  • 除了他们赞不绝口的中国菜肴外,有越来越多的美国人,尝试针灸、草药和中国武术。他们也看功夫电影,学习方时装潮流和手工艺。
    Apart from their love affair with Chinese cuisine, more Americans are turning to its acupuncture, herbal medicines, martial arts, gongfu films, fashions and art and crafts.
  • 里根总统任期还有数小时即将届满,昨天却出人意料地完全赦免美国佬[棒球队]主斯坦布鲁纳的罪。斯坦布鲁纳在水门事件时期被判违法捐款给竞选者。
    With just hours left as president, Ronald Reagan came out of left field yesterday with a full pardon for Yankees' owner George Steinbrenner, who was convicted during the Watergate era for making illegal campaign contributions.
  • 显然,这座交易所是特意为我们寒冷而多雨的天气建造的,它的屋顶几乎是平坦的,就像近的那样,这样做是冬天一下雪,便于清扫屋顶,更何况一个屋顶本来就是为了便于打扫而造的。
    This one is evidently constructed expressly for our cold and rainy skies.It has a roof almost as flat as roofs in the East, which involves sweeping the roof in winter, when it snows; and of course roofs are made to be swept.
  • 经营房屋寄宿或客栈的男性;客栈店主
    A man who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.
  • 女房经营房屋出租或客栈的女店主;客栈店主
    A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.
  • 我的室友和我都很想了解各自国家的文化。我们常在一起谈论西方的差异。
    My roommate and I were eager to learn about each other's cultures, so we often talked about the differences between East and West.
  • 法尔扎德对这些停在屋顶难缠的海鸥群深感厌恶:"它们总是留下许多羽毛和别的西,把一切弄得乱七八糟。
    "They leave a mess with their feathers and everything else,"Farzad said, expressing disgust over the messy sea birds roosting atop area buildings.
  • 而在同一天,巴黎近郊板结的土地上某些农户的简陋的小披屋里也很可能有一些大车在那儿躲避风雨。那些车很粗糙,溅满了郊野的泥浆,猪群在它旁边嗅着,家禽在它上面栖息。这西也极有可能已被“死亡”这个农民看中,要在革命时给它派上死囚囚车的用场。
    It is likely enough that in the rough outhouses old some tillers of the heavy lands adjacent to Paris, there were sheltered from the weather that very day, rude carts, be spattered with rustic mire, snuffed about by pigs, and roosted in by poultry, which the Farmer, Death, had already set apart to be his tumbrils of the Revolution.
  • 我来替你找穿的西。
    I'll root you out something to wear.
  • 美国南的一种深根的多年生植物。
    deep-rooted perennial of southeastern United States.
  • 他们在文件堆里翻找西。
    They rooted about among piles of papers.
  • 生长很快的亚藤蔓植物,有多毛的三叶叶子,开紫色花的总状花序,结多种子的长毛豆荚,块根富含淀粉;为制草料和淀粉而种植;在美国南部广泛种。
    fast-growing East Asian vine having hairy trifoliate leaves and racemes of purple flowers followed by long many-seed hairy pods and tuberous starchy roots; grown for fodder and forage and root starch; widespread in the southern United States.
  • 西文化的相互配合是目前新加坡社会的一个重要课题,没有“根”的社会是极为危险的。
    Therefore, it is imperative for Singapore to ensure that cultures of East and West complement each other for its own good, since a "rootless" society would be in great peril.
  • 一种产于美国北部的多年生草本植物,地下茎厚,瘤状,黄色,叶大,圆形。
    perennial herb of northeastern United States having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves.
  • 北美部和亚洲的高的药草,有兰色的象浆果似的果实和粗的多节的根茎,原来被用在医学上。
    tall herb of eastern North America and Asia having blue berrylike fruit and a thick knotty rootstock formerly used medicinally.
  • 血根草一种多年生的野生植物(美洲血根草),,原产于北美洲部的森林,根茎鲜艳,叶汁红色且有毒,叶单生,早春开白色单花
    A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring.
