  • 主要是:农民收入增长缓慢,一些粮食主产区和严重受灾地方农民收入减少,有些地方拖欠工资严重,部分企业生产和职工生活仍有困难,就业力加大。
    The principal problems are as follows: farmers' incomes are growing slowly; incomes for farmers in some major grain producing areas and disaster-afflicted areas are decreasing; in some places, wage arrears are now a serious problem; some enterprises are still having difficulties in production and the life of some workers remains hard; and employment pressures are increasing.
  • 使引擎停止;停止前进;停止迫。
    Halt the engines; Arrest the progress; halt the presses.
  • 多年来,中国执法机关始终保持对毒品犯罪活动的高态势,沉重打击了境内外毒品犯罪分子的嚣张气焰。
    For many years China's law enforcement organs have consistently adopted a highhanded policy in dealing with drug-related criminal activities and struck heavy blows at the overweening arrogance of the drug-related culprits both at home and abroad.
  • 动脉是心脏输出血液与血管对血液的阻力共同产生的。
    arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance.
  • 情绪过度紧张动脉症慢性高血是其最基本症状
    Arterial disease in which chronic high blood pressure is the primary symptom.
  • 橡皮箍袖带一种可充气的箍带,通常裹在前臂上,与血计一起使用以测量出动脉的血
    An inflatable band, usually wrapped around the upper arm, that is used along with a sphygmomanometer in measuring arterial blood pressure.
  • 血管收缩素,高血素两种多肽激素,其中一种是有效的血管收缩素,在体内控制动脉血
    Either of two polypeptide hormones, one of which is a powerful vasoconstrictor, that function in the body in controlling arterial pressure.
  • 血液循环时动脉内的强。
    the pressure of the circulating blood on the arteries.
  • 它可以激活你的心血管系统,心率和血随之升高,然后动脉扩张,导致血再次降低。
    It activates the cardiovascular system, so heart rate and blood pressure increase, then the arteries dilate, causing blood pressure to fall again.
  • 心脏脊椎动物分隔成室的肌肉器官,从静脉接受血液并将其入动脉从而维持血液在整个循环系统中的流动
    The chambered, muscular organ in vertebrates that pumps blood received from the veins into the arteries, thereby maintaining the flow of blood through the entire circulatory system.
  • 用它(对身体某部位)施加力使动脉血液停止流动。
    stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure.
  • 右心室位于心脏右侧的心室,从右心房接收静脉血并把血入肺动脉
    The chamber on the right side of the heart that receives venous blood from the right atrium and forces it into the pulmonary artery.
  • 止血带、脉器一种装置,特指一紧紧环绕的绷带,通过暂时阻止血液从四肢的较大动脉中流过而止血
    A device, typically a tightly encircling bandage, used to check bleeding by temporarily stopping the flow of blood through a large artery in a limb.
  • 对已受污染的潜水和承水,不得混合开采。
    No combined exploitation of paretic water and artesian water already polluted may be permitted.
  • 声道缩(但不关闭)发出的辅音。
    consonant articulated by constricting (but not closing) the vocal tract.
  • 发声时,在声门释放力的爆破辅音;象元音的突然发音一样。
    a stop consonant articulated by releasing pressure at the glottis; as in the sudden onset of a vowel.
  • 他(获)有倒一切主要对手的优势。
    He has (gained) the ascendancy over all his main rivals.
  • 无性生殖的有机物由单细胞无性生殖的有机物,例如经植培育的植物或经发芽生成的水螅
    An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding.
  • “恐怕是主人从不乱堆乱放东西。”米歇尔·佩里这样解释。这位洛杉矶的力调整顾问最近有一惊人的发现。
    "It's probably never cluttered'," says Michelle Perry, a Los Angeles stress-management consultant who recently made an astonishing discovery.
  • 阿蒙特·巴桥内以惊人的10分钟优势技群雄获得自行车公路赛冠军,这是最令法国人骄傲的时刻,这种绝对优势在奥运史上是前无古人、后无来者。
    France proudest moment came in the cycling competition when Armand Balnchonnet won the road race by an astonishing 10 minutes-the most lopsided breakaway in Olympic history, before or after.
  • 使大吃一惊,使目瞪口呆使…被吃惊倒;使吃惊
    To cause to be overcome with astonishment; astound.
  • 通过迫空气来喷漆的喷雾器。
    an atomizer to spray paint by means of compressed air.
  • 喷枪,气笔用缩空气在表面上喷撒液体的喷枪,如油漆喷枪
    An atomizer using compressed air to spray a liquid, such as paint, on a surface.
  • 阶梯式地一层一层地向上排列。
    one of two or more layers one atop another.
  • 在拍卖中倒别的出价人
    Beat out other bidders at auction
  • 能够读取缩光盘连接到音频系统上的驱动装置。
    a drive that reads a compact disc and that is connected to an audio system.
  • 谁也明白,统制、镇,是和“唤起民众”的原则相违背的。
    Everybody knows that autocracy and suppression run counter to the principle of "arousing the masses of the people".
  • 民主的,即反封建、反专制、反独裁、反迫人民自由的思想习惯与制度,主张民主自由、民主政治、民主生活与民主作风的文化;
    It is democratic in that it opposes feudalism, autocracy and the ideologies and social systems that are designed to suppress the freedom of the people, and it stands for democratic freedom, politics, activities and work style;
  • 独裁政府出动了军队镇工人罢工。
    The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers' strike.
  • 例如,开发商和供应商在编写能满足汽车零部件工业的数据处理要求的应用程序和实用程序时受到了很大的力,它会产生每天百万计的因特网交易。
    For example, developers and vendors will be hard-pressed to write applications and utilities that can meet the data-handling requirements of the automotive spare parts industry, which is expected to generate millions of daily Internet transactions.
  • 尼古丁中毒尼古丁中毒,因吸用烟草过量而导致并以中枢及自主神经系统的抑为特征
    Nicotine poisoning, caused by excessive use of tobacco and marked by depression of the central and autonomic nervous systems.
  • 只有在主力军承受过重力时才会召来预备部队
    The auxiliary unit is called in only when the main force has been overtaxed