| - 第十三条 开发利用水资源,应当服从防洪的总体安排,实行兴利与除害相结合的原则,兼顾上下游、左右岸和地区之间的利益,充分发挥水资源的综合效益。
Article 13: The development and utilization of water resources shall conform to the overall arrangement for flood control, follow the policy of deriving benefits while mitigating damages, and take into account the interests of both upstream and downstream, both left and right bank as well as all involved regions, so as to fully realize the comprehensive benefits of water resources. - 这些特点减少了网络故障停机时间和生产率的损失,同时扩展目前的存储资源。
These features reduce network downtime and productivity losses while extending current storage resources. - 通过简化数据传输的基础结构和提高速度,它将有助于电子商务;通过每台服务器处理更多的用户和减少故障停机时间,它将有助于电子邮件;以及随着用户数量的增加使处理器和内存增加,来改进在线事务处理。
It would aid e-commerce by simplifying the data transmission infrastructure and increasing speed, help e-mail by handling more users per server and reducing downtime and improve online transaction processing by enabling the addition of processors and memory as the number of users increases. - 市中心区一个城市的中心地区,位于住宅区和商业区之间
A central portion of a city, between uptown and downtown. - 鉴于本地公司在经济下调期间面对不少困难,贸易发展局在一九九九年继续冻结参加活动的费用。
In view of the difficulties faced by the local companies during the economic downturn, the TDC continued to freeze its participation fees in 1999. - 旅游业在香港回归后开始倒退,为了解决这个问题和让各国明白到香港在回归后仍是理想的旅游地点,旅游协会筹办了连串大型访港活动,逾3000名海外旅游业和传媒代表在七月至十二月期间访港,实地了解本港的情况。
As part of efforts to combat the mid-year downturn in tourism, and tomaintain international awareness of Hong Kong as a tourist destination, theHKTA organised a series of large-scale familiarisation programmes. Morethan 3 000 travel trade and media guests visited Hong Kong between Julyand December. - 他的房间里有一只绒毛狗。
There is a downy dog in his room. - 被长时间的乘车弄得昏昏欲睡;去打搅那个打瞌睡的教授好像不太好;疲倦的、想要睡觉的孩子;躺在摇椅上打瞌睡的奶奶。
made drowsy by the long ride; it seemed a pity to disturb the drowsing (or dozing) professor; a tired dozy child; the nodding (or napping) grandmother in her rocking chair. - 在罗马尼亚城市布拉索夫,十几只褐色大熊正欢畅地穿梭在灰蒙蒙的城市高楼间,它们围着一个个垃圾堆尽兴地"野餐",却全然不知身后的猎枪早已对准了自己。这将是它们最后的野餐。尽管在有些欧洲地区熊已经濒临灭绝,但在此地却是"熊满为患",人们只好从中筛选出一部分,"送它们上路"。
In Brasov, more than a dozen brown bears have been picnicking on garbage among the city's drab tower blocks, prompting authorities to begin culling the animals, which have been hunted to extinction in much of the rest of Europe. - 因时间有限,我10分钟内便草拟了一份发言稿。
Since time is limited, I drafted out my speech in10 minutes. - 高背座位可挡风同时也可隔间。
Drafts are avoided by high-backed seats that are also roomdividers. - 时间好像过得很慢。
Time seemed to drag. - 我们等待着,时间缓慢地捱过去
The time dragged as we waited. - 这项工作拖拖拉拉进行了好长时间。
The work had been dragging on for a long time. - 既然没有可能达成协议,拖延时间只不过是一种浪费。
Since there was no chance of an agreement, it was a waste of time dragging out the discussion. - 但是在同时,如果第一阶段中国损失较大,第二阶段时间拖得很长,亡国论和妥协论更将大大地流行。
But in the meantime, if China's losses in the first stage are fairly heavy and the second stage drags on very long, the theories of national subjugation and of compromise will gain great currency. - 攻击行动拖宕日久,国内反战的声浪渐渐大了起来,国际间对军事行动的看法也难免产生分歧,正中敌人下怀。
But as the decision to strike drags on, anti-war voices begin to grow louder. It is also inevitable that countries in the world will have different views on the military response to be taken. Terrorists must be delighted at these developments. - 田间工程
farm irrigation and drainage system - 一旦雇员在工作日中看到公司解决了事务流通瓶颈问题,并摒弃了消耗时间的日常管理工作,那么他们就会意识到公司珍惜他们的时间,期望他们能对时间充分地加以利用。
When employees see a company eliminate bottleness and time-draining routine administrative chores from their workdays, they know the company values their time—and wants them to use it profitable. - 对白戏剧或叙述中人物之间的谈话
Conversation between characters in a drama or narrative. - 有个贫穷的家庭一夜间既获得了名声又发了财,这件事戏剧性地说明了新闻的力量。
The story of a poor family that acquired fame and fortune overnight, dramatically illustrates the power of the press. - 马萨伊族妇女参加了一个开创性抗旱新倡议,有望大量减少寻找和收集足够的干净和卫生水源所花时间。
Masai women have joined a pioneering new antidrought initiative that promises to dramatically reduce the time spent finding and collecting sufficient clean and healthy water supplies. - 据国家统计局提供的资料,从1979年以来的19年间,中国国内生产总值(gdp)由3624亿元人民币猛增到74772亿元,按可比价格计算,平均每年增长9.8%。
According to statistics provided by the State Statistical Bureau, between1979-97, China's GDP soared dramatically from 362.4 billion yuan to 7,477.2 billion yuan, showing an average annual growth of 9.8 percent in terms of comparative prices. - 恐怖主义的恶行已经超越了人类可以接受的范围,威胁平白无辜的人。恐怖分子阴险地踩在国际间最脆弱的族群和宗教议题裂缝上,刻意造成文明对落后的欺压假象,强调西方与东方的冲突,以及列强对弱国的攻击,目的正是要扩大国际间不同阵营的误会,顺水推舟演一场西方霸强凌辱无助百姓的煽情大戏,恶意分裂这个世界。
Taking full advantage of the sensitive issues of race and religion, the terrorists have created a false image of being victimised by developed nations. By playing up conflicts between the West and the East and the assaults of the powerful on the weak, it hopes to deepen misunderstandings between different camps in the world. It also hopes to dramatise the humiliation of the helpless and innocent by Western powers, with the evil intention of splitting the world. - 我们不想有太大的变动,而是要让它一点一点地改变,就像我们随着时间的改变而成长一样。
We don't want to change it drastically,but we like to change it little by little just as we grow as the time changes. - 也许您喜欢坐在房间中央吧?那儿风小些。
Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? there's less draught. - 也许您喜欢坐在房间中央吧?那儿风小些。
Perhaps you would prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There's less draught. - 也许您喜欢坐在房间中央吧?那儿风小些。
Perhaps you will prefer to sit in the middle of the room? There 's less draught. - 1986年到2000年的15年间,在中国农村贫困地区修建基本农田9915万亩,解决了7725万多人和8398万多头大牲畜的饮水困难。
During the 15 years from 1986 to 2000, 99.15 million mu (one mu equals 1/15 ha) of basic farmland was constructed in poverty- stricken rural areas, and the problem of drinking water for more than 77.25 million people and more than 83.98 million draught animals were solved. - 这间屋子不可有风透进.
All draughts must be excluded from the room. - 有些人泡茶时间太长。
Some people draw their tea too long. - 在。。。之间作比较[对照]
Draw a parallel between...