  • 一九四三年十二月一日,中、美、英三国签署的《开罗言》指出:“三国之宗旨,在剥夺日本自一九一四年第一次世界大战开始以后在太平洋所夺得或占领之一切岛屿,在使日本所窃取於中国之土地,例如满洲、台湾、澎湖列岛等,归还中国。”
    The Cairo Declaration issued by China, the United States and Great Britain on 1 December 1943 stated: "It is the purpose of the three great Allies that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the First World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa [Taiwan] and the Pescadores [Penghu], shall be restored to China."
  • 售货员:最后就是纸了。也可叫做米纸,它是中国画中国书法的标准用纸。
    Shop The paper we Chinese usually use in Xuanzou paper, in other works, rice paper. It is the standard paper for Chinese paintings and calligraphy.
  • 将原先分置的保管、陈列和研究三个部门进行改组,成立了古器物部、古书画部、宫廷部和展览教部。新组建了资料信息中心,专司推进故宫博物院的信息化工作。
    Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department;
  • 他平静地布这个消息。
    He announced this news calmly.
  • 持续蒙恩称被上帝选中的人直到死都会得到恩赐并且最后还能获得拯救的加尔文教义
    The Calvinistic doctrine that those who have been chosen by God will continue in a state of grace to the end and will finally be saved.
  • 1995年5月,中国、越南、老挝、泰国、缅甸、柬埔寨及联合国禁毒署在北京召开第一次次区域禁毒合作部长级会议,通过《北京言》,并签署《次区域禁毒行动计划》。
    On May 1995, China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and the UNDCP convened the first minister-level meeting on cooperation in sub-region drug control in Beijing. The meeting adopted the Beijing Declaration and signed the Sub-region Drug Control Program of Action.
  • 开始了一次大规模的传运动
    Cranked up a massive publicity campaign.
  • 强大的传攻势;传鼓吹的电影
    A massive agitprop campaign; agitprop filmmaking.
  • 纽约城市大学医学院药理学家约翰·摩根曾与人合著了一本颇有争议性的传大麻合法化的新书——《关于大麻的神话和事实》,他说:“我不知道为什么对大麻的认知反应会有性别差异。”摩根相信男性在这样的研究中表现差的原因是他们在某些细微的方面“异常”,但是没有被研究人员注意到。
    "I know of no reason why there should be a gender difference In Cognitive response to cannabis," says John Morgan, a phannacologist at the City University of New York Medical School and coauthor of a controversial new book advocating decriminalization Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts Morgan believes the reason the males underperform in such studies is that they are "deviant" in subtle ways that escape the researchers' notice.
  • (罗马天主教)布死者过一种神圣的生活并值得尊敬的行为;首先追认为圣者。
    (Roman Catholic Church) the act of declaring that a deceased person lived a holy life and is worthy of public veneration; a first step toward canonization.
  • 布英国节将在正对着舞厅的泰晤士河南岸举行时,埃里克开始盘算着该如何在自己家门口举办的这次盛会上捞一笔。
    When it was announced that the Festival of Britain was being held on the South Bank,just across the Thames,Eric began to wonder how he could capitalise on this huge event which was taking place virtually on his doorstep.
  • 他总是传资本主义的长处。
    He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism.
  • 克林顿坚信自己是共和党传攻击机器的牺牲品,他们早在利用他和莱温斯基的事大做文章之前,就在国会山布了要弹劾他的打算。
    Clinton hasn't the slightest doubt that he's the victim of a GOP attack machine that announced on Capitol Hill its intention to impeach him long before he gave them the Monica Lewinsky story to exploit.
  • 于是开比多尔唱片公司当然就有了新的销售策略:在mtv和nick频道上进行强势传,在红色的cd包装上印上孩子们喜欢的糖果和苹果,并且在母亲们爱去的商场如沃尔玛超市以11.98美元的低价出售这张专辑,这个价位很适合孩子。(这比过去的披头士流行音乐专辑“蓝色”和“红色”要便宜18美元。
    Then, of course, there's the new marketing strategy of Capitol Records: high energy MTV and Nick ads, candy? apple red CD packaging and the kid? friendly $11.98 price at mom? preferred stores like Wal Mart (that's $ 18 less than previous Beatles hits packages" Blue" and" Red" ).
