  • 我们清空了所有的屉。
    We cleaned out all the drawers.
  • 谁私自搜查了我的屉。
    Who rifled through my desk drawers?
  • 写字台写字桌或带屉的写字台
    A writing desk or writing table with drawers.
  • 他搜索了所有的屉,寻找遗失的文件。
    He searched all the drawers for the missing papers.
  • 她让保姆把屉打扫干净。
    She asked the housekeeper to clean out their drawers.
  • 他翻了所有的屈找寻那个不见了的文件。
    They searched all the drawers for the missing paper.
  • 我已告诉孩子们把他们的屉清理一下。
    I've asked the children to clear out their drawers.
  • 母亲告诉劳拉不要再翻她的屉。
    Mother told Laura not to nose into her drawers again.
  • 有人翻过我的屉,一些钱不见了。
    Someone's been rifling through my drawers, there's some money missing.
  • 小偷将房中屉挨个翻了个遍。
    The thief rifled through all the drawers in the room.
  • 我把衬衫和内衣塞进两个屉。
    I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers.
  • 你先把信放屉里吧,明天我再处理。
    Stick the letters into your drawers. I'll deal with it tomorrow.
  • 屉里的东西乱七八糟。
    The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place.
  • 然后他们从许从多小屉里把一样样的药称了出来。
    Then they weighed out the ingredients from the many small drawers.
  • 他将所有的屉搜了又搜,寻找遗失的文件。
    He searched and searched through all the drawers for the missing papers.
  • 有谁搜过我的屉?有些重要文件丢失了。
    Who's been going into my drawers? There are some important papers missing.
  • 强盗们翻遍了屋内所有屉找珠宝。
    Robbers turned out all the drawers in the house in search for jewels.
  • 有书写桌面、屉和其他间隔厢的家具。
    a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments.
  • 湿季过后所有的屉都如肯特郡的牡蛎一般关得死死的。
    After the damp weather all the drawers became as fast as a Kentish oyster.
  • 强盗们翻开所有的屉寻找珠宝。
    Robbers turned out all the drawers in the house in a search for jewels.
  • 我把所有的屉都来了个兜底翻,希望能找到那把丢失的钥匙。
    I emptied out all the drawers in the hope of getting back the missing key.
  • 他说这是他在整理房间的屉时发现的。
    He’d found it, he told me, while going through drawers in his house.
  • 他们不了解,不但在资本主义社会,就是在社会主义社会,也不能象地讲人的价值和人道主义,因为我们的社会内部还有坏人,还有旧的社会渣滓和新的社会渣滓,还有反社会主义分子,还有外国和台湾的间谍。
    They don't understand that neither in capitalist society nor in socialist society can there be an abstract value of the human being or abstract humanism, because even in our society there are still bad people, dregs of both the old and new societies, enemies of socialism and spies sent by other countries and Taiwan.
  • 她听到他把梳妆台的屉扔到地上,气得要命。
    Anger surged through her as she listened to him dumping her dresser drawers on the floor.
  • 香丸一种芳香物质的混合物,封装在袋子或盒子里来防止气味或感染,从前佩戴在人身上,但现在一般放在梳妆台的屉或小橱里
    A mixture of aromatic substances enclosed in a bag or box as a protection against odor or infection, formerly worn on one's person but now usually placed in a dresser drawer or closet.
  • 著烟斗,若有所思。
    He drew thoughtfully on his pipe.
  • 他不抽烟也不喝酒。
    He doesn't smoke or drink.
  • 烟和喝酒对病有害。
    Smoking and drinking will be harmful.
  • 波洛克,杰克逊1912-1956美国艺术家。因运用他的“滴画法”而成为美国象主义的先驱
    American artist. Using his drip technique of painting, he became a leader of abstract expressionism in America.
  • 回锄头时,清楚地看见蛇的毒液顺着锄头片往下滴。
    As I pulled back my weapon, I could see the venom dripping down the blade.
  • 驿站马车的车夫响了鞭子。
    The stagecoach driver cracked the whip.
  • 他发球之后立即突然杀。
    He followed up his services with sudden drives.