  • 注:二零零二年四月十七日,行政长官在立法会发表讲话,介绍问责制的主要内
    Footnote: on April 17, 2002, the Chief Executive announced the principal elements of the Accountability System in an address to the Legislative Council.
  • 分析家们还说,atm扩展易且能实现局域网与广域网的无缝集成。
    Analysts also said ATM scales easily and will allow for seamless LAN and WAN integration.
  • 搜索层:全文搜索引擎和搜索文档描述和其他内的搜索引擎。
    SEARCH: Both full-text search engines and ones that search descriptions of documents and other content.
  • 季节性涨水的低地;比沼泽更多的树木植被,排水较沼泽易些。
    low land that is seasonally flooded; has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.
  • 这一突如其来的不幸消息一下子使这位平素在公开场合处处表现镇定自若、从一迫的强硬政治家失去了自制力。
    This sad news, so unperturbed seasoned politician off her balance.
  • 易在消化道里被吸收;不肥腻或者没有大量的调味料。
    easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned.
  • 该礼堂可纳八百个人。
    The auditorium has a seating capacity of 800.
  • 这个剧场可纳五百人。
    The seating capacity of this theatre is 500.
  • 它能容纳多少人?
    What's the seating capacity of this gym?
  • 这个新剧场可纳两千人。
    The seating capacity of this new theatre is 2000.
  • 它能容纳多少人?
    What is the seating capacity of this gym?
  • 新闻中心则为印刷传媒提供专用的工作间,以及一个可以纳约600名记者的自由座位大堂。
    and a press centre providing the print media with exclusive work spaces and a large free seating area for some 600 journalists.
  • 国家体育场:可纳8万人,是举行开(闭)幕式、田径比赛、足球决赛等活动和赛事的场地。
    National Stadium: with a seating capacity of 80,000 people, it will be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies, athletics and football finals.
  • 国家体育馆:可纳1.8万人,是体操比赛、手球和排球决赛的场地,可设计为多功能公共场所。
    National Indoor with a seating capacity of 18,000 people, it will be the venue for Gymnastics, handball, and volleyball finals. It will be a multi-functional structure.
  • 国家体育馆:可纳1.8万人,是体操比赛、手球和排球决赛的场地,可设计为多功能公共场所。
    National Indoor Stadium: with a seating capacity of 18,000 people, it will be the venue for Gymnastics, handball, and volleyball finals. It will be a multi-functional structure.
  • 国家游泳中心:可纳1.8万人,是游泳项目的主赛场,奥运会后可成为公共运动场所。
    National Swimming with a seating capacity of 18,000 people, it will be the main venue for swimming competitions. It will serve as a public sports center after the Olympic Games.
  • 国家游泳中心:可纳1.7万人,是游泳项目的主赛场,奥运会后可成为公共运动场所。
    National Swimming Center: with a seating capacity of 18,000 people, it will be the main venue for swimming competitions. It will serve as a public sports center after the Olympic Games.
  • 奥林匹克公园内具有代表性的新建场馆有:国家体育场:可纳8万人,是举行开(闭)幕式、田径比赛、足球决赛等活动和赛事的场地。
    The major venues to be built in the Olympic Green National with a seating capacity of 80,000 people, it will be the venue for the opening and closing ceremonies, athletics and football finals.
  • 其次,他把在政治经济这个名词下所包含的内归纳到一种学说,这种学说显然是世界主义性质的;
    secondly, that he attributes the name political economy to a doctrine which is evidently of cosmopolitical nature;
  • 难事不易做、完成、理解或解决的事情
    Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved.
  • 我认为完成这项任务是易的。
    I think it easy to accomplish this task.
  • 容易做成的事
    Something easy to accomplish.
  • 禁止组织、强迫、引诱、留、介绍妇女卖淫。
    It bans actions to organize, force, seduce, shelter or introduce women to engage in prostitution.
  • 原先,他曾为未能娶上年轻、富有的苏珊娜·华代尔小姐而感到懊丧,但不久就策划想要勾引她那雍华贵的母亲。
    He had briefly bemoaned the fact that he had not married wealthy young Suzanne Walter, but he soon became intrigued with the idea of seducing her mother, a pillar of dignity.
  • 直接播种可降低生产成本,也易机械化。
    Direct seeding reduces the cost of production and lends itself to mechanization.
  • 当然,有一些极不道德的记者,不管是说到中东地区还是北爱尔兰,在报道那里发生的恐怖活动时,如果他们不同意其目的,他们就会大量使用卑鄙、屠杀、残酷之类的形词。
    Certainly some of the seediest of journalists, whether we're talking about the Middle Easy or Northern Ireland, pile on one set of adjectives-squalid, butchering, oppressive-for terrorism of whose aims they disapprove.
  • 显然的,明白的易被看到或理解的;明显的
    Easily seen or understood; obvious.
  • 他们处处表现出灵活变通、宽体谅和通力合作。
    They have demonstrated flexibility, understanding, co-operation and accommodation every where.
  • 一向有纳外来客工宏量的国人,更必须在心理作好准备,迎接新的移民,加强我们生产线的实力,为新加坡的未来光明前途,并肩作战。
    Singaporeans, ever accommodating and generous to guest workers, need to get prepared for new immigrants who will work side by side with the local people for an even better tomorrow.
  • 我们要考察的内之一是生命起源前的自组织,化学自组织。
    One of the things we're trying to look at is prebiotic seif-organisation, chemical seif-organisation.
  • 轻便马车由一匹马拉的两人背靠背坐的轻便马车
    A vehicle drawn by one horse and accommodating two persons seated back to back.
  • 缩微平片一个缩微胶卷片,能够以缩微形式纳并储存相当多数量的页数,如一印刷文本的
    A card or sheet of microfilm capable of accommodating and preserving a considerable number of pages, as of printed text, in reduced form.