  • 姆和埃米莉手拉手站在佩格蒂先生前面。
    Ham and Emily were standing before Mr Peggotty, hand in hand.
  • “大衛少爺,”姆哭叫着,“埃米莉走了,她跑了。”
    "Master David---" Ham broke down and cried,"Emily has gone. She's run away.
  • 拉中亞蘇聯南部,薩曼堪德以西的一個城市,是亞洲最古老的文化和貿易中心之一,從16世紀到19世紀是前布拉酋長國的首都。人口209,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. west of Samarkand. It is one of the oldest cultural and trade centers of Asia and was capital of the former emirate of Bukhara from the16th to the19th century. Population,209, 000.
  • 培訓處繼續為各級管理人員舉辦多種管理訓練課程,包括在香港和海外舉行的課程,例如公共行政領袖課程和佛大學肯尼迪政府學院開辦的高層領導精修課程。
    Management training programmes continued to be organised for officers at different managerial levels. These included various management programmes conducted in Hong Kong and overseas, the Leadership in Public Sector Programme and the Leadership Enhancement and Development Programme conducted by the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University.
  • 他母親那是一位出色的喜劇演員,嗓音甜美動人。
    Her mother Hannah was also an entertainer. A wonderful mimic, she had a sweet, charming voice.
  • 他聽到他最好的朋友要去念佛時,他很嫉妒。
    He was envious When he heard his best friend got accepted to Harvard.
  • 根據在多舉行的wto第四屆部長會議發表的《部長宣言》,新多邊知識産權談判將主要集中於公衆健康議題和建立一個葡萄酒和烈性酒地理標識的多邊通報和登記體係。其中,倍受艾滋病、肺結核、瘧疾和其它流行病折磨的發展中國傢和最不發達國傢以及擁有治療上述流行病方法專利權的發達國傢對公衆健康議題非常重視。
    According to the Ministerial Declaration of the 4th WTO Ministerial Meeting held in Doha, the new multilateral talks on intellectual property rights will mainly focus on public health and the establishment of a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits, among which, the issue of public health has been given great attention by many developing countries and least-developed countries heavily afflicted with HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, and the developed countries in possession of the patents directly related to the treatment of the above-mentioned epidemics.
  • 在莎士比亞的《姆雷特》中, 由福丁布拉斯念收場白.
    Fortinbras speaks the epilogue in Shakespeare's Hamlet'.
  • 埃裏卡和維教過她們姐妹倆,不管什麽時候,不要給任何人開門。
    Erica and Harvey had taught the girls never to open the door to anyone at any time.
  • 茲利特,威廉1778-1830因犀利的文學批評而聞名的英國散文傢,他的作品包括莎士比亞戲劇中的人物(1817年)
    British essayist noted for his trenchant literary criticism. His works include The Characters of Shakespeare's Plays(1817).
  • 最後,巴尼斯和比德終於發現了正確的測試方法。
    Eventually, Barnes and Hibbard hit upon the right measurements.
  • "姆雷特,抱着波洛涅斯的屍體下。"
    "Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius."
  • "懷特夫人聽說自己的兒子被佛大學錄取了,臉上顯出非常高興的樣子。"
    Her face expressed great joy when Mrs White knew that her son had been admitted to Harvad.
  • 撒哈拉大沙漠的廣阔
    the full extent of the Sahara desert
  • 薩剋斯坦和中國將聯合起來與民族分裂分子,國際恐怖分子,和地區極端分子進行鬥爭。
    Kazakhstan and China are united in the fight against national separatism, international terrorism and religious extremism
  • 中、俄、、吉、塔五國邊防部門領導人商定:五國邊防部門將在上海合作組織有關文件規定的框架內,根據成員國共同國界地區的形勢,加強邊防信息交流,進一步深化相應的雙邊和多邊合作,采取有效措施共同打擊恐怖主義、分裂主義、極端主義和預防各種形式的跨界犯罪活動,維護成員國共同邊界地區的良好秩序,為發展成員國之間的睦鄰友好、經貿和文化關係提供有力的保障。
    At the meeting, the leaders of the frontier defense authorities of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed that the frontier defense authorities of the five states will, within the framework of the relevant documents of the SCO and in accordance with the circumstances of the areas of common borders of the member states, strengthen exchanges of information in respect of frontier defense; further deepen corresponding bilateral and multilateral cooperation; take effective measures for the joint fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, and for preventing cross-border criminal activities of all forms; safeguard order along the common borders of member states; and provide powerful guarantee for the development of good neighborliness and friendship and economic, trade and cultural relations between the member states.
