  • 斯泰特科利美国宾夕法尼亚州中部一自治村镇,位于哈里斯西比,主要是住宅区,也是宾夕法尼来州立大学的校址(建立于1855年)。人口38,923
    A borough of central Pennsylvania northwest of Harrisburg. Mainly residential, it is the seat of Pennsylvania State University(established1855). Population,38, 923.
  • 波斯尼亚导演丹尼斯-塔诺维执导的《无主之地》获得了最佳编剧奖。
    The screenplay award went to Bosnia's Danis Tanovic for No Man's Land.
  • 走投无路的波斯尼亚总统伊泽特贝哥维,断然拒绝分割[计划],并要求进一步磋商。在[首府]塞拉热窝群情忿怒,并高喊被人出卖。
    Bosnia's desperate President, Alija Izetbegovic, rejected partition out of hand and called for further negotiations, and in Sarajevo the air was charged with anger and accusations of betrayal.
  • 对他们的特关系他也处之泰然。
    Nor was he bothered by the strangeness of their relationship.
  • 人民群众有无限的创造力,他们能够做出迹来。
    The masses have boundless creative power. They can do mighty works.
  • 埃德里很快得了100分,主要是靠击中中速投球。
    Edrich scored a quick century, mainly off the mediumpace bowling.
  • ‘你有男朋友吗?’她好地问她未来的房客。
    `Do you have a boyfriend,' she asked her prospective tenant pryingly.
  • 哈考特-布雷斯-朱万诺维出版公司
    Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers
  • 数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发想,问题迎刃而解
    After months of futile labors, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem
  • 数月努力,徒劳无功,科学家突发想,问题迎刃而解。
    After month of futile labor, the scientist suddenly have a brainstorm and solve the problem.
  • 车倒到与其他车太靠近时,它就发出嘟嘟的鸣叫声而且越来越刺耳。梅塞得斯公司3月份推出一种新型超级轿车,他们得意地宣称车上装有“妙”的行驶(车速)控制系统,该系统可设定最近的跟车距离(英尺),并能启动半刹车功能以保持适合的车距。
    The new Mercedes S-Class sedan arriving in March boasts a "smart" cruise control system -- set the minimum number of feet to be behind any vehicle, and the system will apply partial braking to keep the proper distance.
  • 布什做的另一件使他的朋友们感到吃惊的事,是他在仅仅3个月内就向一个叫劳拉·韦尔的图书馆管理员求婚并结了婚。与小布什的急脾气和爱嚷嚷的性格不同,劳拉则较为矜持而达理。
    Bush had also surprised friends by courting and marrying in just months a librarian named Laura Welch,who was as reserved and knowing as he was brash and noisy.
  • 他还大胆地接拍了黑帮喜剧片《米的蓝眼睛》,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一名势利的艺术商人,再就是引起轰动的《布里特·琼斯的日记》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 我问汽车修理工他是否有1967年生产的莫里斯・迈纳车的油泵,使我惊的是他竟然马上拿出一个来。
    I asked the car breaker if he had a fuel pump for a1967 Morris Minor and lo and behold he produced one immediately.
  • 她第一次突破是她抬起左腿去触医生的手,这说这像“一个迹”。
    Her first breakthrough was when she lifted her left leg to touch a doctor's hand, which, she says, “felt like a miracle”.
  • 他们婚姻破裂谁都不觉得怪。
    The breakup of their marriagesurprised no one.
  • 他们婚姻破裂谁都不觉得怪.
    The breakup of their marriage surprised no one.
  • 要是这屋子和家具属于一个质朴的北方农民,他有着顽强的面貌,以及穿短裤和绑腿套挺方便的粗壮的腿,那倒没有什么稀
    The apartment and furniture would have been nothing extraordinary as belonging to a homely, northern farmer, with a stubborn countenance, and stalwart limbs set out to advantage in knee breeches and gaiters.
  • 他们的政治主张是理想主义和自我利益的特混合
    Their politics were a strange brew of idealism and self-interest.
  • 我在酿酒厂工作,但是怪的是我从不喝啤酒。
    I work in a brewery but strangely enough I never drink beer.
