  • 实际上,康奈尔系统利用保留带宽,部分地缩小了电路交换和包路由体系结构之间的异。
    In effect, the Cornell system, with its reserved bandwidth, bridges the difference at least part-way between circuit-switched and packet-routed architectures.
  • 头奖是一辆花冠轿车,接下来依次是摩托车,日本电视机,中国产重型自行车,现金最高奖尽管只有大约30美元,但是这笔钱不多是一个阿富汗老百姓一个月的收入。
    Up for grabs are a top prize of a Corolla car, followed in descending order by a motorcycle, a Japanese TV, a heavyweightChinese bicycle and a top cash prize of about $30, almost a month's pay for many Afghans.
  • 即使他们避免了这些因素,但是通过"协助生育技术"生育的婴儿与正常生育的婴儿之间仍然存在异。
    Even when they corrected for these factors,the disparity between babies conceived through ART and those conceived normally remained.
  • 别忘了让被摄主体保持在视纠正线之内。
    Don't forget to keep the subject within the parralax correction marks.
  • 别忘了让被摄主体保持在视纠正线之内。
    Do not forget to keep the subject within the parallax correction mark.
  • 取景器中的视纠正线能帮助避免近距离摄影时削掉头和脚。
    Parallax correction mark in the viewfinder can help avoid chopp head and feet off at close distance.
  • 但我们要做的是正确的心理辅导,不要让被分配到较班级的学生认为自己没有用。
    What we should provide these pupils who are assigned to not-so-good classes with is proper counselling - they should never come to regard themselves as useless.
  • 由于一九九九年货币状况稳定,以及投资者对香港增加信心,各种期限的港元利率与同期美元利率的距均告收窄。
    Reflecting stable monetary conditions and improved investor confidence in the Hong Kong dollar in 1999, the whole spectrum of Hong Kong dollar interest rates moved closer to their US dollar counterparts.
  • 国与国之间的文化是有别的。
    Cultures differ from country to country.
  • 但是我们大部分同胞都不知道,他们那么喜欢的中国饭菜跟这儿地道的中国饭菜一比,相很远。
    But most of my fellow countrymen don't know that the Chinese food they like so much is not nearly as good as the real Chinese food here.
  • 缩小城乡差别。
    Narrow down the difference between town and countryside
  • 她利用其法语知识,找到了一份信使的使。
    She cashed in on her knowledge of French and got a job as a courier.
  • 我得去考文垂出,我想借此拜访一下住在附近的姐姐,这样就可一举两得。
    I had to go to Coventry on business so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and visit my sister who lives nearby.
  • 这家伙其实是个胆小鬼,虽然个子不多有我的两个大,却撒腿便逃。
    The fellow, who was really a coward, though nearly twice as big as myself, took water at once.
  • 差一点就撞到了树
    Narrowly missed crashing into the tree.
  • 到了露营的地方,……肚子里的勇气不多全给吓跑啦。
    When I got camp…there warn't much sand in my craw…
  • 一盘草莓加乳酪应该算不了。
    A dish of strawberries and cream is not to be despised.
  • 在这行星上的无数生物中,所有的植物对于大自然完全不能表示什么态度,一切动物对于大自然,也不多没有所谓“态度”。然而世界居然有一种叫做人类的动物,对于自己及四周的环境,均有相当的意识,因而能够表示对于周遭事物的态度:这是很可怪的事情。
    IT is a curious thing that among the myriad creations on this planet, while the entire plant life is deprived from taking any attitude toward Nature and practically all animals can also have no "attitude" to speak of, there should be a creature called man who is both self-conscious and conscious of his surroundings and who can therefore take an attitude toward it.
  • 危及尼克松的总统地位的不断扩大的信用
    The growing credibility gap that crippled Nixon's presidency
  • 他的驾驶技术很劲。
    His driving's up the creek.
  • 在工作中不知不觉地会出错。
    Mistakes will creep into one's work.
  • 文化的异也是一个原因。
    Furthermore, cultural factors do creep into it.
  • 但是,当教练在漆黑的夜晚给她蒙上眼睛,带她到火葬场,并让她从焚烧炉中取骨头时,她点儿拿不住骨头。
    But when coaches blindfolded her in the dead of night, took her to a crematorium and told her to fetch bones from the ovens, she almost lost it.
  • 事实上,富与不富之间的异程度1995年以来就趋于平衡。但是,虽然这一事实令某些经济学家认为那种趋势已经登峰造极,可是另外一些经济学家却感到失望。
    The degree of separation between the rich and nonrich, in fact, has leveled off since l995. But while that fact leads some economists to hope that the trend has crested, others are disappointed.
  • 而如今,宣布两枚指纹完全相同的标准有很大别。
    Still,now the criteria for declaring two prints to be a match vary widely.
  • 年轻时他体格健壮,但到了五十五岁左右,身体就逐渐了。
    As a young man he was very athletic, but by his middle fifties he was just an old crock.
  • 教养的教养的;没礼貌的和粗野的
    Badly brought up; impolite and crude.
  • 他是一位伟大的网球选手,但他一输球就变得风度很
    He's a great tennis player, but he turn into a crybaby when he lose.
  • 他是一位伟大的网球选手,但他一输球就变得风度很
    He 's a great tennis player, but he turns into a crybaby when he loses
  • 古巴队在一场令人惊异的比赛中又得了金牌;在这场激动人心的比赛中,呼声不高的弱队美国队一点爆出冷门。
    Gold again for Cuba in an amazing tournament that featured exciting matches and an underdog team that nearly stole the show : the USA.
  • 多利安人古希腊民族,大约公元前1100年入侵希腊,在文化和语言上与希腊仍有
    One of a Hellenic people that invaded Greece around1100 b.c. and remained culturally and linguistically distinct within the Greek world.
  • 马来西亚的华语华文的提倡近年来在国际大专辩论会和台湾举行的征文比赛中,获得文化中国知识界同声赞扬,充分显示只要领导有方,社会贤达有共识,华人家庭有强烈的意愿,通过细水长流的积累,即使大环境很,成绩仍大有可观。
    Chinese Malaysians have achieved a great deal in promoting their mother tongue. In recent years, Chinese students from Malaysia have won prizes in international debate contests and essay-writing competitions held in Taiwan. They have earned accolades from the cultured circles of various Chinese societies. This shows that, given an able leadership with a consensus reached by the elite, plus the strong wishes the families concerned, a Chinese community can do a good job in passing down its native language through persistent efforts even under not-so-conducive circumstances.