  • 我们不用肉眼看到细菌。
    We can not see bacillus with eyes.
  • 由于沾染结核病菌而引起,症状是身体各个部位的机障碍,特别是肺和骨。
    infection by the tubercle bacillus manifesting itself in lesions of various parts of the body (especially the lungs and bones).
  • 假如我们努力做的话,我们一定够提前完成任务。
    If we put our backs into the job we'll finish it ahead of time.
  • 在他需要帮助的时候,我们不不管。
    I can't turn my back on him when he needs help.
  • 假如你投得轻一些,球还有可掉到罚球区里,任何一个我方的球员都有机会扣进这个球,至少还可行分。
    It bounced off the backboard straightly into their possession. If you'd just put it up a little softer, it might have dropped into the key, so that one of our guys could have tipped it in, at least we would have scored.
  • 假如你投得轻一些,球还有可掉到罚球区里,任何一个我方的球员都有机会扣进这个球,至少还可得分。
    It bounced off the backboard straight, onto their possession. If you'd just put it up a little softer, it might have dropped into the key, so that one of our guys could have tipped it in. At least we would have scored.
  • 例如,对很多场合而言,atm(异步传输模式)可是优先的主干网选择。
    For example, ATM, for many, may be the preferred backbone choice.
  • 由于千兆位流量通过局域网主干网汇流在一起,运载着数据、图形、声音和视频交换的混合信息,主干网交换机必须承担高档功的外包装。
    With gigabit traffic streams funneling through the LAN backbone, carrying a mix of data, graphics, voice and video exchange, backbone switches have to assume the mantle of high-end functionality.
  • 仔细想想你的建议可招来的疑问和反对意见。
    These major points will form the backbone of your presentation.Do a negative objection analysis.
  • 通常,智在主干网上实现或分布在整个网络上。
    In general, intelligence can be implemented just in the backbone or distributed across the network.
  • 在另一方面,一个人如果和自然界伟大的东西发生联系,他的心会真正变得伟大起来。我们可以把一片风景看做一幅活动的图画,而对于不象活动的图画那么伟大的东西不感到满足;我们可以把地平线上的热带的云看做一个舞台的背景,而对于不象舞台的背景那么伟大的东西不感到满足;我们可以把山林看做私人花园,而对于不成为私人花园的东西不感到满足;我们可以把怒吼的波涛当做音乐会,而对于不成为音乐会的东西不感到满足;我们可以把山上的微风看做冷气设备,而对于不成为冷气设备的东西不感到满足。
    On the other hand, by association with nature's enormities, a man's heart may truly grow big also- There is a way of looking upon a landscape as a moving picture and being satisfied with nothing less big as a moving picture, a way of looking upon tropic clouds over the horizon as the backdrop of a stage and being satisfied with nothing less big as a backdrop, a way of looking upon the mountain forests as a private garden and being satisfied with nothing less as a private garden, a way of listening to the roaring waves as a concert and being satisfied with nothing less as a concert, and a way of looking upon the mountain breeze as an air-cooling system and being satisfied with nothing less as an air-cooling system.
  • 由於炸弹过早爆炸, (恐怖分子的)阴谋未得逞.
    The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.
  • 你的评论可产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。
    Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble.
  • 我来自一个用华语沟通的家庭,在这个以英文为主的社会里,我很庆幸自己还应付自如。
    I come from a Chinese-speaking background.
  • 这后面可隐藏着其它动机。
    Other motives may have lurked in the background.
  • 否请您简短地谈一下贵公司的背景?
    Could you tell me a little about your background?
  • 我总认出她向左倾斜的书法。
    I can always recognize her backhand.
  • 这是一种不忍受的有害反应。
    there was a backlash of intolerance.
  • 赵:是的,田中先生,记得去年您提出要从我国进口价值六千万日元的丝绸,可实际上,由于我方当时手头已有很多积压订单,结果不完全满足贵方的订货,只装运了价值三千二百万日元的丝绸。
    Right. Mr. Tanaka, as I remember, you placed an order of 60 million Japanese Yen worth of silk goods last year, but in fact only 30 million Japanese Yen worth of silk goods were shipped owing to our heavy backlog of orders on hand, and as a result, we would not fulfill your order completely.
  • 够装在一个小背包里被携带的帐篷。
    a tent that can be carried in a backpack.
  • 他背囊中的"蚂蚁"由新式微型芯片提供动力,根据命令,它看、嗅、听,甚至引爆。
    He will have in his backpack"ants" powered by new microchips that will be able to see,smell and hear or even explode on command.
  • 侧面包厢戏院中舞台两侧的不被观众看到的后台
    The unseen backstage area on either side of the stage of a proscenium theater.
  • 但是,已经从各方面证明行之有效的改革措施要继续实行,不走回头路。
    But we should continue to enforce those reform measures that have proved effective and should not backtrack.
  • 数据备份、用户培训和性问题都必须在考虑之列。
    Data backup, user training, and performance issues must also be considered.
  • 此外,师生都要有娴熟的电脑操作技。教室里要有足够的设备和相应的技术措施,以便解决可出现的问题。
    It is also important that both staff and pupils have adequate skills, and that there is enough equipment and corresponding technical backup to overcome any difficulties.
  • 在这样的前提下,我们还有背靠祖国的巨大优势,有国家经济强势发展的支持,香港是一定够尽快完成经济调整,走出困境。
    Given this, and coupled with our advantages of the strong economic development in the Mainland as backup, Hong Kong will complete our economic adjustments very soon and emerge from this difficult situation.
  • 保证系统不致产生损毁或危险状态的一种安全措施。采用失效保护的系统,当系统的某些主要部分出现故障时,使后备功立即投入使用,承担起这些主要部分的全部作用。
    To fail in such a way that no loss or dangerous condition results. When the term is applied to a system, it implies the existence of backup facilities that can assume the full functions of certain primary facilities in event of their failure.
  • 香港之所以够在亚洲金融风暴的袭击下,度过一个又一个激流险滩,除了本身具有庞大的财政储备、健全的金融体系和审慎的理财政策之外,还有一个非常重要的原因,就是我们有国家作为后盾,有国家强而有力的支持,使我们倍感回到祖国大家庭的亲切和温暖。
    Hong Kong is able to ride one storm after the other in the turmoil because we have huge fiscal reserves, robust monetary system, prudent financial management and most important of all, the backup of our motherland. The strong support we have from our country makes us feel more strongly the care and warmth of the big family of our motherland.
  • 承认落后才克服落后。
    Only by admitting our backwardness can we overcome it.
  • 认识落后,才去改变落后。
    Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed.
  • 回到落后、贫困的状态。
    We would only be returning to backwardness and poverty.
  • 墨守成规的观点只导致落后,甚至失败。
    Sticking to conventions can only lead to backwardness or even failure.