  • yīng guóbǎn yóu miàn tuán shàng mǎn guǒ jiàng huò shuǐ guǒrán hòu juǎnqǐ láihōng bèi huò zhēng zhì 'ér chéng de dīng
    (British) pudding made of suet pastry spread with jam or fruit and rolled up and baked or steamed.
  • hǎi shàng zhī xíng jiāng dào shì fǎn huí yīng lán
    His voyage back to England will be made by way of Suez.
  • cóng yīng guó jīng shì yùn zhì yìn de háng xiàn cháng bèi chēng wéi liè diān guó de shēng mìng xiàn
    The route from England to India via the Suez Canal is often called the life line of the British Empire.
  • huò xuǎn quán hòu chuī cān zhèng de yùn dòngzài yīng guó chéng liǎo néng zài yǐn rén men de wèn liǎo
    After women obtained the right to vote, the suffragette movement became a dead duck in Britain.
  • shuō yīng guó nán hái lǎo bēng zhe liǎnhěn nán xiāng chù xiǎng hěn néng men shì jǐn jiān
    When she says British ones are difficult and sulky, I think they're probably just reserved.
  • èr shí yīng bàng
    The sum of25 pounds.
  • bèi chù 200 yīng bàng jīn .
    He was fined the sum of 200.
  • wèi lái de xiǎn shì shù yòng liǎng yīng wén lái gài kuòxiǎn shì suí chù jiàn
    The future of display technology can be summed up in two words: displays everywhere.
  • zài shí yīng zhī wài jiù néng kàn dào zhè shān de shān dǐng
    You can see the summit of the mountain ten mile away.
  • de bào xiāo shēn qǐng zhōng bāo kuò 15 yīng bàng xiàng zhī chū .
    My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.
  • men tīng dào yòu rén yòng yīng chàng zhè shǒu
    We heard the song sung in English.
  • cóng lái méi yòu tīng dào yòu rén yòng yīng chàng zhè
    I have never heard that song sung in English.
  • jǐng chá : yīng guó zhè guó jiāméi yòu duō shǎo yáng guāng
    England is a country with little sunshine.
  • qǐng jiā yīng bàng de yōu zhì yóu bìng jiā mǎn yóu
    A pound's worth of super,and top up the oil, please.
  • shì suō bái kàn chū men duì dài rèn rén réng rán hěn gāo 'àoshèn zhì duì dài yīng jīhū méi yòu liǎng yàngyīn huān men
    but Elizabeth still saw superciliousness in their treatment of every body, hardly excepting even her sister, and could not like them;
  • lüè dǒng yīng wén de yìn rén zài yīng fāng miàn shòu guò qiǎn jiào de yìn běn rén
    A native of India who has acquired some superficial education in English.
  • cháng hào yòng lái biǎo míng dān wèi de zhì yòu shàng jiǎo de hào zài cháng zhōng de yīng chǐ( ?) yīng cùn
    A mark or one of several marks used as a superscript to indicate a unit, such as feet(? and inches(") in linear measurement.
  • zài yīng guó nèi zhàn zhōngzhī chí chá 'ěr shì de rén
    a supporter of Charles I during the English Civil War.
  • měi guó zhàn zhēng zhōng zhī chí fǎn yīng dǒu zhēng de rén
    A supporter of the war against England during the American Revolution.
  • zài zhè yàng de jiǎ dìng qíng kuàng xiàyào shǐ suǒ yòu zhè xiē guó jiā zài cái wén huà shàng gāo dào yīng guó tóng yàng de chéng jiù méi yòu yóu mào gèng hǎo de fāng liǎo
    Under these suppositions there would be no better way of raising all these countries to the same stage of wealth and cultivation as England than free trade.
  • shǔ píng tóu zài yáo gǔn huì huò cān jiā bái rén zhì shàng zhù zhě de huó dòng de yīng guó huò měi guó shè tuán de nián qīng rén
    a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations.
  • yīng xióng jīng tuì dàn hái zài wéi zhēng internet shàng de quán 'ér zhàn dǒu
    The heroes have deserted and gone on to fight the battles over Internet supremacy.
  • zài lāi lǐng dǎo xià de yīng guó jūn duì zài siraj-ud-daula huò shèng zài yìn jiàn quán
    the victory in 1757 by the British under Clive over Siraj-ud-daula that establish British supremacy over India.
  • duì huá yīng liǎng zhǒng wén bèi jǐng de réndōu shú zhào de tuī biǎo zhè jiàn de rén gài shì shòu yīng wén jiào zhě duì huá yán wén huà duì běn guó jiào guò de shǐ zhǎn wén zhèng de gǎi biànliǎo jiě shēnyīn duì huá wén jīng yīng de gài niàn chǎn shēng jiě
    From my experience with people from different educational background, I can surmise that the writer is English-educated. She may not be too familiar with the Chinese language and culture, and probably has little understanding of the history of our education system and the changes in our language policies.
  • gēn duì huá yīng liǎng zhǒng wén bèi jǐng de jīng yànzhào de tuī biǎo zhè jiàn de rén gài shì shòu yīng wén jiào zhě duì huá yán wén huà duì běn guó jiào guò de shǐ zhǎn wén zhèng de gǎi biànliǎo jiě shēn
    From my experience with people from English and Chinese educational background, I can surmise that the writer is English-educated. She may not be too familiar with the Chinese language and culture, and probably has little understanding of the history of our education system and the changes in our language policies.
  • bèi : xìng yīn zhǔn zhī dào zhè yīng tài yáng héng héng tiān shàng de tài yáng yàng zhè yīn shítīng lái zǒng tǐng bié niǔ
    I can't pronounce his surname properly, but I know it's same as the English word, "sun" - the sun in the sky. It sounds funny when I try to say it.
  • yīng guó ruì xué de yán jiū rén yuán duì 40 míng xìng jìn xíng liǎo diào cháyán jiū liǎo men de yǐn shí duì qíng de yǐng xiǎngzhè xiē xìng fēi " fēi qíng huà yǐn shí zhě " shì " qíng huà yǐn shí zhě "。
    Researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK investigated the effects of eating on mood in 40 women who were either non-emotional or emotional eaters.
  • men zài yīng guó dào chù shòu dào zūn zhòng tóng qíng
    In England they were surrounded by esteem and sympathy.
  • zhǒng gōng gòng de cèliáng dān wèiwéi 36 píng fāng yīng
    A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles.
  • lìng cèliáng yòng cháng dān wèiděng 0。 01 liàn, 7。 92 yīng cùn huò yuē děng 20。 12
    A unit of length used in surveying, equal to0.01 chain,7.92 inches, or about20.12 centimeters.
  • zài yīng lán cóng xué yuàn huò zhě xué lín shí chú míng
    suspend temporarily from college or university, in England.
  • ān āi shēng 1909 yīng guó zuò jiā bāo kuò zhàn zhēng tōng dào( 1959 niánde xuán xiǎo shuō 'ér zhù chēng
    British writer noted for his suspense novels, including A Passage of Arms(1959).