  • 卡姆·伊茲拉·馬威就是智者,是那個年代阿拉姆瑣瓦猶太社區法庭的庭長。
    Hakham Ezra Hamawi was the Dayan, head of the court of the Jewish community in Aram Zova in those days.
  • 阿勒頗的阿拉姆瑣瓦,他們講着一個關於前人卡姆·伊茲拉·馬威的傳說。這個故事說的是使他在非猶太人心目中光彩照人,在東方所有城市中名聲鵲起的某一功績。
    In Aram Zova, in Aleppo, they tell a tale about Hakham Ezra Hamawi of blessed memory, concerning a deed which exalted him in the eyes of the gentiles and won him a name in all the cities of the East.
  • 例如,佛醫學院的南希·埃特科夫在她所著的《美女生存:美的科學》一書中認為,男人們喜歡金發是因為它與她們的白皮膚很相配——這樣容易看出她們因性激動而紅潤的臉色,使她們看上去更豐滿。
    In Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty, for example, Nancy Etcoff of the Harvard Medical School argues that gentlemen prefer blonds for the fairness of their skin which makes it easier to detect the flush of sexual excitement,making them appear more fertile.
  • 登,阿瑟1865-1940英國生物化學家,因在糖發酵上的研究而獲1929年的諾貝爾奬
    British biochemist. He shared a1929 Nobel Prize for research on the fermentation of sugars.
  • 姆萊特是一個虛構的人物。
    Hamlet was a fictitious character.
  • 哈爾濱電影機械廠
    Harbin Film Machinery Plant
  • 小型海洋軟鰭魚類,體形較長,有銀色光澤;與大麻魚和鮭魚有關。
    small marine soft-finned fishes with long silvery bodies; related to salmons and trouts.
  • 費爾斯通,維·塞繆爾1868-1938美國工業傢,建立了費爾斯通輪胎和橡膠公司(1900年),首製充氣輪胎
    American industrialist who organized the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company(1900) and first manufactured the balloon tire.
  • 五月間,“商業車箱”在曼頓麥迪遜大道與四十四街處開了“旗艦店”,嚮男顧客推介自己。一般“車箱”店很久以來就賣男士用的皮製錢包以及其他小件商品,不過新店以及在波士頓的另一傢是該公司首次以男士用商品為主的門市店。
    In May, the flagship Coach for Business store opened on the corner of Madison Avenue and 44th Street in Manhattan, and became the company's calling card to men. Regular Coach stores have long carried leather wallets and other small items for men, but the new store and another in Boston are the company's first with mostly men's goods.
  • 進行這項研究的芝加哥大學的研究生約翰·索說:“它用來鋪平身體的肌肉可能與完成波動的肌肉是分離的。
    According to University of Chicago graduate student John J.Socha, who conducted the research, "whatever muscles it using to flatten are probably decoupled from the muscles it using to undulate."
  • 他的朋友昨天從爾濱飛到北京。
    His friend flied from Harbin to Beijing yesterday.
  • 瓜達拉拉西班牙中部一城市,位於馬德裏東北。建於一繁榮的羅馬殖民地舊址上。公元714年到1081年被摩爾人占領。人口58,436
    A city of central Spain northeast of Madrid. Built on the site of a flourishing Roman colony, it was held by the Moors from714 to1081. Population,58, 436.
  • 爾是一個真正有抱負的人,僅在二十幾歲時就開創了自己的事業,在40歲生日前就成了一名百萬富翁。
    Hal's a real high-flyer; he started his own business when he was only in his twenties and he was a millionaire before his fortieth birthday.
  • 現在,勃新的“鷹眼”拍下了相撞的星係的最清晰的圖像,為解决有關它們的最終命運的理論提供了素材。
    And now, Hubble's new eagle eye has snapped the finest image ever of the colliding galaxies, adding fodder to theories about their ultimate fate.
  • 方達認識到了性別差異,她呼籲佛研究一下為何人們理所當然地認為女孩子容易妥協和順從。
    Fonda recognises the gender gap and challenged Harvard to do something about the state of affairs that predicted female success on compromise and conformity.
  • 巴狗一種在中國衍生發展長有扁平的鼻子且渾身長毛的小狗,有短小如弓狀的前足及捲麯在背上的尾巴
    Any of a breed of small dog developed in China, having a flat nose, a long-haired coat, short bowed forelegs, and a tail that curls over its back.