  • 同年十月,日军占领广州和武汉。日本政府利用蒋介石对于抗战的动摇,改取诱蒋投降为主的方针,在十一月三日又发表声明,称“如果国民政府抛弃以往的指导方针,更换人事,改弦易辙,参加新秩序的建设,我方亦不拒绝”。
    After Japanese troops occupied Canton and Wuhan in October 1938, the Japanese government, taking advantage of Chiang Kai-shek's vacillation, changed its policy in order to induce him to capitulate. It issued another statement on November 3, which read in part: "As for the National Government, provided it abandons its hitherto erroneous policy and gets new men to carry out rehabilitation and to maintain peace and order, the Empire will not decline to negotiate with it."
  • 中国共产党中央曾于前年七月七日的言上指出:投降是时局最大的危险,反共是投降的准备步骤。
    The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out in its Manifesto of July 7, 1939: "Capitulation presents the greatest danger in the current situation, and anti-communism is the preparatory step to capitulation."
  • 在去年七月七日的言中则说:“空前的投降危险和空前的抗战困难,已经到来了。”
    Its Manifesto of July 7, 1940 stated, "The danger of capitulation has never been so serious and the difficulties in the war have never been so great as they are today."
  • 以及加强传投诉警方独立监察委员会的监察角色。
    a scheme for IPCC members to observe CAPO investigations and enhanced publicity on the monitoring role of IPCC.
  • 这些食品公司的策略就是直接攻击阿特金斯的理论。食品联盟称:阿特金斯的追随者们患心血管疾病、高胆固醇、肾坏死及一些癌症的几率比常人要高。
    The strategy is a direct attack on Atkins: Americans who follow the Atkins diet increase their risk of health problems that include cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, kidney damage and some cancers, the Wheat Foods Council says.
  • 布威廉。琼斯被选中。
    I declare William Jones elected.
  • 罢工者布那批货不予处理。
    The strikers declared the cargo black.
  • ——美国卡内基国际和平基金会专家约瑟夫,西里内森认为,《考克斯报告》“缺乏事实根据”,是“纯粹的传品”。
    --Joseph Cirincione, expert with the US Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the Cox Report "lacks basic support", and "is purely a propaganda work".
  • 为加强市民的健康生活意识并推广健康生活,卫生署继续举办了多项传教育活动,包括与其他政府部门或非政府机构合办“普及健体运动”、“健康生活嘉年华”等。
    To enhance public awareness of and promote healthy living, the Department of Health has continued to organise a number of media and educational activities. These include programmes organised in collaboration with other government departments or non-governmental organisations such as the Healthy Exercise for All Campaign and the Active Living Carnival.
  • ??杰米-卡特用他的昵称“杰米”誓就职。
    Jimmy Carter was sworn in as president under his nickname Jimmy.
  • 制造商称这种唱片能够完美地再现原声,不会失真,也不会带有忏何伴随的嘶嘶声。
    The makers claim that a CD can reproduce the original sound perfectly,, without any distortion or background hiss.
  • 作为传员他的活动从未停止过。
    He never ceased from his activities as a propagandist.
  • 作为传员他的活动从未停止过。
    He never ceased from his cativities as a propagandist.
  • (三)要推动并帮助连队不间断地进行对群众的传鼓动工作。
    3) Urge and help the troops to conduct ceaseless propaganda and agitation among the masses.
  • 作为新计划的中心,韦尔奇布通用电气公司的每一项业务都必须成为本行业的第一或第二。
    As the centerpiece of his new plan, Welch declared that every GE business must be No.1 or No.2 in its industry.
  • "1921年以来,她的生日一直是英美全国医院周的中心内容,各医院都在这一周举办特别的展览、讨论会和传活动。
    Since 1921,her birthday has been the centerpiece of National Hospital Week,observed in British and American hospitals with special exhibitions,workshops,and publicity drives.
  • 国家元首也许没有太多的政治上的权力,也许只限于礼仪上的职责(会见大使、在全国性纪念仪式上放花圈、布议会开始等)。
    A head of state may not have much political power, and may be restricted to ceremonial duties(meeting ambassador, laying wreath at national memorials, opening parliament, etc).
  • 通过破土仪式来布一项工程正式开工。
    the ceremonial breaking of the ground to formally begin a construction project.