  • 安妮:真是“一分耕耘,一分收获”
    Annie: How much you have tillage, and how much you will gain harvest.
  • 安妮:真是“一分耕耘,一分收获’’!让我们祝愿她今后取得更好的成绩。
    Annie: How much you have tillage, and how much you will gain harvest. Let us wish her the best.
  • 人们劳苦着,工作着,为生活而烦虑到头发变白,忘掉游玩:这种文化是多么不可思议
    How inscrutableis the civilization where men toil and work and worry their hair gray to get a living and forget to play!
  • ,笛子来了,拿一根给我。跟你们退一步说话;为什么你们总是这样千方百计绕到我上风的一面,好像一定要把我逼进你们的圈套?
    O, the recorders! Let me see one. To withdraw with you; why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into a toil?
  • ,在新加坡徒步旅行实际上是一种文化旅游。
    Yeah, a walking tour in Singapore is actually a cultural tour.
  • !我才缺两次课,都已经听不懂了。
    God, I only missed tow classes and I already out of it.
  • 多么好玩的玩具啊!
    What an interesting toy it be!
  • 多么好玩的玩具啊!
    What an interesting toy it is!
  • ,是变形金刚,你可以在这个柜台的后面买到。
    Ah, that's called transformer. You can get it at the back of this counter.
  • “是,”他站起来说,一面在我的房间里跨着大步来回走着,“我让您讨厌了,请原谅我,我没有考虑到我的痛苦跟您并不相干,我没有考虑到我跟您唠叨的那件事,您根本不可能也不会感兴趣。”
    'You are right, ' he said, rising to his feet and striding around my bedroom, 'I am boring you. Forgive me, I was forgetting that my grief must mean little to you, and that I trespass upon your patience with a matter which neither can nor should concern you in the slightest.'
  • 哈表示惊讶、愉快或得意等
    Used to express surprise, pleasure, or triumph.
  • 棒极啦!听他小号吹得多好
    Man! Listen to him blow that trumpet!
  • 感叹词一类通常表达感情以及能够单独存在的词,例如或哇
    A part of speech usually expressing emotion and capable of standing alone, such as Ugh! or Wow!
  • ,这个月我又透支了。
    Uh - oh. I am in the red this month again.
  • 多么冤枉,那只有我自己才能体会。
    how undeserved, I alone can appreciate.
  • 甚至于我们有些老同志也沾染了这些坏习气,这是不应该原谅的
    Even some of our veteran comrades became infected with this bad habit, which was unforgivable.
  • 怎么?这次考试又没及格?你真是生来命苦
    What? You didn’t pass the exam again? You were born under an unlucky star.
  • 他们就说,是!我的儿子在美国留学,他们也这么说,说我们这样想是不对的。这是从大陆的观点看来。
    Then, they would say, "True, my sons now studying in the US say so, too. They say what we believe is untrue, just China's one-sided view.
  • 我认为,把我们地方的领导机关和军队的指挥机关搞得这样庞大、这样臃肿是不行
    In my view, we simply can't have government organs and military commands that are so swollen and unwieldy.
  • 我有急事啊!
    I've got something urgent to do.
  • 我们是些多么没用的三心二意的人
    What vain weather-cocks we are!
  • 这年头是女孩想追男孩,而不是男孩追女孩。
    Nowadays girls try to pick up guy more than vice versa.
  • 有些人是杀气腾腾的
    And some people were making vicious attacks.
  • “天!”比尔终于嚷了起来,“那谈的是些什么呀!你们有些女人真是太不道德了。”
    "Good God!" Bill broke out at last. "What a conversation! How vicious can some of you women get?"
  • 我的老朋友,你正徘徊在恶性循环的圈圈里。你的推理方法和实际依据都是错误的。
    You're wandering in a vicious circle, my good fellow. Your logic and your facts are both at fault.
  • 噢,是维克托先生,我们正恭候您呢。
    Ah, yes, Mr. Victor. We are expecting you.
  • ,每次我截击的时候,她也这样对我,有很多次在我截击时,我听到她高喊“出界”,我真想把她丢出运动场外。
    Yes. She did the same to me when I volleyed the ball. A lot of times when I played the ball on the volley, I heard the word "out" shouted. I felt like throwing her out of the stadium.
  • !亲爱的,我断言那是你丈夫!
    Why, I vow and declare! There's your husband, my dear.
  • “噢,我多么希望能有一把琴!”
    Oh, how I wanted one!
  • ,没有,”监狱长笑道,“当然没有。
    “Oh, no,” laughed the warden. “Of course not.
  • ,那即将来临的夜色,给予劳累一天的人们多少希望和允诺!
    Ah, the promise of the night. What does it not hold for the weary!
  • !他找到了新的工作。
    He's got a new job. Well, well!