group of chimpanzees; the alpha star in a constellation is the brightest or main star.
  • 好吧,反正我还要再逗留两个期,不过我期望在这方面能够取得进展。
    Alright. Anyway, I'll be staying here for another two weeks. But I'm looking forward to having something dome about this.
  • 星期二的也行。
    Tuesday will also do.
  • 你的外衣改一改要花一个期。
    The alterations to your coat will take a week.
  • 每隔一个期的期四举行一次会议。
    Meetings are held on alternate Thursdays.
  • 她新找的这份工作期六放假,而原来的那份工作周末是隔周放假。
    She gets Saturdays off in her new job as against working alternate weekends in her last one.
  • 海拔,高度特定水平线上的高度,如太阳或辰之于地平线之上者;海拔
    Elevation above a given level, as of the sun or a star above the horizon; altitude.
  • 再呆10个期,一共3个月。
    Another ten weeks - three months altogether.
  • 我们在一个期内已经见到两件合并的事了.
    We've seen two amalgamations in one week.
  • 除了它那使人惊奇的光环外,土还有十个卫
    Satum has ten moons in addition to its amazing rings.
  • 我们本星期宴请大使.
    We're dining the ambassador this week.
  • 期三出版的《新科学家》杂志上写道,如果人类情形也与此相同的话,此项发现将有助于确定一些出生时性器官模糊婴儿的“大脑性别”。
    If the same holds true for humans, it could help to determine the “brain sex” of babies born with ambiguous sex organs, New Scientist magazine said Wednesday.
  • 他心向往之的是要面对面地见见他心目中的流行曲歌
    His ambition was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.
  • 我想你可以说这是一种既快乐又令人振奋,再加上一点详和的感觉,而现在的气氛本来就该如此;原本我一直对悉尼市举办奥运感到有些矛盾,直到上个期才有比较好的感觉;真的很高兴能在今晚沉醉在这种气氛中。
    "It's a happy, vibrant atmosphere, I suppose you could say, and peaceful, which is the way it should be.(1) I was really ambivalent about the Games until the last week.(2) I'm really enjoying the atmosphere tonight.(3)".
  • 你方第0841号信用证少250英镑请速电改以便赶装五月七日启航的“红”轮。
  • 你0841号信用证少250英镑请速电改以便赶装5月7日启航的“红”轮。
    L/c0841 amount short stg 250 plscable amendment atone enable catch creditor sailing May 7th.
  • 在一群中间隐藏着脸庞。
    And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
  • 能够对人造卫进行检测、补充燃料或重新编程的太空船,也可以使卫失灵、毁坏或删除它的程序。
    A spacecraft that can ex amine,refuel,or reprogram a satellite might also be capable of disabling,destroying,or deprogramming it.
  • 他误解了她的话,气得一期没理她。
    He took her remark amiss and didn't speak to her for a week.
  • 实现广播电视系统从模拟向数字的技术转变,建立城市数字有线电视网、数字卫直播电视系统、数字地面电视系统、数字广播系统,并大力拓展服务业务,为奥运会提供丰富的数字广播电视及其增值服务。
    Bring about the technological change from analogue to digital in broadcast and TV sector. Set up digital cable TV network in cities, digital satellite live TV system, digital TV system on the ground and digital broadcasting system. Services will be expanded in a big way in order to provide the Olympics with diversified digital broadcast and TV programmes as well as their value-added service.
  • 尤伯和她的同事也分析了火上要大得多的北部极地冰冠。
    Zuber and her colleagues also analyzed Mars's much larger northern polar cap.
  • 英仙座北半球的一个座,临近仙后座和金牛座
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga.
  • 飞马座一个在北半球空靠近宝瓶座和仙女座的
    A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Aquarius and Andromeda.