  • 这账单简直令人头晕目眩。他真怀疑自己是能付清账单。又是租金,又是税款,又是服务费。
    The bill is blinder. He doubted very much if he'd ever get over the bill. Rents for this, taxes for that, services for the other.
  • 作为母亲,她对我们都很好,但是不能认这一事实:她特别喜爱乔治。
    She was a good mother to us all but there was no blinking the fact that George was her blue-eyed boy.
  • 目前还没有确切的证据表明某些恐龙是是温血动物。
    There is probably no evidence that would definitively prove whether or not some dinosaurs were warm-blooded.
  • 关于它们是是温血动物这一问题,现在仍然没有出现被广泛接受的确切答案。
    There is as yet no widely accepted definitive answer as to whether or not they were warm-blooded.
  • 考克斯委员会面临的议题是:“`随着贸易和其他合作形式的增加”,在中华人民共和国公民和组织与美国公民和组织开展多方面交往的情况下,中华人民共和国是获取了美国政府不应该让它得到的“信息与技术,包括敏感的国家安全机密”。
    The issue before the Cox Committee was: In light of the numerous interactions between the citizens and organizations of the People's Republic of China [PRC] and citizens and organizations of the United States "as trade and other forms of cooperation have bloomed," has the PRC acquired "information and technology, including sensitive National Security secrets " that the US Government ought not to have let them have?"
  • 心理学家保罗·贝克尔博士认为,阳光的充足与是造成冬天忧伤情绪的关键。
    According to psychologist Dr. Paul Becker, sunlight, or the lack thereof, is the key to the winter blues.
  • 基思自称认识总经理,要他证实的办法是他能说出他的长相,因为那位经理实际上是个女的。
    Keith claims to know the managing director; the way to call his bluff is to see if he can describe him, because that particular director is actually a woman!
  • 在国民党统治区和各抗日根据地内,由于只知道联合、不知道斗争和过分地估计了国民党的抗日性,因而模糊了国共两党的原则差别,认统一战线下的独立自主的政策,迁就大地主大资产阶级,迁就国民党,甘愿束缚自己的手足,不敢放手发展抗日革命势力,不敢对国民党的反共限共政策作坚决斗争,这种右倾观点,过去曾经严重地存在过,现在已经基本上克服了。
    In the Kuomintang areas and the anti-Japanese base areas, the Rightist views which were once prevalent to a serious extent have now been basically overcome;those who held such views used to stress alliance to the exclusion of struggle and overestimate the Kuomintang's inclination to resist Japan, and they therefore blurred the difference in principle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, rejected the policy of independence and initiative within the united front, appeased the big landlords and big bourgeoisie and the Kuomintang, and tied their own hands instead of boldly expanding the anti-Japanese revolutionary forces and conducting resolute struggle against the Kuomintang's policy of opposing and restricting the Communist Party.
  • 最近欲起诉里根政府高级情报官员,以便再度认真调查的企图,已经陷于停顿,因为机密文件用来作证是会危及国家安全的问题争持难决。
    A more recent attempt to revitalize the investigation by prosecuting top Reagan Administration intellligence officials has a bogged down in disputes over whether classified documents could be offered as evidence without jeopardizing national security.
  • 冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
    May I be so bold as to ask how old you are?
  • 被记者描述成“由螺钉钉起来的旧桶”——理想x号,遭遇大西洋强风袭击后,船上的珍贵货物是能安全抵达呢?
    Would the valuable cargoes themselves arrive undamaged after the Ideal X, described by a reporter as an “old bucket of bolts”, had been buffeted by Atlantic gales?
  • 他当即让工厂负责人把所有的螺丝和螺帽都漆成黑色,并指示工人除非车盖下的一切都整齐有序,则任何汽车都不能下线。
    On the spot,he instructed the plant chief to paint all bolts and screws black and ordered workers not to release any car unless all was orderly under the hood.
  • 不管他们是愿意,他们都得等着轮到他们。
    Bon gre, mal gre, they had to wait their turn.
  • —债券是否有担保。
    - if the bond is secured by a collateral.
  • 我一直怀疑这个月老板是会给我们奖金。
    I'm wondering whether the boss will give us a bonus this month.
  • 我们在等候通知预定的下一步行程是落实.
    We are waiting for confirmation of our onward reservations, ie waiting to is told that our further travel bookings are still valid.
  • 她在一家书店询问是出售那本新书。
    She inquired for the new book at a bookseller's.
  • 除非用于控制反复的布尔表达式得到“假”的结果,则语句会重复执行下去。
    A statement repeats until the controlling Boolean-expression evaluates to false.
  • 请您去说服供货商稍微增加点供货呢?
    Can you try and persuade the supplier to boost the quantity a little bit?
  • 历史上的感情纽带可视为今天新中两国人民的感情纽带呢?看来,这是很自然的事。
    And the historical connections will no doubt help boost ties between Singaporeans and the Chinese people.
  • 那么,破坏这种基因是能够成为全面提高诱发性防御的一条捷径呢?
    Could knocking out this single gene, then, be a simple way to boost inducible defences across the board?
  • ei上的ap状态显示是启动了ap设备并正在运行基础架构过程。
    An AP state on the EI shows whether the AP machine is booted and running infrastructure processes.
  • 我可否借火柴?
    May I borrow a match?
  • 资本——信贷员对借款人能取得足够的现金(资本)以归还贷款的能力进行评估,是必不可少的。
    Capital——It is essential for the loan officer to evaluate the borrower's ability to generate sufficient cash (capital) to repay the loan.
  • 问:能介绍一下中国企业非法借外债的情况?
    Q: What about the illegal overseas borrowing by some Chinese enterprises.
  • 波士顿学院是这站下车?
    Be this the right stop for Boston college?
  • 波士顿学院是这站下车?
    Is this the right stop for Boston College?
  • 虽然目前还不肯定是已见底,但小投资者还是可考虑趁目前的低价买进一些从前遥不可及的蓝筹股。
    Although there is the risk that stock markets may not have bottomed, the current low stock prices offer an opportunity for retail investors to gradually invest in selected blue chip stocks that may have previously been out of reach.
  • 现在的问题不是伊妮德是愿意作证。假如她偶然听到罪犯的谈话,那么,向警方报告是她义不容辞的责任。
    It's not a case of whether Enid wants to give evidence or not. If she overheard a criminal conversation, it's her bounden duty to report it to the police.
  • 那么,是可以带上一束鲜花?
    Well then,how about a bouquet of flowers?
  • 由于不响应1936年抵制奥运会的号召,美国和其他西方民主国家错过了一次表态的机会,则(以当时观察家之见)可能会迫使希特勒三思而后行,从而使全世界反对纳粹独裁统治的运动得到加强。
    Having rejected a proposed boycott of the 1936 Olympics, the United States and other western democracies missed the opportunity to take a stand that some observers at the time claimed-might have given Hitler pause and bolstered international resistance to Nazi tyranny.
  • 当遇到拦路查问时,杰克自然地认了他的身分。
    When braced, Jack naturally denied his identity.