  • 纳什搬回普林斯顿,在那里学生们把他看成是一个幽灵,终日寡言少语,在黑板上胡乱写些诸如"毛泽东的成年礼在勃列日涅夫的割礼后13年加13个月又13天举行"这样离而诙谐的话语。
    He moved back to Princeton, where students knew him only as the Phantom, a mute figure who scribbled weird but witty messages on blackboards: Mao Tsetung's bar mitzvah was 13 years, 13 months and 13 days after Brezhnev's circumcision.
  • 布丽特点明了所有的困难,对冬天越过丛山的主意泼了一瓢冷水。
    Bridget poured cold water on the idea of crossing the mountains in winter, pointing out all the difficulties.
  • 詹姆斯很快从新兵中脱颖而出,而且爱上了同为新兵的蕾拉(布里特·莫伊纳汉饰)。
    James quickly rises through the ranks and falls for Layla (Bridget Moynahan),one of his fellow recruits.
  • 积许多这种读书欣赏的经验,清淡,醇厚,宕拔,雄,辛辣,温柔,细腻,……
    After such a wide experience in reading, he has the proper experiential basis for knowing what are mildness, mellowness, strength, power, brilliance, pungency, delicacy, and charm.
  • 夏加尔,马克1887-1985俄裔画家,以其梦幻式、特的意象且色彩亮丽的帆布油画闻名。其作品中有两幅为纽约市都市歌剧院设计(1966年)的大型油画
    Russian-born artist noted for his dreamlike, fanciful imagery and brilliantly colored canvases. Among his works are two huge murals designed for the New York City Metropolitan Opera House(1966).
  • 满满一杯;我是个大傻瓜;充满了好心的孩子;热泪盈眶。
    a brimful cup; I am brimful of chowder; a child brimming over with curiosity; eyes brimming with tears.
  • 不过,这座现代式样的宫殿,屋顶又尖又高,显得很离,而且屋顶上布满镂花的天沟,又用铅皮把屋顶覆盖住,铅皮上有着许多闪闪发亮的镀金的铜镶嵌细作,形成千姿百态的花藤共饰,轻舒慢展。这如此妙镶嵌的屋顶,就从这座古老建筑物的暗褐色残败景象中脱颖而出,显得分外飘逸。
    Nevertheless, the remarkably pointed and lofty roof of the modern palace, bristling with carved eaves,covered with sheets of lead, where coiled a thousand fantastic arabesques of sparkling incrustations of gilded bronze, that roof, so curiously damascened, darted upwards gracefully from the midst of the brown ruins of the ancient edifice;
  • ☆扩大他们的视野以激发他们对生活的好心和兴奋点--带他们去异国他乡、风异俗的地方,尽量接触各色人等,以此扩大他们的视野。
    Fire up their curiosity and excitement about life by extending their horizons -- take them on adventures to new places and ensure they meet as many different kinds of people as possible to broaden their outlook.
  • 王平:这不稀,我还见过200多斤重的大刀呢。
    Wang Ping: This is not rare. I have seen a broadsword, which weighs over 100 kilograms.
  • ,埃米·马希·切尼1867-1944美国钢琴家和作曲家,以其歌曲和室内音乐最为著名,她的降e大调弥撒曲是第一个由波士顿交响乐团演奏的女人的作品
    American editor and inventor who built a demonstration pneumatic subway under Broadway in New York City in1870.
  • 我所提议的这么一种试验有一种怪的效力,它能把文明和文化上一切不重要的东西搁在一边,使人类在一个简单而清晰的方程式下完全平等。
    The suggestion of such a test as I propose has the strange effect of leveling all mankind by brushing aside all the non-essentials of civilization and culture and bringing all under a simple and clear equation.
  • 一位皇后区法官拒绝指派一位特别检察官调查113分局警察暴行的指控。他说他不愿事后批评地方检察官桑杜对案件的处理方式。
    A Queens judge yesterday refused to appoint a special prosecutor to probe brutality allegations against cops in the 113th Precinct, saying he would not "second guess" District Attorney John Santucci's handling of the cases.