  • 刺豚鼠原产于美洲热带地区的袋鼬属穴居啮齿类动物,通常有带灰色纹的棕色皮毛
    A burrowing rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, native to tropical America and usually having brown fur streaked with gray.
  • 腌猪肉(肉层肥瘦相间)
    Streaky bacon, ie with layers of fat and lean in it
  • 五朔节柱饰有飘带的柱子,五朔节时人们持飘带围此柱舞蹈
    A pole decorated with streamers that those celebrating May Day hold while dancing.
  • 如果我们搭上一辆有轨电车,往四周看看,我们只能看到五八门的广告招贴。
    If we look around when we get into a streetcar, we will see nothing but advertisements of all sorts and kinds.
  • 这个话,我们过去是不敢讲的,只是讲翻两番有可能实现,但是要很大的力气。
    We never dared be so positive before. We used to say only that with strenuous efforts we might be able to do it.
  • 如果你好好想一想,你便能悟出:坐在椅边竭力去猜测你面前的人(或电话线那端的人)将要说什么,你好噼里啪啦地回应一番话,要费你很大的精力,也是很令人紧张的事。
    It takes pressure from you.If you think about it,you'll notice that it takes an enormous amount of energy and is very stressful to be sitting at the edge of your seat trying to guess what the person in front of you (or on the telephone) is going to say so that you can fire back your response.
  • 村民把鲜撒在这座简朴的坟墓上。
    The villagers had strewn flowers on the simple grave.
  • 街道布满了朵以迎接王室成员莅临
    The street is strewn with flower for the royal visit
  • 街道布满了朵以迎接王室成员莅临。
    The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.
  • 简责备她的小妹妹,因为她打破了瓶。
    Jane stripped off her little sister for her breaking the vase.
  • 用木条或金属条做成的装饰性样。
    an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal.
  • 波兰果树花卉研究所
    Instytutu Sadownictwa i Kwiaciarstwa w Skierniewicach- Polska
  • 我们去了公园在那里度过了一个愉快的下午,而且还不一分钱。
    We went to the park and spent a happy afternoon strolling around, and it didn't cost a penny.
  • 她决定在花园散步。
    She decided to take a stroll in the garden.
  • 属于毒毛旋子属的灌木或小树,有螺纹的叶子和密集的多彩的和极少的伞状序丛;一些有毒种子。
    any of various shrubs or small trees of the genus Strophanthus having whorled leaves and showy flowers of various colors in dense and few-flowered corymbose clusters; some have poisonous seeds.
  • 我祖母不惜费地让她儿子念完了大学。
    My grandmother at all price strove to get her son through college.
  • 他在钮孔里插了一朵
    He stuck a flower in his buttonhole.
  • 这张床里塞满了棉,因此很柔软。
    The bed was stuffed with cotton so it was very soft.
  • 钱上音乐课而从不练习是很愚蠢的.
    It's stupid to go to the expense of taking music lessons if you never practise.
  • 我们有各种各样的
    We have vases in various styles.
  • 菊亚纲的一目;包含桔梗科;半边莲科;葫芦科;草海桐科;柱草科;卡利采拉科;菊科。
    an order or plants of the subclass Asteridae including: Campanulaceae; Lobeliaceae; Cucurbitaceae; Goodeniaceae; Stylidiaceae; Calyceraceae; Compositae.
  • 分类通常有细微特性区别的种属的再分,如色的再分
    A subdivision of a variety usually differing in one trivial characteristic, such as flower color.
  • 分枝某些其他植物部分,如根或簇的侧向分枝或次级细分
    A lateral division or subdivision of certain other plant parts, such as a root or flower cluster.
  • 一个美洲热带产的藤本植物的大属,伞形,艳丽,常具斑点。
    large genus of tropical American vines having showy often spotted umbellate flowers; sometimes placed in family Liliaceae especially subfamily Alstroemeriaceae.
  • 北美一年生,野生植物,其黄色的朵中央呈紫红色到褐色;有时将其划分为波斯菊亚属。
    North American annual widely cultivated for its yellow flowers with purple-red to brownish centers; in some classifications placed in a subgenus Calliopsis.
  • 假若你得学习三四门课,便不可能为每一门课的课前准备都上足够的时间。
    If you have three or four subjects to study for,you're not going to be able to devote enough time to each subject in order to be well prepared for each class.
  • 北美东部产的一种普通水生植物,飘浮叶长圆形至倒卵形,基部常具缺刻,白色,有黄斑点。
    common aquatic plant of eastern North America having floating and submerged leaves and white yellow-spotted flowers.
  • 生长在池塘或缓慢溪流中的植物,具有飘浮的叶子和白色的;生长于欧洲或北美。
    plant of ponds and slow streams having submerged and floating leaves and white flowers; Europe and North America.
  • 组建这个新的子公司了一些时间,但第一年的利润表明我们至少在取得进展。
    It has taken some time to organize the new subsidiary company but a first year profit shows that at lest we're making headway.
  • 工具可反复用来制作新的物品,直到用坏为止,有时用坏要很长时间,而用工具制作的物品则会继续存在,制作的物品只会因其自身的规律或其自身的事故而毁坏。
    they may be used repeatedly for fresh work, until the time, sometimes very distant, at which they are worn out, while the work already done by them may subsist unimpaired, and when it perishes, does so by its own laws, or by casualties of its own.(1*)
  • 她自称是记者, 这只是个看戏不买票的招而已.
    Her claim to be a journalist was simply a subterfuge to get into the theatre without paying.
  • 诡计;花招
    A trick; a subterfuge.