  • 那个园丁正在为一棵树剪嫩枝。
    The gardener’s cutting back the shoots of a tree.
  • 因不能为大多数州接受,平等权利宪案於一九八二年夭折了。
    Not accept by most of the state, the equal rights amendment is abort in 1982.
  • 因不能为大多数州接受,平等权利宪案於一九八二年夭折了。
    Not accepted by most of the state, the equal rights amendment was abort in1982.
  • 司法部长索恩伯格今天在国家广播电视公司“面对新闻界”的访问节目中说,他支持改有关提出证据的法规,因为“一次又一次因为某些技术缺失-忽略枝节问题-一名重要毒枭或其他罪犯可能被释放。”
    Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, interviewed today on NBC-TV's "Meet the press", said he supports the change in evidence rules because "time and again, because of some technical shortcoming – the failure to dot an 'i' or cross a 't' – an important drug kingpin or other criminal can be turned loose."
  • 建西安经南阳至南京铁路,开辟西北至中南、华东地区及西南至华东地区便捷铁路通道,既可东西贯通,又可南北疏流,缩短了西北至中南、华东,西南至华东的铁路运输距离,优化了路网结构。
    Xi'an to Nanjing via Nanyang railway is a shortcut from northwest to mid-south, and it can be used as both west-east and north-south passageways. Railway transportation distance from northwest to mid-south and east China, and from southwest to east China will be reduced, and structure of railway network will thus be improved.
  • 剪通过切割来缩短;
    To shorten by cutting; prune.
  • 通过剪其边缘或末端来变短。
    shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of.
  • 通过删节曲解改、缩短或简化或以一定方式歪曲一本书的内容
    To modify, as by shortening or simplifying or by skewing the content in a certain manner.
  • 仅在英国,每小时就有一百万多条移动电话短消息被发送出去。于是《简明英文词典》决定在其周四出版的订版里收录这些缩略语。
    In Britain alone, more than one million mobile phone text messages are sent every hour, so the Concise Oxford Dictionary has decided to include the shorthand language in its revised edition published on Thursday.
  • 女士们不允许穿短裤进入道院。
    Ladies are not allowed into the monastery in shorts.
  • 女士们不允许穿短裤进入道院。
    Lady is not allow into the monastery in shorts.
  • 你不肯花钱理自己的房子,眼光是非常短浅的。
    It's very shortsighted not to spend money on repairing your house.
  • 他以令人眩晕的速度疾步向前,抓住机会饰演了客串监制人(《矮子当道》)、轰炸机飞行员(《断箭》)、机工出身的天才(《现象》,又译《第三类奇迹》)和一个没了脸的联邦调查局探员(《变脸》)。
    He hurtled forward at a dizzying pace,snapping up roles as a loan producer (Get Shorty),a bomber pilot (Broken Arrow),a mechanic turned genius (Phenomenon),and an F.B.I.agent who literally loses his face (Face/Off).
  • 搞好中轴线、旧皇城、朝阜路、国子监街、什刹海地区的古建缮,复和建设好圆明园中富涵优秀传统文化观念的景园及明北京城墙遗迹等文物古迹;
    To showcase the features of the ancient capital, the ancient buildings in the areas along the axis line, the old royal city, the Chao-Fu road, the Imperial College and Shichahai area will be well renovated; some historical relics, such as the former imperial gardens of Yuanmingyuan and the city wall built in the Ming dynasty will be restored;
  • 这位精明的政治家改他的发言以适应听众的兴趣。
    The shrewd politician adapts his speech to suit the interests of the audience.
  • 那边,是圣马丁道院,钟声刺耳而嘶哑;
    Yonder is the Abbey of Saint-Martin, a shrill, cracked singer;
  • 这座古祠是为纪念古代为国捐躯的士兵们而建的。
    This old shrine was dedicated to the memory of the ancient soldiers killed in the defence of the country.
  • 改教材一样,日本政治领袖参拜靖国神社,同样是一种美化历史的行径。
    As in the case of the revised textbook, visits by Japanese political leaders to the Yasukuni Shrine for the war dead are also an act of glorifying the past.
  • 园丁修剪矮树丛。
    The gardener clipped the shrubbery.
  • 其时,英国的维新党政府下台,新上任的保守党外务大臣阿巴甸勋爵于一八四一年改给予砵甸乍爵士的训令,撤回割地的要求。
    In the meantime, the Whig Government in England had fallen and, in 1841, the new Tory Foreign Secretary, Lord Aberdeen, issued revised instructions to Pottinger, dropping the demand for an island.
  • 现时,合趾猿笼舍的葺工程及正门入口附近的旧圆形厕所的翻新工程进展良好。
    Renovation of the siamang enclosure and refurbishment of the old circular toilet near the main entrance are progressing well.
  • 西西里的居民聚集在埃特纳火山山坡上一起祈祷神灵的保佑,在离他们不远的地方,火山喷出的红黑色的熔岩流正朝着为保护旅游景点建的土堤渗过来。
    Sicilians gathered on the slopes of Mount Etna to pray last night as a river of orange-black lava oozed towards the mounds of earth protecting a tourist resort.
  • 他希望,复不育基因只是治疗镰状细胞性贫血等基因疾病的开始。
    Fixing infertility genes, he hopes, would be just a first step toward correcing genetic diseases like sickle cell anemia.
  • 两边请再修掉上些。
    Trim a little off the sideburns, please.
  • 两边鬓脚请掉一些。
    Trim a little off off the sideburns, please.
  • 有一个铁路网的地方,并在轨道和侧线上对车厢或发动机进行调试、贮放和维
    an area having a network of railway tracks and sidings for storage and maintenance of cars and engines.
  • 车场制造火车并在轨道和侧线上对车厢进行调试、贮放和维的地方
    An area where railroad trains are made up and cars are switched, stored, and serviced on tracks and sidings.
  • 十字杖一种末端有弯钩或十字的木杖,为道院院长、主教或大主教所持有或放置在他们面前作为教职的象征
    A staff with a crook or cross at the end, carried by or before an abbot, a bishop, or an archbishop as a symbol of office.
  • 法衣在弥撒庆典上,执事、红衣主教、主教和道士穿的套在白长袍上的衣袖宽大的服装
    The wide-sleeved garment worn over the alb by a deacon, cardinal, bishop, or abbot at the celebration of Mass.
  • 这是他第一次与男道院院长见面。
    This is the first time that he has met with the abbot.
  • 道院院长的管区或职权范围。
    the jurisdiction or office of an abbot.
  • 道院由男性任院长的道院
    A monastery supervised by an abbot.