  • 一个常绿灌木小属,匍匐根茎,叶子光亮;北美;欧洲;亚。
    small genus of evergreen herbs with long creeping rootstocks and shining leaves; North America; Europe; east Asia.
  • 三叶碎米荠一种产于北美部的森林植物(三叶碎米荠),生有肉质根茎和有三小叶的叶片,开白色或粉红色花簇
    A woodland plant(Cardamine diphylla) of eastern North America, having fleshy rootstocks, trifoliolate leaves, and clusters of white or pinkish flowers.
  • 垫子形状的石生或陆地上的蕨类植物,有爬行的根茎和大的羽状半裂的叶子,主要分布在北美洲、欧洲、非洲和亚。
    mat-forming lithophytic or terrestrial fern with creeping rootstocks and large pinnatifid fronds found throughout North America and Europe and Africa and east Asia.
  • 绞痛根一种百合科粉条儿菜属多年生草本植物,特别是北美粉条儿菜,产于北美部,长有白色小花的总状花序,根茎最初用于药中治疗疝痛
    Any of certain perennial herbs of the genus Aletris in the lily family, especially A. farinosa of eastern North America, having racemes of small white flowers and rootstocks formerly used in medicine to treat colic.
  • 帕萨迪纳美国加利福尼亚州南部洛山矶北部的一座城市,因其玫瑰碗剧场和每年的玫瑰花车游行而闻名。人口131,591
    A city of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is famous for its Rose Bowl and annual Tournament of Roses parade. Population,131, 591.
  • 长有球茎的小型多年生植物,玫瑰花形,多汁的叶片和花序以及略带粉红的白花;分布于北美部。
    small cormous perennial grown for its low rosette of succulent foliage and racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; eastern North America.
  • 加莱草一种产于美国部的多年生的无茎常绿植物(加腊克斯加腊克斯属),具有带光泽的心形叶子的蔷薇叶丛和穗状小白花
    A stemless, evergreen, perennial plant(Galax urceolata) of the eastern United States, having a rosette of glossy, heart-shaped leaves and small, white flowers in spikelike clusters.
  • 无干的多年生草本植物,叶子带刺下边长绒毛,莲座丛中开有白色或紫棕色单个花组成的大花;阿尔卑斯山地区或欧洲部。
    stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe.
  • 北美部的晚春开花的杜鹃花,有玫瑰色到粉紫色的花。
    late-spring-blooming rhododendron of eastern North America having rosy to pink-purple flowers.
  • 直立的横卧的半球的多年生植物,有腋生的玫瑰紫色的花丛;传入美国。
    erect or decumbent Old World perennial with axillary clusters of rosy-purple flowers; introduced in United States.
  • 大型每年落叶灌木或小型树种,大型花冠,花色从玫瑰红到紫色;原产亚洲;北美部作为装饰用树。
    large deciduous shrub or small tree having large open rosy to purplish flowers; native to Asia; prized as an ornamental in eastern North America.
  • 北美北部和部高山产的一种兰花,他与大花的大紫玉凤兰有密切亲缘关系,但有玫瑰紫色至紫罗兰色的花,唇瓣裂片成齿状。
    orchid of northeastern and alpine eastern North America closely related to the purple fringed orchids but having rosy-purple or violet flowers with denticulate leaf divisions.
  • 然而方传统中过于重视基础,强调死记硬背,无形中影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、求证。
    However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasison foundations. The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems.
  • 然而方传统中过于重视基础,强调死记硬背,无形中影响了对新现象、新问题的大胆设想、求证。
    However, Eastern tradition places too much emphasis on foundations. The insistence on rote learning robbed the initiative to make bold hypotheses about new situations and new problems.
  • 北美部的一种多年生亚灌木,叶具有绒毛,花紫黄色;鱼藤酮的来源。
    perennial subshrub of eastern North America having downy leaves yellowish and rose flowers and; source of rotenone.
  • 不知道,这儿有什么坏了的西吗?
    I don't know. Something rotten here?